Contrary to popular belief


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes. The problems that we have now can be traced back to the 70's
Many do not recall what it was like back then.

Cannot recall the name of the order where a person how no chance but to be locked up. Lieutenant Governors order comes to mind. I recall a case where a man was locked up for decades as no one could understand him. A staff member from a very small ethnic minority heard him talking and it was the same language her Grandmother spoke. They got an interpreter and he was was released. Imagine the torment that man went thru.
I'm aware of the problems the system had back then.

But as with most kneejerk overhauls, it went to far in the opposite direction.

The only people that need to be locked up, are those that pose an immediate threat to themselves or the public, and/or unmanageable with meds.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm aware of the problems the system had back then.

But as with most kneejerk overhauls, it went to far in the opposite direction.

The only people that need to be locked up, are those that pose an immediate threat to the public, and/or unmanageable with meds.

Or refuse to take meds.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I would agree. But when i hear a member of Congress stating that the principle should have had a rifle to take the shooter out. Does that not indicate a massive problem that has to be addressed.

When you have to arm principles and teachers you have a problem. A massive social problem.

That is a problem because anyone that knows about guns would not make a rifle the weapon of choice for close in shooting.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
A pistol works well.

That would be my first choice. But no mind politicians tend to shoot from the lip without thinking through what they are saying.
While there is something seriously wrong with society when nutbars are permitted to run around lose and kids in school need protection if only one teacher had a handgun there would have been far fewer deaths.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
yes, I agree. Schools should be armed. A designated number of teachers, when they become qualified should

be allowed to wear a side-arm for self defence against any intruder such as the latest 20 yr old

who obviously was delusional and enraged about something.

That gunman might have been shot before he ever reached that classroom, as I feel sure he must have fired that gun at

adults before he entered that classroom.

If the 20 yr old knew that he might be shot while forcing his way into the school, he might not have even showed
up there to begin with, he might have had a big mental problem, but he wasn't
stupid, he would have known they were 'not' armed.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I don't think you're "contrary to popular belief" , RCS.

The need for the average shooter to own an assault rifle doesn't exist. According to polls recently taken. My sentiments also.

I would be really pissed if they outlawed bolt action rifles, but, not likely to happen.................hoooonose?!


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Might be a better solution to stop giving people dangerous drugs....................... Index to SSRI Stories

Adam Lanza was on Fanapt Adam Lanza Taking Antipsychotics - Business Insider
Inside the piece though they report Adam Lanza's uncle said the boy was prescribed Fanapt, a controversial anti-psychotic medicine.
Fanapt is one of a many drugs the FDA pumped out with an ability to exact the opposite desired effect on people: that is, you know, inducing rather than inhibiting psychosis and aggressive behavior.
In fact, Fanapt was dropped by its first producer, picked up by another, initially rejected by the FDA, then later picked up and mass produced. The adverse side-effect is said to be "infrequent," but still it exists, and can't be ignored.

Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Colombine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public. Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded.
Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.
Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.
Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.
Mathew Miller, age 13, hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.
Jarred Viktor, age 15, stabbed his grandmother 61 times after 5 days on Paxil.
Kip Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they slept then went to school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.
Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.
A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed stand off at his school.
Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded..
A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.
Andrew Golden, age 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people, killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.
TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his class mates.
Rod Mathews, age 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.
James Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Breenwood, South Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and wounding seven other children and two teachers.
Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania
Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California
Jarred Viktor, age 15, (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61 times.
Chris Shanahan, age 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.
Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, killed his parents as they came home from work using a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic’s file, then attacked his younger brothers and sister.
Neal Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported to have been court-ordered to be on Prozac along with several other medications.
Kevin Rider, age 14, was withdrawing from Prozac when he died from a gunshot wound to his head.
Initially it was ruled a suicide, but two years later, the investigation into his death was opened as a possible homicide. The prime suspect, also age 14, had been taking Zoloft and other SSRI antidepressants.
Alex Kim, age 13, hung himself shortly after his Lexapro prescription had been doubled.
Diane Routhier was prescribed Welbutrin for gallstone problems. Six days later, after suffering many adverse effects of the drug, she shot herself.
Billy Willkomm, an accomplished wrestler and a University of Florida student, was prescribed Prozac at the age of 17. His family found him dead of suicide – hanging from a tall ladder at the family’s Gulf Shore Boulevard home in July 2002.
Kara Jaye Anne Fuller-Otter, age 12, was on Paxil when she hung herself from a hook in her closet.
Kara’s parents said “…. the damn doctor wouldn’t take her off it and I asked him to when we went in on the second visit. I told him I thought she was having some sort of reaction to Paxil…”)
Gareth Christian, Vancouver, age 18, was on Paxil when he committed suicide in 2002,
(Gareth’s father could not accept his son’s death and killed himself.)
Julie Woodward, age 17, was on Zoloft when she hung herself in her family’s detached garage.
Matthew Miller was 13 when he saw a psychiatrist because he was having difficulty at school. The psychiatrist gave him samples of Zoloft. Seven days later his mother found him dead, hanging by a belt from a laundry hook in his closet.
Kurt Danysh, age 18, and on Prozac, killed his father with a shotgun. He is now behind prison bars, and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.
Woody ____, age 37, committed suicide while in his 5th week of taking Zoloft. Shortly before his death his physician suggested doubling the dose of the drug. He had seen his physician only for insomnia. He had never been depressed, nor did he have any history of any mental illness symptoms.
A boy from Houston, age 10, shot and killed his father after his Prozac dosage was increased.
Hammad Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.”
Matti Saari, a 22-year-old culinary student, shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine.
Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amounts of Xanax in his system.
Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18, had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed suicide.
Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.
Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his New York high school.
CALL TO ACTION: The only way Americans are going to halt this latest gun-grabber attack on the Bill of Rights is to force the issue of SSRI-caused violence into the public eye. You, yes YOU need to forward all these articles about SSRIs and violence, and the fact that the Connecticut shooter was on these medications, to all your local media, all your family and friends, every public forum you can find, and especially to flood the offices of members of Congress (who already had hearings into this very problem). Right now that fancy software the government bought to fake thousands of online identities is cranked up into rock-and-roll, full-tilt, afterburner overdrive. Unless We The People match them post for post, fact for myth, the gun-grabbers will win through attrition. The first side to quit loses. PLEASE SPREAD ALL THESE STORIES ABOUT SSRI-VIOLENCE, and demand to know if the Dark Knight Shooter and the shooter at the shopping mall in Portkand were also on these drugs.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands

That's my take on the whole gun control issue too. I don't see any reason why an average citizen should not be able to buy a gun, but it should never be easier to buy a gun than to get mental healthcare. Coercive mental health care is a dicey issue, but it is swept under the rug all too often.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Gathering up all the mentally ill people and locking them away is not the answer either. I pay a hell of a lot of taxes, I'm sure a portion of those could be redirected at mental health. And I know this is pie in the sky, but I think Canada should have one standard for healthcare, not the provincial dysfunctional politicized system we presently suffer under. We need to invest in mental health, it is so underfunded.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
All the liberals line up and chant "gun control" as usual. The media uses the power of public insanity to their best descretion instantly.
Sadly there are few people actually thinking any more, or perhaps they have an agenda or are just stupid.
The right to bear arms was properly encroached in society in a very different way than is assumed at this time. I believe that bear made reference to it.
If the usual wimps manage to change the type of hand weapons allowed to suit their own dreaming we are lost.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Well, at this point in time, I don't think the squirrelies should be out in public. Not locked up either (unless they're right fracked), but definitely supervised.
And I see no problem with restricting certain assault rifles to semi-auto, small capacity clips, and fairly long barrel lengths or even banning them.
Limiting ammo is a joke of an idea because unless gov't has a massive database connected with every single source of ammo, people could just skip around from one source to another and develop a massive pile of ammo. Banning firearms altogether is a ridiculous idea because people that want firearms will go to extraordinary lengths to get them. Those people are dangerous. And most of those people are incorrigible and criminal.
But the way I see it, it's a very deep issue and these are just bandaid remedies. I can't see much of it changing soon either.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
This may excite some, but I believe that the latest shooting in CT is a definite reason for the US to look at limiting gun access to it's citizens. While I acknowledge that there are gun owners out there who are responsible, I see no reason for any civilian to own a semi automatic weapon. While I see nothing wrong with an individual citizen, who undergoes screening, owning a weapon for target shooting, home protection, or for hunting, I also think that the right to bear arms argument put forth by hardcore gun advocates is antiquated at best.

The children who died this week came as a result of an obviously disturbed young man getting access to weapons. This is a tragedy of epic proportion and sadly it was completely preventable. It is time for a discussion regarding two very serious issues, one is limiting access to firearms that serve no application for civilian use. No one outside the military, police department requires assault weapons. The second issue that needs to be looked at with a great deal of scrutiny is society's ignorance and indifference to mental health issues.

That's my take.

Problems with that;

The constitution of the United States reads "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". That is pretty clear, so the only legitimate way to start banning large groups of weapons is to pass a constitutional amendment. That is not going to happen.

There are hundreds of millions of guns in the USA, a large proportion of which are semi-autos, including the majority of handguns. Limiting access to them is roughly the equivalent of limiting access to dirt....there is simply too much of it around.

Finally, and simply put, people will not comply. Full stop.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
yes, I agree. Schools should be armed. A designated number of teachers, when they become qualified should

be allowed to wear a side-arm for self defence against any intruder such as the latest 20 yr old

who obviously was delusional and enraged about something.

That gunman might have been shot before he ever reached that classroom, as I feel sure he must have fired that gun at

adults before he entered that classroom.

If the 20 yr old knew that he might be shot while forcing his way into the school, he might not have even showed
up there to begin with, he might have had a big mental problem, but he wasn't
stupid, he would have known they were 'not' armed.

Are all teachers sane? Arming teachers, what is next armed patrols in malls, day cares, playgrounds. Arming people is not a solution it ignores the many issues that cause these slaughters.