Well, I've already given the definition of CRT, so I'll just give you the link.
Here's what you need to understand about the academic concept—and how it's portrayed in political circles.
As for the 'disparaging things about someone', if you actually showed a bit of honesty and common sense, if you actually didn't so blatantly fall lock step into the right wing panic belief of CRT, and if you actually had a honest bone in your body, I might not be as 'disparaging' towards you.
I mean, I disagree with Ron and TB on a few things, but actually respect THEM enough to not throw out 'disparaging remarks' because with them at least it's an honest exchange of differences of opinion and not this bullshit of someone gargling the Right Wing Cum-To-Me Jizz.
Your "thought" about the definition of CRT IS wrong, but you won't ever admit it. You'll excuse it, you'll fight it, but won't admit that oh shit, it's actually WRONG.
At least be honest - you DON'T want history taught at all to kids of ANY age, regardless of how horrible it is. The history you learned as a kid was so goddamn hard for you to take that you don't think anyone else should learn it, or something... otherwise there IS no excuse for why actual history should not be taught.
Yet that is exactly what YOU are advocating for.