American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
American culture of violence is from all the f-cking illicit drugs.

40 years ago when I was in grade 6 none of us were dabbling with 25% THC weed, crack, meth, Rx opiods, several variations of MDA/MDMA/Extasay, quad dipped blotter LSD, indoor cultured mushrooms, huffing gold paint, PCP,DMT, Salvia, bath salts, crack, khat, kava kava or Botswanan dagga because they didn't exist or we would never have had access.

A kid in my nephew's grade (5) was suspended for trying to sell meth.

He is too young for juvenile Court.

Chalk up another "win" for the dirty hippies, their kids and now grandkids man.

You do know Trump dropped $10B for expedited teen mental health treatment and addictions?

What the f-ck am I thinking? You'd never know that unless it was on a fascistbook meme.

Teen girl suicides doubled and for boys up 30% during the last 4 years of the Obama administration.

Obamacare was underfunded by Conservatives or Obama didn't care?
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Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Defying NRA, Florida legislature passes new rules to impose waiting period, raise purchasing age for long guns


good for them.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
How could anyone possibly be against any of these small changes?

Re the death threats

Standard procedure.

Scientology does the same thing


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
American culture of violence is from all the f-cking illicit drugs.

40 years ago when I was in grade 6 none of us were dabbling with 25% THC weed, crack, meth, Rx opiods, several variations of MDA/MDMA/Extasay, quad dipped blotter LSD, indoor cultured mushrooms, huffing gold paint, PCP,DMT, Salvia, bath salts, crack, khat, kava kava or Botswanan dagga because they didn't exist or we would never have had access.

A kid in my nephew's grade (5) was suspended for trying to sell meth.

He is too young for juvenile Court.

Chalk up another "win" for the dirty hippies, their kids and now grandkids man.

You do know Trump dropped $10B for expedited teen mental health treatment and addictions?

What the f-ck am I thinking? You'd never know that unless it was on a fascistbook meme.

Teen girl suicides doubled and for boys up 30% during the last 4 years of the Obama administration.

Obamacare was underfunded by Conservatives or Obama didn't care?
You forgot Prozac .

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
How could anyone possibly be against any of these small changes?

Re the death threats

Standard procedure.

Scientology does the same thing
those gun owners/lovers.......are terrified that ANY change will affect their "right " to own guns. It is a programmed mindset now. They have been programmed that guns ae a lot more than just a weapon for self protection.. It as to do with their sense of masculinity and power. Guns are part of their "tough guy image. IMAGE is critical to them.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Is that what they're scared of? You seem to know so much about the US. You have a strong hate for them, so I can only conclude that you are jealous of the opportunities and life they live.

Why did you leave the UK? For a better life? Now that you're in NA, all you do is bitch. :lol: You are the poster child for everything that is wrong with blue haired old ladies.

If US citizens or gun owners have been programmed, tell me what you were programmed for.

You fancy yourself a psychologist, sociologist, political analyst and more. Tell me how you came to the conclusion that gun owners have been programmed, or have an unusal sense of masculinity and power? What about the female gun owners?

Your type of hate is the worst. You put down blocks of people, but know little or nothing about them.

How do you conclude that guns are a part of a tough guy image, or that image is critical to them?

Two can play at that game.

When I read your posts, I see someone full of hate, bitterness, and envy. There isn't a happy bone in your body. You exist to whine and spit venom on others. Your life must be extremely unhappy and disappointing. What went wrong in your personal situation that makes you so hateful? Were you beaten as a child? In an unhappy marriage? Abused psychologically?

There has to be something that makes you post these never ending morose, vile threads. Have you noticed that almost no one answers you? It is not a stretch to conclude that others see you as a flake. Given what you say about Trump, US citizens and their culture generally, it obvious you hate them.

I think that your way to a healthy attitude is beyond self reflection. I think you need professional help.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I am glad that you do not have any firearms. I suspect that you would lose your cool and do damage. You are the culture of violence. A culture of hate and division. Thank goodness we have you contained here.

Shame on you, OB. Your mantra is getting tiresome. The lies you spread are wearing thin.

Are you being paid to do this, OB?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
The NRA will win, OB. That bothers you, doesn't it?

Rather than just endlessly posting news stories that most people are already reading, why not contribute something of value? If it bothers you that the NRA is taking Florida to court, post something that supports your point of view. Your "discussions" consist of cutting and pasting. A few insults or hateful words are usually thrown in for good measure.

Mounties charge Vice-Admiral Mark Norman with breach of trust

Mounties charge Vice-Admiral Mark Norman with breach of trust - Politics - CBC News

Here's a cut and paste. See? Anyone can do it. But you don't care to generate discussion, just hate. A Brit, living in Canada complaining about US news on the Canadian Content forum. :lol: