Alas... I can only give you one Thumb Up!
Mores the pity.
For-f*cking ever.
I felt that.
For-f*cking ever.
Alas... I can only give you one Thumb Up!
Mores the pity.
You know full well that I'm a Bible thumper rather than a God basher, that's a roll you have taken on, with much enthusiasm I may add. How did you sum up people that belive in the God of the Bible. It was classic but I'm too busy to look it up.If you look at both sides of the issue you only see out of one eye, your muzzie eye!
You're babbling again!You know full well that I'm a Bible thumper rather than a God basher, that's a roll you have taken on, with much enthusiasm I may add. How did you sum up people that belive in the God of the Bible. It was classic but I'm too busy to look it up.
When I was in service, I had Muslim comrades of whose patriotism and comradeship I never had the first doubt. Since then I have worked with many Muslims. Two specifically, after 9/11, volunteered to suspend their highly lucrative careers to serve the FBI, CIA, and/or NSA as Arabic interpreters, because they were no less stunned and outraged by the 9/11 attacks than anyone else.
How many times have we heard this crap before? Jews cannot be loyal Americans. A Catholic can't be President because he must obey the Pope. Indians can never be truly integrated because. . . well, I was never sure why.
In 1925, the Army produced a report that stated flatly the scientific conclusion that black men could not be pilots because they lacked the intelligence and courage to function effectively as pilots. In WWII, the Tuskeegee Airmen blew that crap up as effectively as the blew the crap out of the Germans.
Humans are complicated. It is entirely possible for them to hold two conflicting views at the same time. Just look at all the Christians who hate to the bottom of their boots despite the very, very clearly stated command of their lord that they are to love. Not should love, must love. Nothing in the New Testament is clearer. Yet plenty of self-described devout Christians hate from one end of the day to the other. If they can be devout Christians and so cavalierly violate the central command of their saviour, why can't a devout Muslim violate whatever Colpy and Grain fantasise are the central tenets of Islam?
As to your experience, of course the cultures these immigrant women come from are very different. And many are very sexist. But that's hardly exclusive to predominantly-Muslim countries. Their kids will be little different from the kids of born Canadians. That's how it works.
Unless, of course, the EEE-vil Muslims are so powerful that the 3.2% of the Canadian population who are Muslim can somehow impose the EEE-vil evils of Islam on the 96.8% of Canadians who are not Muslim. Even assuming all of the 3.2% would want to.
Boomer's suggesting mass arrests of Muslims. Couple others are suggesting systematic discrimination against all Muslims.
can't say there is anything here that I would disagree with, but to be clear, I never dismiss a suggestion or an opinion (regardless of how contrary to mine) until I process it through
Really, I get to look at both sides of the issue, you see it from only one side. It may take more effort from me to sort all the various part out but at least I won't have to backtrack down the road. You support NATO to the hilt, I prefrte to support who is doing the least amount of damage to civilians. You yelling and ranting isn't going to change that.
Really, I get to look at both sides of the issue, you see it from only one side. It may take more effort from me to sort all the various part out but at least I won't have to backtrack down the road. You support NATO to the hilt, I prefrte to support who is doing the least amount of damage to civilians.
yelling and ranting isn't going to change that.
I don't usually quickly judge anybody but you are a true fuktard and you have proven it with every post you made since I posted a reply to your question about why some people believe in God. You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?Both sides of the issue? What a joke!![]()
Neither is truth, logic or reasoning.
I don't usually quickly judge anybody but you are a true fuktard and you have proven it with every post you made since I posted a reply to your question about why some people believe in God. You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?
BTW did the Police get hold of you yet for posting your fantasies about sex and little girls. You really are vile creature right to the core aren't you? No wonder you have a few select friends here that never confront about any of you degenerate posts.
You obviously don't and your rabid little post about how bad all Muslims are fits in with that same thing. That doesn't leave many religions left, do you hate them just as much?
BTW did the Police get hold of you yet for posting your fantasies about sex and little girls.
You really are vile creature right to the core aren't you?
Posting it online is sharing his fantasy in a public arena, not everyone would see it as being as harmless as you, or dip****.Cops don't bother people for their fantasies.
Posting it online is sharing his fantasy in a public arena, not everyone would see it as being as harmless as you, or dip****.
Posting it online is sharing his fantasy in a public arena, not everyone would see it as being as harmless as you, or dip****.
Funny that those 'values' allow you to hold a hatred that is many times greater than those you accuse of being the scum of the earth.I hate any religion or ideology in direct proportion to how it violates my values of democracy, freedom and human rights. .
You be sure to get a quote with some signitures as your 'word' doesn't mean squat. The way it works is they get back to me and let me know if it is a crime and if it is, 10 minutes later I will have filled out a formal complain. It certainly makes you one of the biggest slimeballs I've come across lately.Nope. It would be cool if they did because we could all laugh at what a loser you are together. Maybe they'd want to borrow my copy of the Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping with Chicks? One of your hairy wives would probably enjoy the book too if she hadn't been forced into a cliterectomy at 8 only two years before you bought her hand in marriage. Just as well though, religious fanatics make piss poor lovers..
Whine all you fuking want, it was sent and it was all posted by yourself so quit the liar you fuking perv. Make a formal complain them,But as completely stupid and asinine as it is (and I don't think anything you could do proves more what douche you are) you can get away with trying to libel or threaten to falsely libel someone in RL may be a type of justified blasphemy law in your twisted opinion but this forum has clears rules and you're violating them..
As long as you are behind a keyboard you do alright, I doubt your mouth is moving as fast when in a room full of strangers.I'm no immigrant; Jew hating, Catholic loathing, Canada despising, sexually prudish, misogynistic, closet jihadist but I do alright. .
That would be 'you' rather than 'we' as there is only one of us that fantasies about underage children in a sexual way, you might want to let the Muslim parents know that before they let their children anyplace near you. Then again you fantasy might not be entirely about strangers children..How about a little irrelevant scripture from you now so we can get back to the SGGTSWC quotes? I want to finish the book so I can start quoting biblical and theological swinging and lesbianism from the Liberated Christians site.
Everyone, that would be except gerr, he was scrambling just as hard as you are to change what he had said. I'm going to assume you are as good at sticking to your word as he is. Wiki says there are 2,200,000,000 Christians, 1,600,000,000 Muslims and about 15,000,000 Jews and they all have it wrong but you have it down right. I'm going to increase the size of your ego a big amount here and refrain from asking for any explanation of how you are 'wiser' than the collective minds of that many people.The problem with you lying all the time about everyone is everyone knows you are a liar. Sorry pal but you can take your soft sharia blasphemy BS and shove it and your Koran/Bible/Torah......
LOL, all the wars over the last 300 or so years are about treasure and land, just like all the wars that existed before that. Blaming religion is the distraction that lets them keep their real agenda hidden, like all tards throughout history for fear that their own people would 'put them out of business'. So far you are wrong about everything. I would imagine the shootings will slow down a reply, good or bad I'll let you know rather than let you 'wait endlessly' althought I do dislike you enough that it was an option that was considered.The problem with you lying all the time about everyone is everyone knows you are a liar. Sorry pal but you can take your soft sharia blasphemy BS and shove it and your Koran/Bible/Torah......
Funny that those 'values' allow you to hold a hatred that is many times greater than those you accuse of being the scum of the earth.
You be sure to get a quote with some signitures as your 'word' doesn't mean squat. The way it works is they get back to me and let me know if it is a crime and if it is, 10 minutes later I will have filled out a formal complain. It certainly makes you one of the biggest slimeballs I've come across lately.
Whine all you fuking want, it was sent and it was all posted by yourself so quit the liar you fuking perv. Make a formal complain them,
As long as you are behind a keyboard you do alright, I doubt your mouth is moving as fast when in a room full of strangers.
You do realize that Judaism is the religion of the Jews and the RCC is also a (very large) religion that you would also dislike if they offended your values. What is that about 150M people you just called idiots, definately no ego issue with you.At this point it would seem that if you are calling me a fuktard for pointing out their shortcomings then those same traits are what you must find appealing in them while hating all that Muslim hold dear. Feel free to expand on that as much as your like rather than posting more of you pedo fantasies. What next, how much you like to slurp up horse semen stright from the hose? You really are one sick little child and that's a fact Jack.
That would be 'you' rather than 'we' as there is only one of us that fantasies about underage children in a sexual way, you might want to let the Muslim parents know that before they let their children anyplace near you. Then again you fantasy might not be entirely about strangers children..
I was on about about 6 different threads on GLP last night that were all religious in nature. Go answer one or all of them, I'm pretty sure there aren't any Christians anyplace close to this site. The proper rapture timing was one, if you can post the right answer I'll give you the thread list and since you can just visit and post you can do it as an AC. You won't have any problem picking out my posts and if you were to have the balls to post there it would be easy to pick your out your but what would be interesting to see is how you fare with the others that post on those threads as you won't have the back-slappers you have here.
Notice no Scripture was posted so your book can stay under your mattress.
Everyone, that would be except gerr, he was scrambling just as hard as you are to change what he had said.