Driver who ran over two Canadian soldiers shot after high-speed chase near Montreal


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

Alas... I can only give you one Thumb Up!

Mores the pity.

For-f*cking ever.

I felt that. ;)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If you look at both sides of the issue you only see out of one eye, your muzzie eye!
You know full well that I'm a Bible thumper rather than a God basher, that's a roll you have taken on, with much enthusiasm I may add. How did you sum up people that belive in the God of the Bible. It was classic but I'm too busy to look it up.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You know full well that I'm a Bible thumper rather than a God basher, that's a roll you have taken on, with much enthusiasm I may add. How did you sum up people that belive in the God of the Bible. It was classic but I'm too busy to look it up.
You're babbling again!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
When I was in service, I had Muslim comrades of whose patriotism and comradeship I never had the first doubt. Since then I have worked with many Muslims. Two specifically, after 9/11, volunteered to suspend their highly lucrative careers to serve the FBI, CIA, and/or NSA as Arabic interpreters, because they were no less stunned and outraged by the 9/11 attacks than anyone else.

How many times have we heard this crap before? Jews cannot be loyal Americans. A Catholic can't be President because he must obey the Pope. Indians can never be truly integrated because. . . well, I was never sure why.

In 1925, the Army produced a report that stated flatly the scientific conclusion that black men could not be pilots because they lacked the intelligence and courage to function effectively as pilots. In WWII, the Tuskeegee Airmen blew that crap up as effectively as the blew the crap out of the Germans.

Humans are complicated. It is entirely possible for them to hold two conflicting views at the same time. Just look at all the Christians who hate to the bottom of their boots despite the very, very clearly stated command of their lord that they are to love. Not should love, must love. Nothing in the New Testament is clearer. Yet plenty of self-described devout Christians hate from one end of the day to the other. If they can be devout Christians and so cavalierly violate the central command of their saviour, why can't a devout Muslim violate whatever Colpy and Grain fantasise are the central tenets of Islam?

As to your experience, of course the cultures these immigrant women come from are very different. And many are very sexist. But that's hardly exclusive to predominantly-Muslim countries. Their kids will be little different from the kids of born Canadians. That's how it works.

Unless, of course, the EEE-vil Muslims are so powerful that the 3.2% of the Canadian population who are Muslim can somehow impose the EEE-vil evils of Islam on the 96.8% of Canadians who are not Muslim. Even assuming all of the 3.2% would want to.

can't say there is anything here that I would disagree with, but to be clear, I never dismiss a suggestion or an opinion (regardless of how contrary to mine) until I process it through


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Look at the audience and it would be obvious that that was more than 5 words long would but you into a state of confusion. (the next question would be, 'Why spend so much time with somebody you clearly can't understand?' Since I do a lot of Christian Theology perhaps you could give me an example of how that should be presented so it isn't 'babble talk'. Take as many paragraphs as you need, I like reading about God.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How about any radical, like you, who wants to expand this past what the Police are already doing. Because it is a vigilante hatred you support you don't consider it to be illegal?

(do you think many 'strangers' would taker the time to read the print on your flag, while saying they should all be investigated and deported, not necessarily in that order)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
can't say there is anything here that I would disagree with, but to be clear, I never dismiss a suggestion or an opinion (regardless of how contrary to mine) until I process it through

Totally good with that. Just trying to throw some more grist into your mill. Process away. I have great confidence in the outcome.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Really, I get to look at both sides of the issue, you see it from only one side. It may take more effort from me to sort all the various part out but at least I won't have to backtrack down the road. You support NATO to the hilt, I prefrte to support who is doing the least amount of damage to civilians. You yelling and ranting isn't going to change that.

Please. When have you ever looked at both sides of an issue?


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Really, I get to look at both sides of the issue, you see it from only one side. It may take more effort from me to sort all the various part out but at least I won't have to backtrack down the road. You support NATO to the hilt, I prefrte to support who is doing the least amount of damage to civilians.

Both sides of the issue? What a joke!

yelling and ranting isn't going to change that.

Neither is truth, logic or reasoning.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Both sides of the issue? What a joke!

Neither is truth, logic or reasoning.
I don't usually quickly judge anybody but you are a true fuktard and you have proven it with every post you made since I posted a reply to your question about why some people believe in God. You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?

BTW did the Police get hold of you yet for posting your fantasies about sex and little girls. You really are vile creature right to the core aren't you? No wonder you have a few select friends here that never confront about any of you degenerate posts.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't usually quickly judge anybody but you are a true fuktard and you have proven it with every post you made since I posted a reply to your question about why some people believe in God. You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?

BTW did the Police get hold of you yet for posting your fantasies about sex and little girls. You really are vile creature right to the core aren't you? No wonder you have a few select friends here that never confront about any of you degenerate posts.

Simmer down there, boy, getting "wound up" like that is not good for your blood pressure and could cause a stroke. When someone upsets you "sleep on it" for a night.........things often look much different in the morning. Cops don't bother people for their fantasies. Of course you are right about Muslims but the problem is it's hard to tell which the good ones are at a glance. Go to bed and think up some good ideas for tomorrow.:)

I'm getting the idea perhaps the guy isn't worth worrying about, MHz:) Think about other things.
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Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?

I hate any religion or ideology in direct proportion to how it violates my values of democracy, freedom and human rights.

BTW did the Police get hold of you yet for posting your fantasies about sex and little girls.

Nope. It would be cool if they did because we could all laugh at what a loser you are together. Maybe they'd want to borrow my copy of the Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping with Chicks? One of your hairy wives would probably enjoy the book too if she hadn't been forced into a cliterectomy at 8 only two years before you bought her hand in marriage. Just as well though, religious fanatics make piss poor lovers.

But as completely stupid and asinine as it is (and I don't think anything you could do proves more what douche you are) you can get away with trying to libel or threaten to falsely libel someone in RL may be a type of justified blasphemy law in your twisted opinion but this forum has clears rules and you're violating them.

You really are vile creature right to the core aren't you?

I'm no immigrant; Jew hating, Catholic loathing, Canada despising, sexually prudish, misogynistic, closet jihadist but I do alright.

How about a little irrelevant scripture from you now so we can get back to the SGGTSWC quotes? I want to finish the book so I can start quoting biblical and theological swinging and lesbianism from the Liberated Christians site.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Posting it online is sharing his fantasy in a public arena, not everyone would see it as being as harmless as you, or dip****.

The problem with you lying all the time about everyone is everyone knows you are a liar. Sorry pal but you can take your soft sharia blasphemy BS and shove it and your Koran/Bible/Torah......



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I hate any religion or ideology in direct proportion to how it violates my values of democracy, freedom and human rights. .
Funny that those 'values' allow you to hold a hatred that is many times greater than those you accuse of being the scum of the earth.

Nope. It would be cool if they did because we could all laugh at what a loser you are together. Maybe they'd want to borrow my copy of the Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping with Chicks? One of your hairy wives would probably enjoy the book too if she hadn't been forced into a cliterectomy at 8 only two years before you bought her hand in marriage. Just as well though, religious fanatics make piss poor lovers..
You be sure to get a quote with some signitures as your 'word' doesn't mean squat. The way it works is they get back to me and let me know if it is a crime and if it is, 10 minutes later I will have filled out a formal complain. It certainly makes you one of the biggest slimeballs I've come across lately.

But as completely stupid and asinine as it is (and I don't think anything you could do proves more what douche you are) you can get away with trying to libel or threaten to falsely libel someone in RL may be a type of justified blasphemy law in your twisted opinion but this forum has clears rules and you're violating them..
Whine all you fuking want, it was sent and it was all posted by yourself so quit the liar you fuking perv. Make a formal complain them,

I'm no immigrant; Jew hating, Catholic loathing, Canada despising, sexually prudish, misogynistic, closet jihadist but I do alright. .
As long as you are behind a keyboard you do alright, I doubt your mouth is moving as fast when in a room full of strangers.

You do realize that Judaism is the religion of the Jews and the RCC is also a (very large) religion that you would also dislike if they offended your values. What is that about 150M people you just called idiots, definately no ego issue with you.At this point it would seem that if you are calling me a fuktard for pointing out their shortcomings then those same traits are what you must find appealing in them while hating all that Muslim hold dear. Feel free to expand on that as much as your like rather than posting more of you pedo fantasies. What next, how much you like to slurp up horse semen stright from the hose? You really are one sick little child and that's a fact Jack.

How about a little irrelevant scripture from you now so we can get back to the SGGTSWC quotes? I want to finish the book so I can start quoting biblical and theological swinging and lesbianism from the Liberated Christians site.
That would be 'you' rather than 'we' as there is only one of us that fantasies about underage children in a sexual way, you might want to let the Muslim parents know that before they let their children anyplace near you. Then again you fantasy might not be entirely about strangers children..
I was on about about 6 different threads on GLP last night that were all religious in nature. Go answer one or all of them, I'm pretty sure there aren't any Christians anyplace close to this site. The proper rapture timing was one, if you can post the right answer I'll give you the thread list and since you can just visit and post you can do it as an AC. You won't have any problem picking out my posts and if you were to have the balls to post there it would be easy to pick your out your but what would be interesting to see is how you fare with the others that post on those threads as you won't have the back-slappers you have here.

Notice no Scripture was posted so your book can stay under your mattress.

The problem with you lying all the time about everyone is everyone knows you are a liar. Sorry pal but you can take your soft sharia blasphemy BS and shove it and your Koran/Bible/Torah......
Everyone, that would be except gerr, he was scrambling just as hard as you are to change what he had said. I'm going to assume you are as good at sticking to your word as he is. Wiki says there are 2,200,000,000 Christians, 1,600,000,000 Muslims and about 15,000,000 Jews and they all have it wrong but you have it down right. I'm going to increase the size of your ego a big amount here and refrain from asking for any explanation of how you are 'wiser' than the collective minds of that many people.

I don't think you can even follow this little bit.

I started of with the Lord's Prayer and just as I was about to start my plea I got a vision that I was outside my body and saw myself, from the back and above, in a kneeling position with a mist a very short distance in front of me that obscured any further view.
I heard myself say "Master, I don't feel so good." A large hand came out of the mist and completely enclosed my body. This happened in a 'twinkling of an eye', I found myself enclosed in this hand and it scared me to no end because I struggled to be free of it's grasp but found I could move not even one little bit. This feeling of being scared lasted only for the briefest of moments.
What replaced it was the most peaceful feeling I have ever experienced, bar none, and to be quite truthful have not experienced that 'level' of peace since.
As soon as this wave of peace (meaning I was in the company of someone who cared for me much more than my words will ever be able to describe) overcame me the hand loosed it 'grip' on me and it opened and I found myself sitting on this palm facing the ends of the fingers and seeing further forward than that.
In front was a hallway, very tall and the walls were black. The walls were not smooth, but rather, had many indentations and sharp corners at these indentations. There was a faint light at each of these 'corners' and that was the only way I could tell the walls were not smooth, the rest was pitch black, I could see neither floor nor ceiling, only these faint corners.
We were moving down this hallway at a leisurely rate and as I was feeling very 'relaxed' I was going to change my sitting position so I had my hands behind my back and then I could lean back and rest on them. As I was leaning back one hand seemed to miss the expected surface that would support it and I ended up rolling to one side. I looked back to see what had 'gone wrong' and I observed a great hole in the palm of this hand. I immediately burst into tears and said with alarm "You've been hurt!"
I heard not a word but my tears left me and I spent the next few moments crawling around the hand, much like I did on the school-ground equipment when I was a small child.
This hallway had corners in addition to the indentations in that it was not straight as we have halls. We came around one corner and off to the right I could see a faint glow of light some distance down this other smaller hallway.
I asked "What's down there?" A voice (rather deep but very 'soothing') answered "You're not ready for this, but I will show you."
Off we went down this other hallway going around gently curving corners and the light got brighter with each corner we passed. In very short order we came out on a dusty,earthen path and I could see a sky. This path was rather narrow and had grass growing on either edge.
On the grass to the left there were several rabbits hopping around, a few bounds then they would stop and nibble the grass, a few more bounds, another nibble. Our presence did not disturb them in the least.
Just behind the rabbits, only a few yards from the path, was what I would best describe would be a three-wire barbed fence, not in the best of repair as the wire sagged a bit between the posts and none of the posts stood up properly but were tilted a bit at various angles.
A bit of distance from this was another fence made of planking, much like you would find around any farm that kept horses or cows, and behind were some farm buildings, house and small barn made of the same wood as the plank fence.
All the wood was very weathered but the condition of the buildings and fence would not warrant paint as this would be a waste because of their condition.
As I looked over at this scene I noticed several dogs in the yard. There was much running and yelping and much dust from all this activity. I could not determine if this activity was caused by our presence or not and if, in fact, the dogs were playing or it was a somewhat more serious matter they were involved in. The circles they made were small and done in quick fashion so in the short time I observed them they completed many circles.
The path we were on also had the gentle twists and turns like the hallways we had just came from did. We continued down this dusty path and came around another corner and came to a stop. The path ended here and was replaced by a large open space covered in lush grass, a short distance from us I could see gently rolling hill. I could see far enough to see three or four 'rows' of these hills, one behind the other. Very beautiful and serene but what was most astounding about these hills was that they were completely covered by people, standing so closely together that not one more person could have stood with them. There was a small open space between where the path ended and this large crowd stood, which is how I knew the grass was so lush.
On this grass, about midway between the end of the path and where the crowd started stood two people, one man, one woman. As remarkable as this whole scene was I was still even more astounded to see not one strand of hair on any of their heads, not one anywhere.
The two in front spoke no words but it was quite plain they were pleased to see 'Him'. No words were spoken to any from 'Him' either.
We turned and went back from where we had come from. Back into the little hallway till we turned left at the larger one.
We continued down this for some distance until we came to a doorway that was on our left.
I heard a voice say "This is a safe place for you."
The door opened and I went inside to a circular room about 50 steps in width. The room was decorated in many shades of brown and the 'outer wall' had shelves that went way round all filled with books. The middle had furnishings that matched the colors of the bookcases.
The door closed and I was alone.
I stood for a moment and went to the door and opened it just a crack. What I felt was sheer terror, and quickly re-closed the door and felt the terror was gone, as long as the door remained closed.
What was outside was not only terror but evil in that it had nothing good planned for me should I be foolish enough to open my door and go into the passage on my own.

End of what you get.

The problem with you lying all the time about everyone is everyone knows you are a liar. Sorry pal but you can take your soft sharia blasphemy BS and shove it and your Koran/Bible/Torah......

LOL, all the wars over the last 300 or so years are about treasure and land, just like all the wars that existed before that. Blaming religion is the distraction that lets them keep their real agenda hidden, like all tards throughout history for fear that their own people would 'put them out of business'. So far you are wrong about everything. I would imagine the shootings will slow down a reply, good or bad I'll let you know rather than let you 'wait endlessly' althought I do dislike you enough that it was an option that was considered.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Funny that those 'values' allow you to hold a hatred that is many times greater than those you accuse of being the scum of the earth.

I'm a humanist. I've done more than my share to uphold the value of human life and promote the dignity of the person irrespective of race or religion at the expense of my own personal security. My current opinion is that Muslim immigration should be reevaluated so that Canada does not end up like Britain, France etc.

You be sure to get a quote with some signitures as your 'word' doesn't mean squat. The way it works is they get back to me and let me know if it is a crime and if it is, 10 minutes later I will have filled out a formal complain. It certainly makes you one of the biggest slimeballs I've come across lately.

Big whoop. Here is the fact. If you truthfully reported my quoting from the SGGTSWC as a response to your post about god in a politics thread they will send you the polite form response to **** off. If you are really tech savvy and lied and created false evidence then even better because after this site, my internet provider and others have all had to go through a court order and several years to find me then I get to know who you are andnow you are open to an actual libel lawsuit along with fraud.

However, the chances of any of that happening are about zero because a quick look at the actual post by any investigator even if it got that far just proves that you are a delusional in a mould encrusted basement suite.......with a child.......hating Jews, homosexuals, Canadians, and anyone who doesn't share your sickly outlook on god and Muslims and the Middle East madness.

Whine all you fuking want, it was sent and it was all posted by yourself so quit the liar you fuking perv. Make a formal complain them,

Yup. My post speaks for itself as dose your over the top reaction to it.

As long as you are behind a keyboard you do alright, I doubt your mouth is moving as fast when in a room full of strangers.

Then you'd be surprised.

You do realize that Judaism is the religion of the Jews and the RCC is also a (very large) religion that you would also dislike if they offended your values. What is that about 150M people you just called idiots, definately no ego issue with you.At this point it would seem that if you are calling me a fuktard for pointing out their shortcomings then those same traits are what you must find appealing in them while hating all that Muslim hold dear. Feel free to expand on that as much as your like rather than posting more of you pedo fantasies. What next, how much you like to slurp up horse semen stright from the hose? You really are one sick little child and that's a fact Jack.

It's amazing to watch the mind of a lunatic at work. Allah Akbar.

That would be 'you' rather than 'we' as there is only one of us that fantasies about underage children in a sexual way, you might want to let the Muslim parents know that before they let their children anyplace near you. Then again you fantasy might not be entirely about strangers children..

You can make stuff up, then make up more stuff to support the stuff you made up and know what you got?..............religion! You are certainly the nutcase that proves that rule.

I was on about about 6 different threads on GLP last night that were all religious in nature. Go answer one or all of them, I'm pretty sure there aren't any Christians anyplace close to this site. The proper rapture timing was one, if you can post the right answer I'll give you the thread list and since you can just visit and post you can do it as an AC. You won't have any problem picking out my posts and if you were to have the balls to post there it would be easy to pick your out your but what would be interesting to see is how you fare with the others that post on those threads as you won't have the back-slappers you have here.

Here's the thing MHz. I am not on a mission to dissuade anyone from their faith as I am sure it is a comfort in times of sickness, death, job loss and other tragedies. Many people around me are quite devout, even the two Muslims who work for me (though I might get rid of them soon). If some religious type wants to debate I am happy to oblige but the moment you shove your religion in my face I will shove it right back.

And to be very Frank, it is lying fanatical lowdown weasels such as yourself that are just another nail in the coffin of god not existing. If you truly believed half the religious malarkey you spew you would live your life completely different as would most other religious crackpots but instead religion for you is some kinda weird license to try and control the behaviour of others.

Notice no Scripture was posted so your book can stay under your mattress.

That was the agreement I stated and you'll notice I have stuck to it in spite of all your thrashing about and make believe about pedophilia.

Again to reiterate: if you post irrelevant religious quotes in the geopolitical threads I will counter with equally irrelevant but far more interesting and entertaining positive lesbianism quotes.

Everyone, that would be except gerr, he was scrambling just as hard as you are to change what he had said.

I see you posted new crap. Anywho, I have no administrative power to change what I posted so who knows what delusional nonsense you're talking about regarding that but for the record: I stand by my posting Chapter 1, Para 3 of the SGGTSWC 100% and if that got you going to this degree you should see some of the stuff I got waiting in the wings.

Now I will give you a new warning. Feel free to pursue your complaint with the RCMP and feel free to tell me all about it along with how I'm going to Hell, god hates fags and jews etc etc but henceforth each time you make up a new lie or reiterate an old one about me and the aforementioned SGGTSWC post I will respond with a hyperlink to the post in question and will counter with a completely irrelevant quote from any number of scholars proving god does not exist.

Your call.....fair warning here.

Ain't cha glad I'm back?

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