Cancer, Cancer. Go Away.


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
If you knew me, and if you heard this news, you'd surely give me a high five or a hug or at least a pleased comment. How about giving me some rep for hanging in this group for so many years? I've sat in chemo rooms for 3 years. I'm still here at Canadian Content after 5? 6?

The news is this. We took my husband, who has had lung cancer for 3 years, to a specialist and a surgeon. He had another scan and biopsy because I wanted it at this juncture. 3 rounds of chemo, and I felt he needed a pair of fresh eyes.

That decision has turned out -- BENIGN! We are over the moon. There are no 100% guarantees, but we both feel like a big ball and chain have been cut loose from our ankles. Thank God. :bounce:

Uncle Percy


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Great news!

I can relate to this because I've lost a couple sibblings to cancer.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If you knew me, and if you heard this news, you'd surely give me a high five or a hug or at least a pleased comment. How about giving me some rep for hanging in this group for so many years? I've sat in chemo rooms for 3 years. I'm still here at Canadian Content after 5? 6?

The news is this. We took my husband, who has had lung cancer for 3 years, to a specialist and a surgeon. He had another scan and biopsy because I wanted it at this juncture. 3 rounds of chemo, and I felt he needed a pair of fresh eyes.

That decision has turned out -- BENIGN! We are over the moon. There are no 100% guarantees, but we both feel like a big ball and chain have been cut loose from our ankles. Thank God. :bounce:

Uncle Percy

THAT is the kind of post I like to read- cancer is such a terrible disease, can strike at any time without warning although I suppose some are more succeptible to it than others. I wish him many more healthy years.


Jan 6, 2007
Woo-Hoo!!!! What incredible news unclepercy. Take that wonderful feeling and run with it... do something special for the two of you. SOMEthing! Talk about a reason to celebrate!


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
If you knew me, and if you heard this news, you'd surely give me a high five or a hug or at least a pleased comment. How about giving me some rep for hanging in this group for so many years? I've sat in chemo rooms for 3 years. I'm still here at Canadian Content after 5? 6?

The news is this. We took my husband, who has had lung cancer for 3 years, to a specialist and a surgeon. He had another scan and biopsy because I wanted it at this juncture. 3 rounds of chemo, and I felt he needed a pair of fresh eyes.

That decision has turned out -- BENIGN! We are over the moon. There are no 100% guarantees, but we both feel like a big ball and chain have been cut loose from our ankles. Thank God. :bounce:

Uncle Percy

That is fantastic news..


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Uncle Percy - Best news I've heard all day. Lost two friends to lung cancer nearly 3 years ago and a cousin to breast cancer. Such a good feeling to hear a success story. Really really happy for you both. :)


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Good for you guys Uncle Percy! I hope it's only a start for you both and that many good days come to you.

All the best.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Enjoy it while you've got it. The big C is a nasty thing. Lost another buddy just yesterday to it.


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
Thank you all. If you had sat in those chemo rooms, you might be surprised. Most of the people looked perfectly normal and were going on about their everyday lives.
A few looked horrible. My husband never looked too bad, and he gained 36 lbs.
PS: There is an eye-contact rapport with most patients in that room, and the nurses were spectacular. Cancer X 3 = $300,000+


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
If you knew me, and if you heard this news, you'd surely give me a high five or a hug or at least a pleased comment. How about giving me some rep for hanging in this group for so many years? I've sat in chemo rooms for 3 years. I'm still here at Canadian Content after 5? 6?

The news is this. We took my husband, who has had lung cancer for 3 years, to a specialist and a surgeon. He had another scan and biopsy because I wanted it at this juncture. 3 rounds of chemo, and I felt he needed a pair of fresh eyes.

That decision has turned out -- BENIGN! We are over the moon. There are no 100% guarantees, but we both feel like a big ball and chain have been cut loose from our ankles. Thank God. :bounce:

Uncle Percy

Excellent news! I am very happy for both you and your husband.:smile:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
if you knew me, and if you heard this news, you'd surely give me a high five or a hug or at least a pleased comment. How about giving me some rep for hanging in this group for so many years? I've sat in chemo rooms for 3 years. I'm still here at canadian content after 5? 6?

The news is this. We took my husband, who has had lung cancer for 3 years, to a specialist and a surgeon. He had another scan and biopsy because i wanted it at this juncture. 3 rounds of chemo, and i felt he needed a pair of fresh eyes.

That decision has turned out -- benign! we are over the moon. There are no 100% guarantees, but we both feel like a big ball and chain have been cut loose from our ankles. Thank god. :bounce:

Uncle percy


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
A new development

No, the cancer has not come back (knock on wood).

We went to take books to the chemo ward, and there was one young woman there who was so upset and frightened. The nurses asked me to speak to her. I never realized I had it in me. I've always said that I wasn't good at "medical" things, and never in a million years would I imagine myself handling such a situation.

But, I held her hand and told her my husband had kicked lung cancer. There he was in the red shirt. I reassured her that she was in good hands and that the staff was outstanding. I also talked of how we handled things over the last three years. Her husband was leaning over to hear. The room became silent. Before I knew it, I had the whole room listening. When I made a gaffe in my speech, the whole room twittered with laughter. The lady made a small joke and laughed too.

The oncology nurses have asked me (and hubby) to be their chemo advocates. We're doing it.



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Hopefully it's absence will be permanent and we can all be shed of cancers sometime. Preferably sooner than later. :)
Cancer counsellors are COOL.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That was just the opening line. Chemo apparently has some side-affects. The support group is there because this is almost a life threatening pandemic. In this support group is it widely known that the American Cancer Society supports oxygen therapy as one method of counter-acting the effects of chemo. Google for a link, there are several sites that affirm this. My question is this, it has been more or less known for some years that a heart attack/stroke should be treated by means of increasing normal pressure to above 1 atmosphere. I can see how that can increase oxygen supply but if you think chemo units are scarse then you have not looked for decompression chambers. The cost would be even more. Instead of sitting around waiting for the experts to save you help them as much as you can. If getting by body to a ph level of 7.6 then I could probably manage to do that simple by knowing how much baking soda to add to my daily water. Getting extra oxygen (in small amounts) is relatively inexpensive.
If I thought I was going to kick the bucket early I would shop around for a remedy. I'm not interested in things that price out at $1,000's / mo. That doesn't mean I have no remedy to (possibly) fight it. Out in the bush how would you survive?

To the OP and not some wannabe white knight. This link has several items that might apply to some of your support group, or to yourself. What if the best way to fight cancer was to not get it in the first place? 2nd to that is reversing the damage.
Ailments from A-Z
For lung cancer the solution can be as simple as inhaling a few drops of 3% HP / day. Since it tends to loosen the tar and such you cannot do more or you will die of nicotine overdose. That is why you have to read more about this stuff than take my word for it. I checked it out and some things I picked up on and other things I let slide. Bate's method of eye-care being one.
I would suggest further study than what this site mentions. If totally true the 3rd world could have universal health care for about $10cnd/yr, while Canadians were shelling out $10's of billions/yr. LOL


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There are Religious Threads to debate Religion. This isn't the place for it.

I think anything to do with sickness, life and death ties in closely with religion and it's pretty hard to split them up. Like trying to split up roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.