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  1. T

    Federally funded National Arts Centre event to allow only 'Black-identifying' theatregoers I"m sorry - how is this anything BUT racist? This is just going to give fuel to the white nationalist groups and spread division and animosity between the other races. Why is the gov't funding what is now "state...
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    Canadian Woman Who Wrote To Trump “I Might Use My Gun” Pleads Guilty To Ricin Letter So - she's getting 22 years in prison because she literally tried to kill trump with poison, and tried the same with Texan politicians she didn't like . If this had been a conservative...
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    Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

    Meanwhile over 20 christian churches were burned and he barely said anything and several people employed by the federal gov't turned out to be overtly antisemitic even before they got hired. But we desperately need an anti islamophobe ministry. This is just more divide and conquer.
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    Justin Trudeau’s spending plans will be threatened by higher interest rates and looming recession, report says

    The TLDR is that there's growing financial pressure around the world as investors look at how willing they are to back infinite amounts of spending debt. And with a likely recession (and corresponding reduction in tax revenues) Justin is going to have to decide how to deal with that, , So - in...
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    Alberta’s Danielle Smith demands CBC retract ‘defamatory article’ and apologize So - short version for those who haven't been following - cbc runs a story saying the premier's office sent emails interfering with the investigation and prosecution of...
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    Nanaimo's naked bungee jump for mental health In Nanaimo,they get naked and tie themselves to a giant elastic band and throw themselves from a great height. Then bounce around naked at the bottom for a bit. Outdoors, In frikkin' March. While wearing a Covid mask for safety reasons apparently...
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    CRAZY: Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton.

    Wow. While part of me is always happy to see justin getting a taste of the hatred he so dearly loves to spread about others, I wish they'd find something else to yell other than just swearing at him and name calling. There's SO much material to choose from and it would look a little better...
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    Woman stabbed multiple times on Toronto streetcar, police say (yet ANOTHER unprovoked attack in Toronto) Details are still sketchy and may change but apperently they didn't know each other and one woman just hauled off and shanked the other. It would appear to be yet another random attack. Not personal, not robbery...
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    Why Pierre Poilievre called the Indian Act 'a racist, colonial hang-over' Interesting move. I mean, he's right. The indian act IS a racist document and it really doesn't benefit either first nations or canadians these days. But you're talking about a pretty fundamental reworking of the relationship between...
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    (ANOTHER) 'Swarming' attack by 10-15 youth leaves 2 transit workers hurt, Toronto police say

    And the 'beats' goes on. we went from packs of 8 to 10 to now 15, at least nobody was killed this time. This is just getting insane.
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    Woman dead after (ANOTHER) seemingly unprovoked assault in downtown Toronto, police say

    WHAT THE HELL!!!! You know - i can barely think of reading about one or two cases of random non-sex related attacks in canada in my entire life - now it seems like it's every week and often with fatalities. Seriously people - PLEASE take extra care out there. The last few stories have been...
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    NDP could pull support for Liberal government over pharmacare, health care privatization: Singh (a new twist!) So the ndp has been flailing around looking for SOMETHING that will make it look relevant and threatening to 'end the non coalition coalition', and it's gained very little ground for them...
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    (Liberal MP) Hussen’s office gave $93k in PR work to senior staffer’s sister’s foodie firm Or - we're still stealing taxpayers money but this time we figured out how to do it almost-legal so it's all good!
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    Woman out on bail (for assault) is charged in new Ontario stabbing, then is released again: police Basically she was arrested for 2 cases of assault, assault with a weapon and arson, then released into the community, then she assaulted someone and stabbed them, then they released her again. They re-released...
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    Latest Nanos polling: CPC 36 LPC28 NDP 21 As of January 13

    The actual poll is still subscription only but you can see the results on the wikipedia page: That would most likely produce a minority gov't for the CPC. However, election campaigns matter and it's quite...
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    Pierre Polievre on the Liberal Gun Laws - this is an excellent and simple answer.

    He's right. That absolutely nails it. Trudeau succeeds by making a majority afraid and scared of a minority, and he's done that again and again. Last election it was the evil 'unvaxxed' who were going to kill us all. He's done it with the poor against the rich, the east against the west, one...
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    New hospital video of patient's death over mask dispute raises questions To be clear - this wasn't a protest. She was in the hospital for respitory issues. She was having trouble breathing and sat down out of the way of people and pulled her...
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    Alberta NDP promises Filipino language and culture curriculum for schools, if elected This really took me by surprise. I had no idea that Filipino's were in Alberta in such huge numbers that this was a major provincial platform worth fighting an election over. You don't even see...
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    Trans activists silence gay human rights lawyer for not being subservient enough This is actually kind of a fascinating issue, and is more of an interesting study into the world of left wing radicalism than anything else. Any person or idea that doesn't...
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    Group of teen girls allegedly attacks several people at random at Toronto subway stations what the feck is wrong with teenage girls in toronto these days!?!?!?