Hate Crimes up a Whopping 80% in Canada

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Don't pay attention much, do you?

I'll give you poor education systems, but the reason why people 'hate' isn't because of them. That kind'a shit starts at home.

Oh I don't know, some racists are mannerly people, so long as you're the 'right' kind of person.

Aannndddd... congrats for giving the first "false flag" drink of the day! CRT isn't a 'thing' like you weirdo's think it is.

Proving you don't know what CRT is about; what word you're looking for, dear, is HISTORY and history is fucking horrible, but it's history and we're doomed to repeat it, obviously.

Yes! Let's get back to when men were men and had dicks and women STFU and stayed preggers at home with the kids and how DARE she or the kids speak when not spoken to, GET THE WHIP!

Good, the "Convoy" was a CON and you bought into it, lock, stock and drool cup.

I think you need to go back to school and educate yourself on what a dictator is. Trudeau is a lot of things, INCLUDING a Dick, but he's not a dicTATOR.

As for 'evil'; good of you to throw the word around... pity what you think is 'evil' isn't necessarily so which is why it shouldn't be used to designate situations unless they truly are such things as 'evil' (like war and murder, rape and genocide)
Thank you for the education! Apparently, you know everything and never hesitate to make sure everyone else knows you do. My comments were quite bland but you're making them out to be more than they are. I believe that's called intolerant to others' views.

As for CRT I'm quite aware of what it' all about. Unfortunately, it seems you have an alternate opinion as to what it is. I believe I posted something regarding CRT which has information as to what it's history is (Marxist) and how it's being implemented and how bad it is for everyone, especially our kids! But, each to his own. Burying head in sand will not accomplish much.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Thank you for the education! Apparently, you know everything


My opinions/comments are no more 'know everything' than yours.

and never hesitate to make sure everyone else knows you do.


My comments were quite bland

And yet... ignorant which means dangerous.
but you're making them out to be more than they are.

Hey, I try to call out hateful shit that can lead to problems when I see it. I don't expect you to really think about the issue much though beyond what you originally state.

I believe that's called intolerant to others' views.

Actually yeah; being intolerant of hate and ignorance is a good thing though.

But you provide a view that I agree with or agree it's legit, I will gladly state so. Done so with others; done so with *you*, so can't be too intolerant. I also admit when I'm wrong or proven wrong.

On the other hand I've yet to see you actually admit one of your 'opinions' might be actually, you know, wrong.

As for CRT I'm quite aware of what it' all about.


Unfortunately, it seems you have an alternate opinion as to what it is.

Ah, you mean the actual reality of what it is vs. your bruised ego of what you think it is.

I believe I posted something regarding CRT which has information as to what it's history is (Marxist)

LOLOL - Marxist...

and how it's being implemented and how bad it is for everyone, especially our kids!

Thank you for proving you do not know SFA about CRT; please play again.

But, each to his own. Burying head in sand will not accomplish much.

Then why do you do it SO often??


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Thank you for the education! Apparently, you know everything and never hesitate to make sure everyone else knows you do. My comments were quite bland but you're making them out to be more than they are. I believe that's called intolerant to others' views.

As for CRT I'm quite aware of what it' all about. Unfortunately, it seems you have an alternate opinion as to what it is. I believe I posted something regarding CRT which has information as to what it's history is (Marxist) and how it's being implemented and how bad it is for everyone, especially our kids! But, each to his own. Burying head in sand will not accomplish much.
So. . . in your own words, what's wrong with CRT?

Not what its history is, not how it's being implemented, not your fantasies about its effect on people. CRT.

Do you understand what logical argumentation is? The theory is right or wrong. Whether or not it's used for this or that, or where it comes from, is irrelevant to the question of whether it's right or wrong.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So. . . in your own words, what's wrong with CRT?

Not what its history is, not how it's being implemented, not your fantasies about its effect on people. CRT.

Do you understand what logical argumentation is? The theory is right or wrong. Whether or not it's used for this or that, or where it comes from, is irrelevant to the question of whether it's right or wrong.
OK, apparently people on this site are not familiar with CRT. Let me educate you.

This is only one of many video's that are available on-line. Seems that people think that CRT is "teaching" history - it's not. It's revising history. History is currently being taught in schools and always has been - the good, the bad and the ugly. But, it seems that all of a sudden, no history is being taught at all so that's where CRT comes in. CRT in and of itself is racist and no child should be indoctrinated accordingly. History needs to be honest and fair - CRT is neither!

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So. . . in your own words, what's wrong with CRT?

Not what its history is, not how it's being implemented, not your fantasies about its effect on people. CRT.

Do you understand what logical argumentation is? The theory is right or wrong. Whether or not it's used for this or that, or where it comes from, is irrelevant to the question of whether it's right or wrong.
CRT emphasizes differences rather than commonality. We all have choices that we make, not by threat or collusion (as under CRT) but by free will.

CRT is the antithesis - it insists that all minorities are oppressed thus are entitled to be given "stuff" (usually money) so that they will support a certain ideology. White's are the "oppressors" therefore are not entitled to anything. Segregated classes are starting to become the "norm" which is why I've always said that now-a-days, progressivism can now be defined as actually a "regressive" mind set. Dividing people is the goal so that government can better "step in" to control those who do not comply.

According to CRT history is not being taught in schools or, if it is, it's not teaching it "correctly". I don't know about anyone else, but I was taught history in school - the good, bad and ugly! We were definitely not perfect - in fact we were down right cruel in a lot of cases but that was what, 100 years ago? 50 years ago? Can we compare what we have today to then? Of course not but CRT says that we are still a society that is racist and we continue to abuse minorities to this day. This is totally false.

Are there racists? Yes and there are laws currently on the books to deal with that. But, are we ALL racist? - absolutely not!

So why is CRT so hell-bent on teaching our kids how horrible they are if they're white and how hard done by if they're a minority. How does that make children feel? It's unconscionable that this crap is being taught and now they're not using CRT anymore, they're calling it "being inclusive" . No it's not being inclusive - it's divisive and has no business being taught whatsoever. School choice would likely be a better option for most parents. Unfortunately, those who support CRT are against the very thing that would help those minorities get a better chance at improving their lives because the education system would be more responsive to their needs.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Minorities in the United States have been oppressed. In a legal, formal, and mandatory fashion.

That you seem unaware of this is the starting point. Add to that the ignorance of who is saying what (other than the dreaded "them") and all you have is a rant about how your feelings are hurt.

Well, to quote the Trumpers. . .

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