Fake Lake for the G 20 summit- 2 million $


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Ya. It's so hard living in an affluent country. It hurts so much to do all the things that all the other countries that have more money that brains do, considering we are one of them.
Wake up people. We have massive oil reserves. We are one of the countries that calls the shots, well somewhat anyways. None the less, we get to put on the Tupperware party for the big fat pricks who control all the oil and money. (don't forget we are one of those big fat pricks)
If you think this is all a waste of money, you should find yourselves, rather expediently I might add, gone to a country that doesn't participate in this. How about Nigeria.

It's getting to the point that a person doesn't know what the hell to believe- on this morning news the pool was $2 million, on the news this afternoon it's $57,000 - a slight descrepancy- the news people's descrepancies are getting to be almost as big as the politician's descrepancies............................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The entire international media centre is $2million. The pond apparently is $57,000 itself. Or so I just heard on CBC, Probably says that in karrie's previous link.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah I just caught that story too, I wasn't sure if it fit in this topic, but seriously there is probably going to be a long list of insane expenditures- perhaps I should request a thread title change to something more general??

I really enjoyed reading about the unlicensed security firm. In the article, it points out that
But since there's a need for it, the process will be fast-tracked, which makes me wonder- what is it about this whole process that makes it take 6-8 months? If it can be fast-tracked and pared down to a single month, why isn't the system set up so that one month is all it takes?

If it should take 6+ months to be "done right", then "fast-tracking" should NOT be an option
6 months or not the security bill is higher than the GDP of several developed nations.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Well, Harper saved big bucks by refusing to give money to the Gay Pride parade, he had to spend the money somewhere. I wonder if got the OK from religious right to build the lake (presumably the decision not to give money to Gay Pride parade was designed to placate religious right).

Anyway, I heard on CBC that the lake has come to be known as Harper’s Folly.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
This is a huge embarassment for Her Majesty’s Government for Canada.

On the one hand, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary Southwest), the Prime Minister, has said that the G8 and G20 meetings must be focused solely on purely economic issues (hence why the Government of Canada refused to push for the inclusion of environmental topics in summit talks). On the other hand, the prime minister is paying $20 million for dancers, fiddlers, and flowers (here). Yes, fiddlers will indeed add to the substance of an economic discussion.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
How can that whole thing be $57000?? a couple of those muskoka chair sets can be pricey and then im sure it would cost alot more than $55000 to set the whole artificial lake up. Then there are those canoes and all the other **** that makes the place look nice.. The picture in the link made the place look like a million bucks in my opinion lol


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I heard on the news today that the lake is a small part of the high cost. Apparently the PM has stated that most of the money is going into the pavilion they will host the summit in. There isn't a nice enough bldg. somewhere near a beautiful lake already?????

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I heard on the news today that the lake is a small part of the high cost. Apparently the PM has stated that most of the money is going into the pavilion they will host the summit in. There isn't a nice enough bldg. somewhere near a beautiful lake already?????

It was originally slated for Huntsville where there are hundreds of beautiful lakes. Then, they decided Toronto needed to be fed too.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I heard on the news today that the lake is a small part of the high cost. Apparently the PM has stated that most of the money is going into the pavilion they will host the summit in. There isn't a nice enough bldg. somewhere near a beautiful lake already?????

Your are just scratching the surface there VanIsle- this whole charade has gotten way beyond the pale. What good EVER comes out of any of these god damn meetings? They just had one in Copenhagen- what did that one resolve? And then there's the $billions squandered on security. Is there going to be anyone at this meeting that is important enough that we should be ensuring is "secure"? I think ALL these people's egos are highly overinflated. :smile:


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Well, Harper saved big bucks by refusing to give money to the Gay Pride parade, he had to spend the money somewhere. I wonder if got the OK from religious right to build the lake (presumably the decision not to give money to Gay Pride parade was designed to placate religious right).

Anyway, I heard on CBC that the lake has come to be known as Harper’s Folly.

He didn't save huge bucks by not giving money to the pride parade, they gave them 2 million last year if that? Pride is more then capable of funding them selves.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
And speaking of security,the outfit the RCMP hired isn't lisenced to work in ontario and are getting paid twice the normal rate.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
And speaking of security,the outfit the RCMP hired isn't lisenced to work in ontario and are getting paid twice the normal rate.

And did you hear the news, that several tons of Ammonium nitrate has gone missing? Apparently somebody was sold Ammonium nitrate without checking his credentials. That person has now disappeared and authorities are not sure if he is going to use it to make a bomb. If he indeed is going to make a bomb, the G20 would seem to be the logical target.

So RCMP and other security forces may have their work cut out for them.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
That's funny, the day after the insane price tag of this whole daisy-chain became an issue, a possible justification comes in the form of this story. What was that line about creating the problem and then providing the solution?? This might be reversed but damned if it doesn't stink just a little.

I enjoy how in most of the coverage I've seen of this, the "Toronto 18" fantasy is conflated with it, even tho in the first year or so of coverage of that story it was repeatedly stated that the "chemicals" they got hold of were fakes supplied by an informant working with the Feds. Sounds a lot less scary if it was just a bunch of inert white powder tho


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Looks like the Fake Lake wasn't so expensive after all:

TORONTO - It might have created a splash felt across Canada, but many who got their first glimpse of the fake G20 lake Wednesday agreed it should have caused little more than a ripple.
Most viewing the water feature at the summit media centre in Toronto said the glorified splash pool was a lot smaller than expected and barely deserved the flood of media coverage it got.
"This is what we're talking about? I've spilled more water in a plumbing accident," said an incredulous Claude Doughty, mayor of Huntsville, Ont.
"I find it quite modest compared to what I'd imagined. It's totally appropriate."
Word a few weeks ago that the government was spending more than $2 million to create a fake cottage-country lake caused huge waves.
Critics latched onto the cost to denounce the government's priorities as all wet, especially in light of the $1-billion tab for summit security.
That the cost was closer to $57,000 …

Read full story >


Electoral Member
Jun 24, 2010
The 2million fake lake has been rebutted by the PM's office. The lake did not cost, according to the PM, 2 million, rather 57k.