Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You mean it's intended to keep track of where good and honest people's guns are. The guns of the criminal element still escape that scrutiny. And this is why the registry is a joke. It is useless for what Rock et al said it was for.
The only value I have noticed in it, is that cops can more easily find out if a homeowner has guns in their home. And that's a pretty meager value. For one thing, people have registered everything from real guns that shoot real bullets, to guns that shoot water, hair dryers that shoot air, guns that use hot air to strip paint, etc. ad nauseum. For another thing, for all they know, some gunless homebody may be renting out his basement sweet to someone he thought was a good person, and turns out to be some dingbat who mugs people at gunpoint for a living.
I definitely agree there's a big diff between gun control and gun registry, but they're both a joke.[/QUOTE]

Yep, the Liberals shot themselves in the foot with that assinine legislation! :smile:


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Survival of the fittest only works if there are others around to be fitter than.

LOL Damn hard to outrun a bullet though isn't it?

I'm in a bit of a quandary about Bluebyrd"35". Is that her age, I.Q., year of birth or hat size?

Yup, my IQ is high, and unlike some, I don't wear hats that cut off circulation to the brain. so I guess that leaves only sexism, age-ism or aspersions re intelligence.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, they maybe didn't start the wars, but I seem to remember that Hitler did seem to have quite a number of willing female participants, and quite a strong NAZI youth group. Oh, right, weve gotten civilized since then.

Yeah, he used quite a number of women as human baby machines for his new race as well, how many were given impossible choices, I wouldn't know. ISomehow don't think the ladies his researchers used as lab animals were volunteers either.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
LOL Damn hard to outrun a bullet though isn't it?

Yup, my IQ is high, and unlike some, I don't wear hats that cut off circulation to the brain. so I guess that leaves only sexism, age-ism or aspersions re intelligence.

Yeah, he used quite a number of women as human baby machines for his new race as well, how many were given impossible choices, I wouldn't know. ISomehow don't think the ladies his researchers used as lab animals were volunteers either.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

By that logic, a car registry is part of making cars illegal.
No, a gun registry, with its intended purpose, is intended to keep track of where the guns are.
Arguably, if you commit a crime or make a threat to kill your wife, then there may be an element of gun control.
Similarly, if you get caught drunk driving, they may take your car away.
Car registries are for taxing and recovering stolen property.

The intention of my post was not to make an argument for gun control, but rather to dismiss Colpy's particularly flawed data analysis from which he somehow concluded that all gun control was useless, based on a few cherry-picked statistics.
Colpy never said gun control is useless, just the registry and the flawed laws on gun control.

Really? Perhaps you can explain to me why I have to wear a seatbelt when I get into a car, or why it is illegal to smoke marijuana, or why I can't give my 14 year old a glass of wine with dinner?
Actually you can give your 14 year old a glass of wine, just you can't give one to your neighbour's kid.

But again, you seem to be extrapolating the gun registry with gun control. These are not the same thing, and you have failed to establish that basis, therefore making the proceeding arguments irrelevant.
When the Liberal government made automatic rifles become registered and then decided to confiscate them without compensation after knowing where the majority of legal one were it became gun control.

Colpy never said gun control is useless, just the registry and the flawed laws on gun control.

Actually you can give your 14 year old a glass of wine, just you can't give one to your neighbour's kid.

When the Liberal government made automatic rifles become registered and then decided to confiscate them without compensation after knowing where the majority of legal one were it became gun control.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
An Oppressor?? Bad people?? Oh for Gawd's sake, I suppose gun makers are good people??

Of course they are. They provide good jobs and pay taxes. People had figured out ways to kill each other long before guns were invented.
So far I haven't seen any gun owners demanding that you go out and buy a gun but you are demanding that we loose ours.

No, I do not demand you lose your precious guns. I demand you PAY for the privilege of having them; and make it possible to know when they have been stolen. Gun owner wannabes should also have to prove they are decently proficient in the handling of their weapons. While I am not comfortable with guns, my mother, sister & father all were. I also knew the woman, who was champion sharp shooter for several years. I have not qualms about target shooting. For years we had neighbours on both sides that shot at anything that moved, including one who shot at my young children & our dog on our own farm.

It is not wrong to give those paid to protect and serve, some chance to protect themselves in cases of domestic disputes or when a sniper sets up shop. I suspect the government learned it's lesson setting up the present program. The idea of knowing where weapons are is not a bad idea, unless one is paranoid about one's government. The recent events in eastern nations, proves it is possible to overthrow governments without being armed to the teeth.

This business of a police state being formed, without citizenery have all kinds of guns doesn't stand up. Simply making the majority of a population too poor to afford a reasonable life style, as well as muzzling all information outlets, and lowering educational standards is more efficient. You know the dumbing down effect which is becoming quite prevalent in some western countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, I do not demand you lose your precious guns. I demand you PAY for the privilege of having them; and make it possible to know when they have been stolen. .

WHOA, hold on. Is owning a gun anymore of a privilege than owning a can opener? Who do you suggest should be paid because I own a gun? How is paying going to make me more aware when it's stolen. Let's talk some common sense here?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
WHOA, hold on. Is owning a gun anymore of a privilege than owning a can opener? Who do you suggest should be paid because I own a gun? How is paying going to make me more aware when it's stolen. Let's talk some common sense here?

Of course it is........try equating it with the privilege of owning a car. Get some perspective here. Talk about a nonsensical reply!!

Whiskey has a serial number too. Imagine if there was a booze registry?

Think about that statement for just a minute...........Those serial numbers indicate it is registered with the government and that the taxes have been paid up. You bet there is a booze registry and if you had worked in a distillery as I have, you know the government makes regular raids to make sure no bottles leave the plant without those serial numbers. Or they attempt to make sure.

Quite an impressive amount of broken glass appears on the washroom floors before and during those raids I assure you!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Of course it is........try equating it with the privilege of owning a car. Get some perspective here. Talk about a nonsensical reply!!

IN your opinion but you never answer any questions which makes your blatherings rather moot!

Think about that statement for just a minute...........Those serial numbers indicate it is registered with the government and that the taxes have been paid up. You bet there is a booze registry and if you had worked in a distillery as I have, you know the government makes regular raids to make sure no bottles leave the plant without those serial numbers. Or they attempt to make sure.

Quite an impressive amount of broken glass appears on the washroom floors before and during those raids I assure you!!

Don't you just love the bureaucracy?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
AND the blatherer is:----

"WHOA, hold on. Is owning a gun anymore of a privilege than owning a can opener? Who do you suggest should be paid because I own a gun? How is paying going to make me more aware when it's stolen. Let's talk some common sense here?" QUOTE

Is not one of your main objections to the gun registry the cost?? So instead of the cost being spread over all taxpayers, then, you the gun owners should be paying. If car registrations and licenses are expected for the privilege of owning one, why should gun owners be exempted from the same costs. Why should those who don't own guns have to pay for those that do??

Is that enough of an answer for you!!

If you meant the RCMP raids, actually they did afford some protection from the bottlers who drank directly from the spigots. Made for interesting breaks & lunch times. The raids cut down on the vicious brawls over which table was who's for awhile. The lunch room was shared by office and plant workers. It was quite scarey the first few times, encountering brawlers rolling around on the floor. Ate a lot of lunches at my desk in the beginning.

A reminder...

Not about to happen anytime soon though.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
No, I do not demand you lose your precious guns. I demand you PAY for the privilege of having them; and make it possible to know when they have been stolen. Gun owner wannabes should also have to prove they are decently proficient in the handling of their weapons. While I am not comfortable with guns, my mother, sister & father all were. I also knew the woman, who was champion sharp shooter for several years. I have not qualms about target shooting. For years we had neighbours on both sides that shot at anything that moved, including one who shot at my young children & our dog on our own farm.

It is not wrong to give those paid to protect and serve, some chance to protect themselves in cases of domestic disputes or when a sniper sets up shop. I suspect the government learned it's lesson setting up the present program. The idea of knowing where weapons are is not a bad idea, unless one is paranoid about one's government. The recent events in eastern nations, proves it is possible to overthrow governments without being armed to the teeth.

This business of a police state being formed, without citizenery have all kinds of guns doesn't stand up. Simply making the majority of a population too poor to afford a reasonable life style, as well as muzzling all information outlets, and lowering educational standards is more efficient. You know the dumbing down effect which is becoming quite prevalent in some western countries.

Once again, you prove you don't know what the hell you're talking about....
First of all before you can buy a rifle, you have to pass a course, whether it gets registered or not...which cost money then there is a required test to get a POL(possession only licence)if you are ever out of your residence with a firearm....which cost money.
Then to purchase one you have to show a PAL (possession and acquisition licence) both the course and the test to get the license cost money.

Then to buy a restricted firearm....more money for another course and another licence plus you have to be a member of a club more money and someone that can vouch for you (usually the range-master of the club, plus an interview with a police officer.
So quit blowing smoke out your south end....
When the cat is away the mice are sure running around....If Colpy was on, he would have torn the above post to shreds......I won't bother because none of that post makes sense...I just touched on the obvious...It reminded me of a post by Abfet:p


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County

By that logic, a car registry is part of making cars illegal.
No, a gun registry, with its intended purpose, is intended to keep track of where the guns are.
Arguably, if you commit a crime or make a threat to kill your wife, then there may be an element of gun control.
Similarly, if you get caught drunk driving, they may take your car away.

The intention of my post was not to make an argument for gun control, but rather to dismiss Colpy's particularly flawed data analysis from which he somehow concluded that all gun control was useless, based on a few cherry-picked statistics.

Really? Perhaps you can explain to me why I have to wear a seatbelt when I get into a car, or why it is illegal to smoke marijuana, or why I can't give my 14 year old a glass of wine with dinner?

But again, you seem to be extrapolating the gun registry with gun control. These are not the same thing, and you have failed to establish that basis, therefore making the proceeding arguments irrelevant.

You say "a" gun registry, not "the" gun registry, and it's intended purpose was made crystal clear by Allan Rock. You can own as many unregistered vehicles as you want, you just can't drive them on public roads, but you can drive them on your own property or the race track. Driving an unregistered vehicle on a public road is an offense under provincial statutes, owning an unregistered firearm is a criminal offense under federal statutes, that is a huge difference.

Get caught driving drunk, driving dangerously, or "stunting" at they refer to it out here, and yes, they can impound your vehicle, but you usually get it back.

You seem to hold Colpy's data to a higher standard than that which was used in fovour of gun control. It was so terribly flawed that it prompted the then commissioner of the RCMP to draft a letter to parliament refuting it.

You don't "have" to wear a seatbelt, the only official penalty you will suffer is a fine. But studies were actually done showing that they reduced injuries, and seatbelts have been much improved upon in the years since. However, no one is satisfied in the nanny state until eveyone is bubblewrapped, which is why we now need to be helmeted while cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, and in NS, skiing, but I digress. I marijuana weren't illegal before, it probably would be by now because smoking anything damn near is, but that is someone else's cross to bear. Your wine question has already been answered.

I am not extrapolating either, the government can and has re-classified non restricted firearms by order in council to relieve formerly legal guns from their law abiding owners without compensation. The Chretien government nearly succeeded in doing what the Trudeau government wanted in 1979.

When the cat is away the mice are sure running around....If Colpy was on, he would have torn the above post to shreds......I won't bother because none of that post makes sense...I just touched on the obvious...It reminded me of a post by Abfet:p

Yeah, and I'm having internet troubles, it took me 3 hours to post my last comment, after 8 attempts, or I'd be like 'er like ugly on an ape, (ooooh, I'm sure that'll bring some insults). And the thing wouldn't even let me correct my typos.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
AND the blatherer is:----

"WHOA, hold on. Is owning a gun anymore of a privilege than owning a can opener? Who do you suggest should be paid because I own a gun? How is paying going to make me more aware when it's stolen. Let's talk some common sense here?" QUOTE

Is not one of your main objections to the gun registry the cost?? .

Yep, especially as the cost went from approx. $1million to $1 billion to accomplish what? Do criminals commit crimes with registered guns? If some bureaucrat feels it's necessary for gun venders to record information about the purchaser I have no problem with that. But for law abiding gun owners to have to register their is purely unnecessary harrassment. (I did register mine much to my chagrin) While I generally obey the law, I am not so stupid as to do so without thought or question. A smart gun owner would record the ser. # of his gun for his own protection in case of theft and would make sense, but to have it in some filing cabinet in Mirimichi N.B. would do a lot of good as by the time it's retrieved the criminal could be miles away! :lol:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
No, I do not demand you lose your precious guns. I demand you PAY for the privilege of having them; and make it possible to know when they have been stolen.
People PAY for licenses and whatnot. So your demand is irrelevant.
Gun owner wannabes should also have to prove they are decently proficient in the handling of their weapons.
Anyone that wants to own firearms has to PAY for and PASS a firearms proficiency test.

So anyone who uses a registered gun to commit a crime is good and honest?
Is that what you read? What I said was that the registry is for the guns of good and honest people. That does not exclude that there may be dishonest people and some bad people that may have registered guns.
How you connected those two separate concepts, I have no idea.

Is not one of your main objections to the gun registry the cost?? So instead of the cost being spread over all taxpayers, then, you the gun owners should be paying.
As was done before the Gliberals messed with things.
If car registrations and licenses are expected for the privilege of owning one, why should gun owners be exempted from the same costs.
Sounds fair to me as long as the gov't doesn't use more gunowner's money than they should. If the vehicle registry was just as useless and costly as the gun registry is, only the rich would be able to own and operate a vehicle.
Why should those who don't own guns have to pay for those that do??
My kids are out of school, yet I am still paying taxes for education. Wife and I rarely get sick, yet we are still paying for healthcare.