Fake Lake for the G 20 summit- 2 million $


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Looks like the Fake Lake wasn't so expensive after all:

TORONTO - It might have created a splash felt across Canada, but many who got their first glimpse of the fake G20 lake Wednesday agreed it should have caused little more than a ripple.
Most viewing the water feature at the summit media centre in Toronto said the glorified splash pool was a lot smaller than expected and barely deserved the flood of media coverage it got.
"This is what we're talking about? I've spilled more water in a plumbing accident," said an incredulous Claude Doughty, mayor of Huntsville, Ont.
"I find it quite modest compared to what I'd imagined. It's totally appropriate."
Word a few weeks ago that the government was spending more than $2 million to create a fake cottage-country lake caused huge waves.
Critics latched onto the cost to denounce the government's priorities as all wet, especially in light of the $1-billion tab for summit security.
That the cost was closer to $57,000 …

Read full story >

How much it cost is really not the point. We have thousands of lakes in Ontario, why was it necessary to spend money on an artificial one? I can understand Saudi Arabia doing it, but Canada? That is nonsense.

Why didn't they hold the summit on the shore of some lake, rather than downtown Toronto? Wouldn't it have been much cheapr to do so, even apart from the cost of the lake?


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
How much it cost is really not the point. We have thousands of lakes in Ontario, why was it necessary to spend money on an artificial one? I can understand Saudi Arabia doing it, but Canada? That is nonsense.

Why didn't they hold the summit on the shore of some lake, rather than downtown Toronto? Wouldn't it have been much cheapr to do so, even apart from the cost of the lake?
I would assume they want as much world wide press as possible so they would hold it in a city for that little reason and I'm sure accommodations were another major concern and like most provinces, Ontario can use a boost to it's economy so holding it in Toronto rather than at something akin to a resort is beneficial to the city as a whole and in the long run, possibly to the whole province. It's probably easier to "hide" protesters in the large population of Toronto rather than by a lovely lake somewhere. I'm sure others can add a multitude of reasons to my list.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
How much it cost is really not the point. We have thousands of lakes in Ontario, why was it necessary to spend money on an artificial one? I can understand Saudi Arabia doing it, but Canada? That is nonsense.

Why didn't they hold the summit on the shore of some lake, rather than downtown Toronto? Wouldn't it have been much cheapr to do so, even apart from the cost of the lake?
If Iggy, Martin, or Chretien would have spent $57K or even $2 million on it you would have loved the idea.

Anyway, If our pompous pols want to entertain the neighbors, they should spend their own money doing it and leave the rest of us Canucks out of it, unless we are invited and can have $400/per plate meals and stuff with our tax dollars, too.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If Iggy, Martin, or Chretien would have spent $57K or even $2 million on it you would have loved the idea.


Yep, it's nice to see his nibs is right for a change albeit for the wrong reasons. :lol::lol::lol:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I would assume they want as much world wide press as possible so they would hold it in a city for that little reason and I'm sure accommodations were another major concern and like most provinces, Ontario can use a boost to it's economy so holding it in Toronto rather than at something akin to a resort is beneficial to the city as a whole and in the long run, possibly to the whole province. It's probably easier to "hide" protesters in the large population of Toronto rather than by a lovely lake somewhere. I'm sure others can add a multitude of reasons to my list.

Really? Then why are they holding the G8 summit in Huntsville? Huntsville is a very small place on the outskirts of Algonquin Provincial Park. Its main industry is to outfit people for the park. Why did none of these arguments apply to G8?

If they can hold G8 in a small place, away from Toronto, I don't see why the same could not be done for G20.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
"Russia Today" perspective, ridicule, insight, RE: the G20...
If nothing happens and no bombs go off at the summits and all that talking they'll do doesn't result in anything I want a refund. Well, if I buy something in a store and it doesn't do what I thought, I can take it back for a refund, right?