Hey! Rick van Opbergen
First thing yuh gotta do is decide where your gonna eat after you smoke the dube.
If you wait til after you smoke it, you'll be starving but too paranoid to go out and eat.
Maybe easier if yuh just packed a pot-lunch!
Those licorice candy, the ones with the different coloured layers taste pretty good in a pinch.
If yuh buy potato chips, yuh better buy lots of juice to drink.
Don't listen to music when you smoke the joint, or you'll never enjoy music again unless your high.
Coke and Heroin addicts have the same problem when it comes to sex. Once they've had sex while high on drugs, ..... well yuh got my drift!
Hey! Rick van Opbergen
First thing yuh gotta do is decide where your gonna eat after you smoke the dube.
If you wait til after you smoke it, you'll be starving but too paranoid to go out and eat.
Maybe easier if yuh just packed a pot-lunch!
Those licorice candy, the ones with the different coloured layers taste pretty good in a pinch.
If yuh buy potato chips, yuh better buy lots of juice to drink.
Don't listen to music when you smoke the joint, or you'll never enjoy music again unless your high.
Coke and Heroin addicts have the same problem when it comes to sex. Once they've had sex while high on drugs, ..... well yuh got my drift!