Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
That topography and system of air displacement driven by seasons isn't going to change anytime soon.

It will always be cold and dark in winter causing inversions.

Five short disturbing planet/climate/orbit/ videos form the author of the book- Secret History of Twin Planet Earth, very interesting.

This is a serious challenge to the accepted history in place at present.

Science must always update itself. We might even say Science will always update itself. However, there are some aspects of Science that cannot be up-dated from within the Educational Establishment. This could cause too much embarrassment. The idea of going where the evidence is leading is set aside - as a face saving exercise.

There are problems in several “Science” subjects, such as Geology, Anthropology, Egyptology, and Archaeology in general - especially Egyptology. Egyptology, or anything associated with it are so badly corrupted, it is highly recommended that the subject must be scrapped.

If Science is unable to up-date itself, there is a mental-block; and some subjects are treated as a political taboo. The Parent Body of the Educational Institutions practiced an extreme form of Moral Supremacy; while at the same time, much of its actions are Astoundingly Devious.

This is the Age-of-mass-information. There is a lot of previously unavailable knowledge in circulation. The “present” Educational Establishment, fails totally, to update some subjects -before being overtaken by – the Age of Mass-information. Now they will just have to observe helplessly while events unfold.

Every aspect of correct-knowledge will ultimately be absorbed into the System-of-Education; knowledge will always become the property of the Educational Institutions. However, when incorrect information became the property of the System-of-Education, this is Authority-abuse of the worst kind.

The System-of-Education, the Institutions, cannot admit to this; that is why the decision has been made to ignore some subjects that will cause too much fuss. For example, the “parent’ body of the Educational Establishment - brought the history of Christianity – 8,000 years forward in time. In every case, written work must reveal its source material. The Roman’s Bible is not exempt from this standard of literary ethics.

The false-science of Egyptology is manipulated to disguise the Egyptian-origin of Christianity. This subject is far too politically sensitive, and Academics – will simply not touch this topic. As a result, this “science” subject [Egyptology] will never be updated from within the System of Education.

This is a Political Time-bomb, and the Educational Institutions are not about to accuse its Parent-body of plagiarism. It is a crime not to state wh


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Damn I was hoping soon we would be digging up tropical clam shells in timmins

4 Jun 2015 ... From Sudbury to Timmins to Cobalt, Northeastern Ontario is chock-full of both active and abandoned mines to explore, as well as museums that pay ... Believe it or not, rocks can tell us that huge sheets of creeping ice, tropical coral reefs, and even salt water lagoons were all part of our region's eco-history

Yes freezing your nuts off in the dark to make george soros and all gore rich for nothing
( the commie Maurice Strong is already dead I think)
...or you could be lying on a tropical beach in Timmins
I know what Mental floss and the Trump haters will choose.
(wong undahweah (it's a rainbow thing!)...aisle 6!)

Climate is nothing more than accumulated weather! :)

The Latest: In Minnesota, temperature drops to 37 below zero

The "Nation's Icebox" is feeling the chill and setting a record.

The National Weather Service reports International Falls and Hibbing set record low temperatures on Wednesday morning. International Falls — the self-proclaimed "Nation's Icebox" — plunged to 37 degrees below zero, breaking the old record of 32 below set in 1924.

Hibbing bottomed out at 28 below, breaking the old record of 27 below set in 1964.

...and records are climate
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Science must always update itself.

But flossy claims the science is settled. WHich is right up there with the ijot that ran the US patent office in the late 1800s that claimed they would soon be able to close the office because everything has been invented. And of course the messiah that claimed the Arctic would be ice free by 2013.

Frigid bitch.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
the win the erxperiance thus far motivates my need for sunshine, I WOULD KILL FOR SUNSHINE.if it idn,t

When your thrust into solar exposure yer whiteness takes over, yer built to suckup sunlight, unt rule the planet.

Whteness rules, for a bit

I was indoctrinated in primary school decades ago, a bomb from the past

There,s fuk all us pig monkeys can do to adjust solar system mechanics, we too little.

our polution is a mark of advanced brains, go for the food first and then go forth unt multiply, like the flue, were here for a good long time if we watch the road sings, so far so good! thank the gods all tweleve of them. And the sweet angles and the distance, and what sort of space are you traveling in. Is it now or then? Id be the second last guy to ask.And you would be vapourized immeadiatly. I intend to exterd scientific pressure in the known universe, beginning with a wait i,ve lost sight of the exercise, oil rules

Gimmee enough oil and I,ll fuk up yer sunshine. Perhaps better refinement?

I live at forty-five twenty-six it,s not enough, we,re going to visit you soft white peopele in the near future, fifteen degrees should do it. Your,re a waste of Sunlight, the architipical waste of sunlight, mold is more succesful at this tempurature


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
the win the erxperiance thus far motivates my need for sunshine, I WOULD KILL FOR SUNSHINE.if it idn,t

When your thrust into solar exposure yer whiteness takes over, yer built to suckup sunlight, unt rule the planet.

Whteness rules, for a bit

I was indoctrinated in primary school decades ago, a bomb from the past

There,s fuk all us pig monkeys can do to adjust solar system mechanics, we too little.

our polution is a mark of advanced brains, go for the food first and then go forth unt multiply, like the flue, were here for a good long time if we watch the road sings, so far so good! thank the gods all tweleve of them. And the sweet angles and the distance, and what sort of space are you traveling in. Is it now or then? Id be the second last guy to ask.And you would be vapourized immeadiatly. I intend to exterd scientific pressure in the known universe, beginning with a wait i,ve lost sight of the exercise, oil rules

Gimmee enough oil and I,ll fuk up yer sunshine. Perhaps better refinement?

I live at forty-five twenty-six it,s not enough, we,re going to visit you soft white peopele in the near future, fifteen degrees should do it. Your,re a waste of Sunlight, the architipical waste of sunlight, mold is more succesful at this tempurature

Are you making sense? :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Snow falls in Sahara desert for third time in 40 years

Snow has fallen in the Sahara, covering desert dunes in a layer up to 16 inches deep.

Snow started falling on the Algerian town of Ain Sefra in the early hours of Sunday morning, giving children an opportunity to race each other down the slopes.
Unfortunately rising temperatures meant it began to melt around 5 o'clock.
It is the third time in nearly 40 years the town, known as "The Gateway to the Desert," has seen snowfall.
In 1979, a snowstorm lasting half an hour stopped traffic.

Two years ago, snow settled for around a day, and the town saw snowfall again last year.
Snow in the Sahara is "unusual but not unheard of," a spokeswoman for the Met office told The Independent" It seems like the snowy pictures were taken across the higher areas in the north of the region, towards the Atlas regions, so it's not surprising that the area would see some snow if the conditions were right.
"With the setup over Europe at the moment, which has given us cold weather over the weekend, a push southwards of cold air into that region and some sort of moisture would bring that snow."
Ain Sefra, which was founded in 1881 as a French garrison town, sees average high temperatures of over 37C in summer and has seen record lows of -10.2C in winter.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Meanwhile :::

Power outages, Internet outages (unless you run to the University), cars frozen in place..

Rivers of frozen floodwater traps dozens of cars in Boston | Daily Mail Online

Welcome to Climate Change
We have been in "climate change" for the last 4.5 billion years and you only call it climate change because glowbal warming is the biggest scam ever