Death knell for AGW


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The warming is hiding in the bottom of the ocean. Someday it will pop out and say BOO!

The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: The warming is hiding in the bottom of the ocean. Someday it will pop out and say BOO!

Discussion between radio 2GB’s Alan Jones and Lord Christopher Monckton.The 2007 IPCC report said that the earth was warming at 0.2ºC per decade, the latest report reduces that figure to 0.12º. We’re contributing $100 billion a year by 2020 to the UN green climate fund, in the three years to June 30 we have contributed $600 million! “and the electorate would not have a clue that we were stumping up this money.Lord Monckton again points out the fraud of theCook et al paper. Fraudster Peter Gleik is on the board of the journal.Ross McKittrick pointed out how much theyhave got wrong in the past.Alan: Carbon dioxide is warming the planet but it won’t be evident in the temperatures, it is hiding somewhere in the bowels of the ocean.LCM: This is the extraordinary thing. They are saying that it somehow managed to go from the atmosphere into the ocean. Not into the bit of the ocean that touches the atmosphere, no it missed that out and it’s gone down and hidden in the bottom of the ocean where we can’t measure it. And one day it’s going to come out and say boo! I mean you couldn’t make it up well, yes you could, because that’s exactly what they’ve done. * * * * * * * * * * * How can people, whether a trained scientist or just an ordinary member of the planet’s population believe this drivel?Hear the conversation:Alan Jones - Lord Christopher Monckton | 2GB

The warming is hiding in the bottom of the ocean. Someday it will pop out and say BOO! | Climate Depot


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Drought is caused by cooling oceans and GMO cultivars have taken some major leaps in yield this crop year.

More food to burn as biofuel and artery clogging deep fryer oil.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda:

The Sound Of Settled Science

90 climate models vs reality.



House Member
Apr 12, 2013

Dr. Roy Spencer (who posted this) isn't exactly a skeptcis best friend. He thinks, for example, that people who deny the existence of the Greenhouse Effect (which is most of the so-called skeptcis on this site) are crackpots.

He's one of my favourite skeptics, actually. He has a pretty solid understanding of the science and brings it to bear quite well.He makes his claims consistently (as opposed to Anthony Watt, who runs Watts Up With That, who changes his degree of skepticism depending ont he weather). He's an Intelligent Design guy, though--epic fail there.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


  • (of an account) Not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
  • Characterized by or fond of telling anecdotes.
anecdotic - anecdotical


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
There seem to be more and more news outlets calling the IPCC out for the shysters they are.

The True Global Warming Crisis: The Fibs Underlying The Theory

As Professor of Meteorology Dr. Richard Lindzen at MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences observed, “The latest IPCC report truly sank to the level of hilarious incoherence – it is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going.” The banner claim of this 2013 Summary for Policymakers (AR5) release is that “Human influence is extremely likely to be dominant cause of observed warming since the middle of the last century.”

This “extremely likely” was ratcheted up from “very likely” they claimed in their previous 2007 report. At the same time, the IPCC actually admitted that its 2007 report estimate of greenhouse gas influence had been significantly exaggerated. One can only wonder how they have become more confident that at least more than half of the temperature rise since the mid-20th century has been caused by greenhouse gas emissions, when at the same time they are less certain about climate sensitivity to CO2.


The True Global Warming Crisis: The Fibs Underlying The Theory - Forbes


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
"Climatology Sees One Of The Greatest Scientific Reversals Of All Time – The Rise And Fall Of The Hockey Stick Charts"

"An examination of the five IPCC reports published thus far reveals a remarkable scientific reversal. What follows is the evolution of the 1000-year temperature curve: from double hump (1990) - to hockey stick 2001) – and back again to double hump (2013)."

Climatology Sees One Of The Greatest Scientific Reversals Of All Time – The Rise And Fall Of The Hockey Stick Charts


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
New study finds the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation controls tornado activity, not CO2

A new study finds that the severity and locations of tornadoes is strongly influenced by the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation, with more severe tornadoes occurring during the warm phase and fewer during the cold phase. The cold phase of the ~60-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation [PDO] started in the year 2000, and would explain why the US is currently experiencing the fewest tornadoes on record, and why higher CO2 is correlated with fewer severe tornadoes.


THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New study finds the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation controls tornado activity, not CO2


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The IPCC Southern Hemisphere Reconstructions

A question for readers: which of the following proxies are used to reconstruct past Southern Hemisphere temperature in the IPCC’s graphic (Figure 5.7b) showing SH reconstructions:

1. Graybill’s California strip-bark bristlecone chronologies
2. upside down and contaminated Finnish lake sediments
3. European instrumental temperature data
4. Antarctic ice core d18O isotope data covering the medieval period

seeing Jesus in a piece of toast

The IPCC Southern Hemisphere Reconstructions « Climate Audit


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Being well paid and having a thriving economy creates CO2?

Oil-rich Alberta and Saskatchewan have the highest incomes in Canada but that wealth comes with some of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world.

The report, titled Canada's Emissions Trends 2013, was released last Thursday. It noted Canada contributed 1.8 per cent of global GHGs in 2010 at 537 million tonnes, which worked out to 20.4 tonnes per person. It's the lowest level of emissions for Canadians since Ottawa started collecting such statistics in 1990, yet still ranks among the highest level of emissions of any

Per capita GHG emissions globally were 4.4 tonnes in 2010. Drill down to Alberta and Saskatchewan - more than 90 per cent of Canada's oil is produced in the two provinces - and the numbers more than triple to 64.5 tonnes per capita in Alberta and 69.4 in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan number is forecast to drop more than 10 per cent by 2020, but with oilsands production expected to exceed 3 million barrels a day by 2020, Alberta is set climb to 64.9 tonnes.
10%? The exact amount that will be pumped underground from coal fired power plants into oil fields to produce more oil. Hooray for SaskPower!

Interesting. Oh wait....a few lines down.

Canada's emissions grew 17 per cent in that period. Admittedly, Canada is a big and cold country with an advanced economy and a growing population.

No **** Sherlock. If it ever gets -40C in Botswana. I'd wager Botswanans burning elephant sh*t and emitting elephant CO2 will completely kill all the life on the planet except for plants and algae.

Hooray for algae!


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The AGW con industry has continued its tactic of releasing completely misleading and incendicary public provocations.. in slick, methodical rollouts intended to maintain a high level of anxiety and confusion in the public mind.

The latest is the 'bulletin' reported on the major news casts of the last couple of days... that the amount of CO2 has reached 393 ppm in the atmosphere.. supposedly 50 beyond the ppm that ensures catastrophic Global Warming (completely without scientific verification.. and disproven by the stalling and reversal of warming trends that occurred at the middle of the last century). And, of course, the UN is the chief fear mongerer.. as in this.

The 393 ppm is actually a relatively stable figure that goes through fluctuation due to natural events independent of human activity.. and restabilizes as photosynthesis and other processes restores a balance.

What is left out is that the human contribution to this ppm in the atmosphere figure is 6 of 720 billion tons, less than 1%. These people are a disgrace.. fabricating a political agenda on a pseudo science.. implicitly tied to radical agendas of depopulation.. of which the UN is the major proponent.

Don't believe anything they say.

Carbon is a fractional element of the total
atmosphere, about .039%, that's 4 parts per 10,000 of
other elements. The oceans contain
37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 billion
tons. The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 of
which humans contribute only 6
billion tons (accounting for all of the human contribution to suspended carbon). All of this carbon is in some form of continuous circulation... and even minor geological events can cause significant re-distribution.
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