You mean like all the nice clean brooks we used to have? Typical response that requires no intellectual effort whatever.
Beavers have made our streams unusable here in NE Sask.
You mean like all the nice clean brooks we used to have? Typical response that requires no intellectual effort whatever.
Beaver dams are a great place to get moose here in northern Ontario......:lol:Beavers have made our streams unusable here in NE Sask.
Was Margaret Thatcher the first climate sceptic? - TelegraphIn bringing this about, Mrs Thatcher played an important part. It is not widely appreciated, however, that there was a dramatic twist to her story. In 2003, towards the end of her last book, Statecraft, in a passage headed "Hot Air and Global Warming", she issued what amounts to an almost complete recantation of her earlier views.
What the heck .... you missed my point entirely. I don't babble....brooks do.I always said I'm all for clean air and water.......It's the man made global warming silly excuse for a tax I don't believe in...hence your silly babbling doesn't help.
Oh for pete's sake!! How ridiculous does this discussion get. A commie?? Fascist?? Maybe you need to look up the meaning of terms before tossing them about. Excuse me but without regulations of some sort i.e. against killing your neighbouur or stealing, from him what kind of a world would we have??Sounds like you are for regulations.
Where the heck did common sense go?
Already paying 50% plus of my income to various forms of government . How much is my fair share ?Oh for pete's sake!! How ridiculous does this discussion get. A commie?? Fascist?? Maybe you need to look up the meaning of terms before tossing them about. Excuse me but without regulations of some sort i.e. against killing your neighbouur or stealing, from him what kind of a world would we have??
It is about paying our fair share or more for what we have caused and to give a helping hand to those who are too impoverished t to pay as much. AND not shooting ourselves in the collective foot by trying to save a few bucks. We want cheap goods and those who can produce these cannot afford as yet to do it as cleanly as we could but won't.
Where the heck did common sense go? What is the difference between paying to clean up the messes or paying to prevent them?? NOW we need to do both. Because we are not affected as badly as others as yet we ineviitably will be. The rain does't just fall on the polluting countries nor does drought fall on only those who are doing their best to keep the air clean. The sun is not just causing more skin cancer in Africa or the arctic but over the tender skinned of North America.
Just in case there is such a thing as reincarnation, I tend towards wanting to leave the place a bit better than when I came into it. And if it is a once around the block at least my children and grandchildren would have a decent world to live in.
For my sake? Don't drag me into your twisted, deluded, low wattage world.Oh for pete's sake!!
Very fake.
Whatever, I still have water coming out of my tap.
Fake news!
Nice try lieberal media.