Death knell for AGW


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
The greenhouse effect, as explained by Dr. Laurie Johnson of the Natural Resources Defense Council:
When you get in your car in summer, your car is hot because it has greenhouse gases in it. That's why its hot.

Great moments in activist climate science – NRDC’s Dr. Laurie Johnson: ‘CO2 makes your car hot’ | Watts Up With That?

As a bonus, here's bill nye the stupid guy again:

Bill Nye the clueless weather guy – flattened by tornado data | Watts Up With That?

Ah, Anthony Watt--good at taking everyone else down a notch. But he's doing that blog for years, but he never says what he thinks. Gets all squirrelly when you ask him where exactly he stands on the issue. I guess he doesn't anyone doing to him what he does to everyone else. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There was snow in Northern ON this morning. Snow in June is a sure sign of Global Warming.

If Western Nations would only give a lot of money to other nations that are on a list (as well as to approved climate scientist) all this would change and the world would be well again.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
If Western Nations would only give a lot of money to other nations that are on a list (as well as to approved climate scientist) all this would change and the world would be well again.

I'm all for that. According to the deniers, I should have a penthouse downtown and properties in the Mediterranean and New York by now. :lol:


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
[SIZE=+7]Zero Attendance for 'Climate Change' Rally...

[/SIZE]Not a single person showed up at the Georgetown waterfront Tuesday for a climate change agenda event put on by Organizing for Action, the shadowy nonprofit advocacy group born out of President Obama’s 2012 campaign, the NRCC wrote in its blog.

The event page for the “Climate Change Day of Action Rally” disappeared after rainy weather appeared to drive away whatever people planned to attend. The embarrassing showing follows the news that only one volunteer stayed for an OFA Obamacare event in Centreville, Va., last week to work the phones:


OFA Gets Zero Attendance for Climate Change Rally | Washington Free Beacon


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Sooooooooo......let's see...

via wuwt


Sea Ice News Volume 4 number 4 – The Maslowski Countdown to an ‘ice-free Arctic’ begins | Watts Up With That?

comment of the year:

What a coincidence! I was just finishing my Arctic ice free compilation. Here is a compilation of ice-free Arctic Ocean / North Pole predictions / projections from scientists for the past, present and future.

Xinhua News Agency – 1 March 2008
“If Norway’s average temperature this year equals that in 2007, the ice cap in the Arctic will all melt away, which is highly possible judging from current conditions,” Orheim said.
[Dr. Olav Orheim - Norwegian International Polar Year Secretariat]
__________________ – 16 November 2007
“According to these models, there will be no sea ice left in the summer in the Arctic Ocean somewhere between 2010 and 2015.
“And it’s probably going to happen even faster than that,” said Fortier,”"
[Professor Louis Fortier - Université Laval, Director ArcticNet]
National Geographic – 12 December 2007
“NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.” ”
[Dr. Jay Zwally - NASA]
BBC – 12 December 2007
Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007,”…….”So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative.”
[Professor Wieslaw Maslowski]
Independent – 27 June 2008
Exclusive: Scientists warn that there may be no ice at North Pole this summer
“…..It is quite likely that the North Pole will be exposed this summer – it’s not happened before,” Professor Wadhams said.”
[Professor Peter Wadhams - Cambridge University]
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Vol. 40: 625-654 – May 2012
The Future of Arctic Sea Ice
“… can project that at this rate it would take only 9 more years or until 2016 ± 3 years to reach a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. Regardless of high uncertainty associated with such an estimate, it does provide a lower bound of the time range for projections of seasonal sea ice cover…..”
[Professor Wieslaw Maslowski]
Yale Environment360 – 30 August 2012
“If this rate of melting [in 2012] is sustained in 2013, we are staring down the barrel and looking at a summer Arctic which is potentially free of sea ice within this decade,”
[Dr. Mark Drinkwater]
Guardian – 17 September 2012
This collapse, I predicted would occur in 2015-16 at which time the summer Arctic (August to September) would become ice-free. The final collapse towards that state is now happening and will probably be complete by those dates“.
[Professor Peter Wadhams - Cambridge University]
Sierra Club – March 23, 2013
“For the record—I do not think that any sea ice will survive this summer. An event unprecedented in human history is today, this very moment, transpiring in the Arctic Ocean….”
[Paul Beckwith - PhD student paleoclimatology and climatology - part-time professor]
Financial Times Magazine – 2 August 2013
“It could even be this year or next year but not later than 2015 there won’t be any ice in the Arctic in the summer,”
[Professor Peter Wadhams - Cambridge University]


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
The UN sees it quite differently:

New IPCC Report: Climatologists More Certain Global Warming Is Caused By Humans, Impacts Are Speeding Up

New IPCC Report: Climatologists More Certain Global Warming Is Caused By Humans, Impacts Are Speeding Up | ThinkProgress

Temperature change over past 11,300 years (in blue, via Science, 2013) plus projected warming over the next century on humanity’s current emissions path (in red, via recent literature, much of which is reviewed in the new IPCC report.)
The Fifth — and hopefully final — Assessment Report (AR5) from the UN Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is due next month. The leaks are already here:
Drafts seen by Reuters of the study by the UN panel of experts, due to be published next month, say it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities – chiefly the burning of fossil fuels – are the main cause of warming since the 1950s.
That is up from at least 90 percent in the last report in 2007, 66 percent in 2001, and just over 50 in 1995, steadily squeezing out the arguments by a small minority of scientists that natural variations in the climate might be to blame.
This is a doubly impressive story since, as we’ve reported, Reuters has slashed climate coverage and pressured reporters to include false balance. Leading climatologists who have seen drafts of the report confirm this story’s accuracy.
Of course, nothing in the report should be a surprise to readers of Climate Progress, since the AR5 is just a (partial) review of the scientific literature (see my 12/11 post, It’s “Extremely Likely That at Least 74% of Observed Warming Since 1950″ Was Manmade; It’s Highly Likely All of It Was). The draft AR5 confirms that natural forces played a very small role in warming since 1950, which again means that human activity is highly likely be a source of virtually all of the recent warming.
I say the AR5 is a “partial” review that is “hopefully” the last because, like every IPCC report, it is an instantly out-of-date snapshot that lowballs future warming because it continues to ignore large parts of the recent literature and omit what it can’t model. For instance, we have known for years that perhaps the single most important carbon-cycle feedback is the thawing of the northern permafrost. The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment climate models completely ignore it, thereby lowballing likely warming this century.
No doubt some in the media will continue to focus on the largely irrelevant finding that the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) may be a tad lower than expected.

... more ....

Hmmmm - the UN, Bush, national Weather service, Chevron, etc ~ lots of folks seem to agree that climate change is real


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
How does one prove a negative?

You couldn't prove to me that a glass in front of you doesn't contain orange juice?

If you believe that popular phrase, that you can't prove a negative, it should stand to reason that we can't prove a positive either. It seems to be the case that many people who believe that you cannot prove a negative tend to hold standards of proof that are unequal for negative and positive propositions.

If you can prove you exist, then you can equally prove that you are not nonexistent.

More to the point though, we shouldn't require absolute proof to make decisions about something. In fact we all do this, frequently, by evaluating risks. Evidence is valuable too...


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
You couldn't prove to me that a glass in front of you doesn't contain orange juice?

If you believe that popular phrase, that you can't prove a negative, it should stand to reason that we can't prove a positive either. It seems to be the case that many people who believe that you cannot prove a negative tend to hold standards of proof that are unequal for negative and positive propositions.

If you can prove you exist, then you can equally prove that you are not nonexistent.

More to the point though, we shouldn't require absolute proof to make decisions about something. In fact we all do this, frequently, by evaluating risks. Evidence is valuable too...

Yup. The Captain cannot disprove facts.