Death knell for AGW


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The day the Global Warming death spiral began

Let the historic dissection begin. Man-made global warming is a dying market and a zombie science.
The Carbon Capture Report, based in Illinois, tallies up the media stories from the English speaking media on “climate change” daily. Thanks to the tip from Peter Lang, we can see the terminal trend below. The big peak in late 2009 was the double-whammy of Climategate and Copenhagen (aka Hopenhagen). It’s all been downhill since then.

The day the Global Warming death spiral began « JoNova


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm not sure that's the case. I follow the issue and was quite surprised when Anthony Watts, of Watts Up With That ("the world's most viewed global warming website") seemed to be declaring himself a "lukewarmer" within the last couple of days.

"Lukewarmer" is the name given to those who believe the basic scientific model of global warming, but think it probably won't be as bad as teh IPCC is projecting and everyone should just--pardon the pun--chill a little. I was a lukewarmer way before it was--pardon the pun--cool to be a lukewarmer. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I don't think anyone is trying to deny that there are periodic cycles - in fact the weather channel which has been so adamant about global warming has said it many times. Only that humanity's misuse of resources and modern practices contributes to the problem. Ample evidence has been presented to prove the case. Denial of these factors (many of which are accepted by people like Bush and Chevron) is sheer arrogance.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

This summer, the US has experienced the fewest number of 100 degree readings in a century. The five hottest summers (1936, 1934, 1954, 1980 and 1930) all occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM.

CO2 went over 400 PPM this year, indicating that heatwaves and CO2 have nothing to do with each other. Scientists who claim otherwise are either incompetent, criminal, or both.

Mildest US Summer In A Century | Real Science


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

Delingpole: Australia shows us all the way by sacking its useless, pointless Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery
So what, exactly, were his qualifications for taking on this supremely well-paid gig?

We-e-ll, Flannery is that most dangerous of things - an English literature graduate. Yes, I know I'm an English literature graduate too, but I'm the exception to the rule: on the whole, it would not be unfair to say, English literature graduates have done more to promote the cause of climate alarmism than any other category with the possible exception of "University" of East Anglia environmental "science" graduates.

YNoKyoto - Small Dead Animals



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda:

False notes and the Suzuki Method

CBC Fruit Fly Guy: Even the Aussies are onto him now;
If Fairfax retained even a shred of journalistic integrity, Suzuki's screed would have been fact-checked, spiked and his submission returned with editors comments, just to let him know that a pronounced sense of moral superiority doesn't grant permission to make stuff up - or leave inconvenient stuff out.

False notes and the Suzuki Method - Small Dead Animals



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Where is your fruit, er god, now?

via sda

"I don't know," says Suzuki.

A Q&A with CBC Fruit Fly Guy...
David Suzuki on the very first question is revealed as a complete know-nothing. His questioner tells him that the main climate data sets show no real warming for some 15 years.

Suzuki asks for the references, which he should have known if he knew anything of the science.

His questioner then lists them: UAH, RSS, HadCrut and GISS - four of the most basic measurement systems of global temperature.

Suzuki asks what they are.

"I don't know," says Suzuki. - Small Dead Animals

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Everyone knows the wheels are coming off this wagon. The gravy train is slowing to a chug.

What it is all about...

"From grant-hungry science institutions and environmentalist pressure groups to carbon traders, EU commissars, and big businesses with their snouts in the subsidies trough, many vested interests have much to lose should the global warming gravy train be derailed."


House Member
Apr 12, 2013

Delingpole: Australia shows us all the way by sacking its useless, pointless Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery
So what, exactly, were his qualifications for taking on this supremely well-paid gig?

We-e-ll, Flannery is that most dangerous of things - an English literature graduate. Yes, I know I'm an English literature graduate too, but I'm the exception to the rule: on the whole, it would not be unfair to say, English literature graduates have done more to promote the cause of climate alarmism than any other category with the possible exception of "University" of East Anglia environmental "science" graduates.

YNoKyoto - Small Dead Animals

Meh. Would it make a difference. Tehre's no shortage of guys who are PhD scientists who have done nothing but study climate their whole careers who are saying that anthrpogenic climate change is real, and nobody listens to them either. You can see it at this site even--the guys here who obviously know science quite well are all more-or-less on the same page.

via sda:

False notes and the Suzuki Method

CBC Fruit Fly Guy: Even the Aussies are onto him now;
If Fairfax retained even a shred of journalistic integrity, Suzuki's screed would have been fact-checked, spiked and his submission returned with editors comments, just to let him know that a pronounced sense of moral superiority doesn't grant permission to make stuff up - or leave inconvenient stuff out.

False notes and the Suzuki Method - Small Dead Animals

I'm not sure what this guy is on about. I twigged on the moutain pine beetle, because I've followed that one quite closely. I'm not sure what your critic is going on about. Suzuki (and teh BC Ministry of Forests) said that the mountain pine beetle epidemic is caused by a number of factors including fire suppression, monoculture and global warming. Suzuki's opinion dosn't seem to have changed. Your critic believes that global warming has nothing to do with it, and he's entitled to his opinion, but it is not an informed one. The basis of his opinion is the report by the BC Mnistry of Forests on the pine beetle, but he does not explain why he accepts parts of it, but rejects others.