Who are you talking to? I am not talking religion. All I said was that my husband and I have been asked to be chemo advocates. I did not even mention religion to this woman, who was Chinese.
That was just the opening line. Chemo apparently has some side-affects. The support group is there because this is almost a life threatening pandemic. In this support group is it widely known that the American Cancer Society supports oxygen therapy as one method of counter-acting the effects of chemo. Google for a link, there are several sites that affirm this. My question is this, it has been more or less known for some years that a heart attack/stroke should be treated by means of increasing normal pressure to above 1 atmosphere. I can see how that can increase oxygen supply but if you think chemo units are scarse then you have not looked for decompression chambers. The cost would be even more. Instead of sitting around waiting for the experts to save you help them as much as you can. If getting by body to a ph level of 7.6 then I could probably manage to do that simple by knowing how much baking soda to add to my daily water. Getting extra oxygen (in small amounts) is relatively inexpensive.
If I thought I was going to kick the bucket early I would shop around for a remedy. I'm not interested in things that price out at $1,000's / mo. That doesn't mean I have no remedy to (possibly) fight it. Out in the bush how would you survive?
To the OP and not some wannabe white knight. This link has several items that might apply to some of your support group, or to yourself. What if the best way to fight cancer was to not get it in the first place? 2nd to that is reversing the damage.
Ailments from A-Z
For lung cancer the solution can be as simple as inhaling a few drops of 3% HP / day. Since it tends to loosen the tar and such you cannot do more or you will die of nicotine overdose. That is why you have to read more about this stuff than take my word for it. I checked it out and some things I picked up on and other things I let slide. Bate's method of eye-care being one.
I would suggest further study than what this site mentions. If totally true the 3rd world could have universal health care for about $10cnd/yr, while Canadians were shelling out $10's of billions/yr. LOL
Hey MHz, this is Spamming by most accounts ( what you just posted )..
Not to say the least rainning on someones day for no reason.. Why not give it a break..
unclepercy did nothing to you so why rain on her good fortune in her eyes..
I believe that post was meant for me.Who are you talking to? I am not talking religion. All I said was that my husband and I have been asked to be chemo advocates. I did not even mention religion to this woman, who was Chinese.
Apparently you missed reading something that (no doubt) was published somewhere before your incident.And PS I have taken Natural medications that have near killed me.. So what's the difference ?
Good health is sacred. I had minor surgery last year to clean out what was initially thought to be a cancerous growth. This entire weekend I have been saddled with a terrible stomach virus that I thought was going to croak me.
I'm glad to know that everyone on this forum is doing good and wish every one complete and long lasting good health.
On a personal note...I don't want to appear like I'm a spammer but I know this kid and I just have to post it...