I think that Canada may be a little too "Multicultural"

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
In Vancouver you can drive for blocks and not see any Xmas decorations, I once sat upstairs in a local restaurant and counted businesses on one of the major shopping area in the city four (4) had decorations and that included a street level dentist office.

It all started long ago though-in the mid 80's I played Santa Claus three years running @ a local daycare-one attached to an Anglican Church in Burnaby.

The women running the place totally stripped anything to do with religion/the birth of Christ out of all the Xmas carols-I finally gave up-the kids were fun but the people running the show were creeps.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Xmas is one emple of the athiests complaining enough to have it changed from Christmas to Xmas. The same would hold true for the dropping of the Lords prayer from the public school system and the whining about any mention of God in government.

As well they shouldn't...... I don't want my kid going to a school where they force them to pray to a God they may or may not believe in, and then either be sent to the principals office for not conforming, or get singled out or guilt tripped by the teacher or other students for not believing in their God.

I went through that crap growing up..... none of that religious crap in School served any purpose...... Church and State are supposed to be separate and if nobody here wants Jewish or Muslim religious dogma being introduced into our schools and our government, then leave Christianity out of it as well, because otherwise, you just leave the doors open.

It's either everything or nothing.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
In Vancouver you can drive for blocks and not see any Xmas decorations, I once sat upstairs in a local restaurant and counted businesses on one of the major shopping area in the city four (4) had decorations and that included a street level dentist office.

It all started long ago though-in the mid 80's I played Santa Claus three years running @ a local daycare-one attached to an Anglican Church in Burnaby.

The women running the place totally stripped anything to do with religion/the birth of Christ out of all the Xmas carols-I finally gave up-the kids were fun but the people running the show were creeps.

Only 5% of people in Britain and Germany (references on request) attend synagogue, temple, or church! Pray for them!


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
What do you want.... all immigrants to believe and accept Christmas? That's a Christian thing and while I grew up with it all over the damn place, I don't believe it's a part of this country's Identity.

Speaking as a "Naturalized" Canadian.... I'm not.

Besides, when did Annoyance equal needing change?

So? Are you suggesting everybody Must say Merry Christmas?

When I was growing up in the 80's and 90's, while more people said "Merry Christmas"..... plenty still said Happy Holidays, because it basically means the exact same thing.... the only difference is that it includes any other faiths celebrating something around the same time like the Jewish...... sure more people these days are favoring the Happy Holidays wording, but so what?

Big whoop..... what do you want? Everybody being forced to say Merry Christmas?

Guess what? Not as many people are Christians anymore, many people who were Christians, such as myself, are no longer..... and in my opinion, I..... as a "Naturalized" Canadian should have every damn right to say or do whatever I damn well please when it comes to the Holidays..... which means I can say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Go F*ck Yourself if I so desire.

Once again, so what?

Would you like everybody to be forced to believe in Jesus, follow Christianity and celebrate Christmas as you dictate?? Should all immigrants be forced to believe what you believe, as a Naturalized Canadian?

If so, then why would you have more of a say then myself, who also is a Naturalized Canadian? I feel Naturalized citizens and immigrants should be able to freely believe whatever they want, celebrate whatever they want and if they don't wish to celebrate Christmas.... that's their prerogative, not mine.... Not yours.

This isn't an Islamic State, or a Jewish State.... it's not even a Christian State...... if you want all the hoopla that comes with Christmas and want to force people into believing in the holiday and celebrating it as you'd like..... the US isn't too far away.

That's the price you pay for living in a country that accepts different cultures and supports the freedom to practice those cultures, so long as they do not infringe on other people's freedoms and rights or break our laws....... in recent years, the main reason why Christmas got flack for certain things and the reason why so many of different cultures have issues with certain things, is because for far too long, the Christian religion got a free pass to do whatever they wanted and implement their ways into our lives, regardless of what we believed in...... and some of those things have been challenged in courts as infringing on their rights and freedoms.....

..... if they're not allowed to impose their beliefs and way of life on all of us based on their religion, why should Christians?

I do, and you don't speak for me.

There's the door....

In other words, most of them adopted Christianity and their ways or ended up with burning crosses on their front lawns or swastikas spray painted on their cars...... oh wait, that happens here too.

It's a tit for tat situation..... They're not holding parades down the street or decorating their homes to shove their traditions all in our faces in the name of their religion..... so why should Christians?

Bottom line is that all I see in your arguments towards immigrants revolves around Christmas and not accepting Christian traditions..... which has nothing to do with Canadian Culture, Rights, Laws or Traditions.

So long as Immigrants abide by our laws, accept our languages and are productive to our society, they can believe or do whatever they damn well please..... and if that means fewer homes wasting energy in colored light bulbs strung all over the place or not saying Merry Christmas when they walk by........ oh well.

I have more important things to worry about in my life besides forcing immigrants to fuel my childhood nostalgia.

If they're a full fledged Citizen of this nation, they have every damn right to complain about anything under the sun, just like you're doing right now, just like we all do.

That depends on the nation you're talking about....... if you're talking about Iran, you might be right.... but considering they're an Islamic State and ours isn't a State based on a Religion, it's irrelevant.

Once again, if they're full fledged Citizens, they have every right to bitch and moan...... they also have every right to challenge what they find offensive in our courts...... chances are they'll be shot down, but it's still their right to try and their right to fail.

Who's telling you specifically you can't say Merry Christmas or you can't put up trees or celebrate Christmas?


The only places that have any restrictions are Malls, Stores and Companies/Businesses that serve everybody regardless of their beliefs or practices..... you can run down the street shouting Merry Christmas until you poop yourself, you can decorate your house as much as you please....... but others are perfectly free to not do any of that.

I just want immigrants that are coming to this country to stop trying to change our own culture because it doesn't suit their culture where they originated.

if you come to this country to live here and earn a living here, then you have to learn to put up with what you see here.

it would be like me walking into your family home and going "oh I don't like that, needs to go.. I don't like this, gotta get rid of it, etc etc"

you'd likely tell me to get the F out and grab me by the collar and toss me out!

I'm a guest in your home, I have no right to criticize and tell you what should and should NOT be here in YOUR home.

that's what I feel that they are doing. come into OUR country and then telling us "oh you can't have that anymore, you can't do this anymore"


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Chili, dude, most of this political correctness is generated from within "naturalized" Canadians. PC Canadians are always afraid that someone will be offended, when in fact it is the rest of us that offended by their political correctness. I don't think you will find much of it coming from immigrants.

Chiliagon, no one says that! That's paranoiac xenophobia!
Oh Spade. He is but putting it out there in public will just make him more neurotic.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I just want immigrants that are coming to this country to stop trying to change our own culture because it doesn't suit their culture where they originated.

if you come to this country to live here and earn a living here, then you have to learn to put up with what you see here.

it would be like me walking into your family home and going "oh I don't like that, needs to go.. I don't like this, gotta get rid of it, etc etc"

you'd likely tell me to get the F out and grab me by the collar and toss me out!

I'm a guest in your home, I have no right to criticize and tell you what should and should NOT be here in YOUR home.

that's what I feel that they are doing. come into OUR country and then telling us "oh you can't have that anymore, you can't do this anymore"

Are you for real?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I just want immigrants that are coming to this country to stop trying to change our own culture because it doesn't suit their culture where they originated.

Things change over time, nothing lasts forever..... otherwise black people would still be slaves and women would only be able to pop out babies and clean the house.

I seriously don't get where you're coming from when it comes to immigrants trying to change our way of life or trying to force Christmas to go the way of the dodo.

And forcing shop owners and retailers to say "Happy Holidays" rather then "Merry Christmas" makes sense to me.

Let's say you didn't believe in Christmas and never followed Christianity....... and everybody around you constantly told you Merry Christmas.....Merry Christmas.....Merry Christmas.....Merry Christmas.....Merry Christmas.....

I'd probably get pretty annoyed and pissed off as well.

Sure I know they mean well, but it's implying that you celebrate and/or practice Christianity and you don't.

What if everybody you crossed said something to you that implied you were Gay?

if you come to this country to live here and earn a living here, then you have to learn to put up with what you see here.

Do you put up with everything you see here?

I know I don't...... and people in this country are always challenging and fighting things in order to change them..... be that immigrants or born Canadians...... that's our right and our freedom to challenge and question the things around us.

Just because someone is possibly challenging or wanting to change something you like, doesn't give you a green light to demand they all leave.

You complain that they should all put up with what they see here....... well why don't you practice what you preach?

That's right..... you complaining and arguing about how this country is a Multicultural nation and demanding that it should change is exactly the attitude you're complaining about..... the only difference is that because you were born here, you think you have more right to dictate what changes and what doesn't.

Sorry, but a Canadian Citizen is a Canadian Citizen and we all have an equal say.

it would be like me walking into your family home and going "oh I don't like that, needs to go.. I don't like this, gotta get rid of it, etc etc"

No it's not the same, because my home is not your home and I didn't add you to my family.

If you're complaining about people who come here for a couple of days to visit and bicker about how things are..... sure, I'd agree with you that they should STFU and get out if they don't like it (which your above example would relate to)...... but if they're a Citizen of this nation and they call this country home..... they're a part of "Our Family" and thus, they have every right to go around saying "oh I don't like that, needs to go.. I don't like this, gotta get rid of it, etc etc"

you'd likely tell me to get the F out and grab me by the collar and toss me out!

Yup, I sure would, because you just walked into a property that isn't yours..... but hypothetically, if you married my daughter and you both lived with me..... you would have a say in what happens...... just as an immigrant citizen has a say in what happens in this country.

I'm a guest in your home, I have no right to criticize and tell you what should and should NOT be here in YOUR home.

Agreed..... someone who comes here on a Temp Visa to work, or just visiting has no right to dictate how things should be here...... BUT an immigrant who applies and successfully obtains Canadian Citizenship has every right to complain or try and change things in this country, because it is now their country, just as much as it's your country and my country.

That's the difference.

that's what I feel that they are doing. come into OUR country and then telling us "oh you can't have that anymore, you can't do this anymore"

If they're Citizens of this Nation...... they have every right to get involved and challenge laws, rights, our way of life, just as any of us are allowed to do. They met the qualifications of becoming a Canadian Citizen and if you don't like that...... fight to change how this country issues out Citizenship.

^ But if you did that, you wouldn't be any better then those you're complaining about because then you'd be trying to change how things are done here.

Interesting little paradox isn't it?


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta

I just wish people would mind their own business .. I do know that some stores these days have said that they're going to forgo the whole PC christmas routine and are saying Merry Christmas .

I guess I hate to see traditions go down the tubes.

I am big on tradition and when groups of people bitch about something that they have no part of, it annoys the hell out of me.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I am big on tradition and when groups of people bitch about something that they have no part of, it annoys the hell out of me.

Ahhh, those unbelieving Germans and British! Whodathunit?!
Memo to self.
Must write PM about tightening immigration standards. Christmas questions should be part of the citizenship test! After all, is not HOH OHO a Canadian postal code?!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
These guys didn't appreciate multiculturalism as well. Aren't you glad they didn't get their way?



Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
As well they shouldn't...... I don't want my kid going to a school where they force them to pray to a God they may or may not believe in, and then either be sent to the principals office for not conforming, or get singled out or guilt tripped by the teacher or other students for not believing in their God.

I went through that crap growing up..... none of that religious crap in School served any purpose...... Church and State are supposed to be separate and if nobody here wants Jewish or Muslim religious dogma being introduced into our schools and our government, then leave Christianity out of it as well, because otherwise, you just leave the doors open.

It's either everything or nothing.

then don't send your kids to a Separate school.. send them to a Public school.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007

I just wish people would mind their own business .. I do know that some stores these days have said that they're going to forgo the whole PC christmas routine and are saying Merry Christmas .

I guess I hate to see traditions go down the tubes.

I am big on tradition and when groups of people bitch about something that they have no part of, it annoys the hell out of me.

Now now settle down little ones and I will explain how this **** is done Canadian style.

Oh we let all cultures come along and don mostly as they please. It's not easy after all fitting into a strange land with strange customs. So it is that we use a subtle method of conversion to the one true religion. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Ok? Got that? But you can make it mandatory that their children attend school. Now they can pay for private school or, and since they have no money or they would have been able to afford America, they will send their kids to public school.

This is where the culture exchange begins. First we bombard the sons of bitches with ads for every damn thing you can sell. Even ads have a boxing day sale so that advertisers buy more advertisements it's just that entrenched.
So the brats see all the cool crap their friends get for Christmas and wonder where they hell they went wrong. Even the Jews are dressing up a humdrum old observance to be inline with Christmas and buy all kinds of crap for their brats.

Now these Islamo dinks will rant and rave but the kids will work their Christmas magic and after a few short years, even those knobs will be buying crap for their kids if for nothing else, so that they don't get teased and bullied at school. Not to mention how good it makes them look around the Mosque when the little buggers are attending prayers all the time in order to secure a favourable standing with Santa who will soon become some sort of Muslim Immam that helps the little children become holy or some ****.

They all come to Canada with their ideas but in the end, like the Chir$tians they too will bow down to the holy Profit of Cash and consume themselves into undder bliss like the rest of us sheep.

So rest your weary thoughts and fear not little culture clots, for the magic of the holidays is soon upon us all.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
These guys didn't appreciate multiculturalism as well. Aren't you glad they didn't get their way?

Ever think about Christopher Columbus's first name. Divine intervention?

Memo to self.
Must write PM and enquire why Canada is the only nation in the Americas that does not celebrate a Columbus Day holiday.


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Now now settle down little ones and I will explain how this **** is done Canadian style.

Oh we let all cultures come along and don mostly as they please. It's not easy after all fitting into a strange land with strange customs. So it is that we use a subtle method of conversion to the one true religion. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Ok? Got that? But you can make it mandatory that their children attend school. Now they can pay for private school or, and since they have no money or they would have been able to afford America, they will send their kids to public school.

This is where the culture exchange begins. First we bombard the sons of bitches with ads for every damn thing you can sell. Even ads have a boxing day sale so that advertisers buy more advertisements it's just that entrenched.
So the brats see all the cool crap their friends get for Christmas and wonder where they hell they went wrong. Even the Jews are dressing up a humdrum old observance to be inline with Christmas and buy all kinds of crap for their brats.

Now these Islamo dinks will rant and rave but the kids will work their Christmas magic and after a few short years, even those knobs will be buying crap for their kids if for nothing else, so that they don't get teased and bullied at school. Not to mention how good it makes them look around the Mosque when the little buggers are attending prayers all the time in order to secure a favourable standing with Santa who will soon become some sort of Muslim Immam that helps the little children become holy or some ****.

They all come to Canada with their ideas but in the end, like the Chir$tians they too will bow down to the holy Profit of Cash and consume themselves into undder bliss like the rest of us sheep.

So rest your weary thoughts and fear not little culture clots, for the magic of the holidays is soon upon us all.

not everyone thinks like that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I am beginning to believe that people who are coming to this country and wanting to have our freedoms and live our world as we know it then turn around and want to change everything to be more like their own Homeland.

I don't think that's right. Which country celebrates Holiday? The changes are away from specific mentions, not towards specific mentions from other cultures.

I almost wish that our country was like the USA.

They face the exact same thing we do, and with a melting pot rather than state endorsed multiculturalism.


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
ya but with a Melting pot, you come to our country, you should try to adapt to our way of living. in order to be able to thrive you have to learn to adapt to our way of living.