“Wokeness” in Canada and elsewhere…


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Nobody wants the girl with the skinny legs .
I do. My first wife was 105 lbs. when we got hitched. At the time, she said if she got as big as her mother, I should divorce her. So I did. Seen her at the granddaughter's grad. Might outweigh me,although it is hard to tell since she is only 5ft 1".
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I do. My first wife was 105 lbs. when we got hitched. At the time, she said if she got as big as her mother, I should divorce her. So I did. Seen her at the granddaughter's grad. Might outweigh me,although it is hard to tell since she is only 5ft 1".
You're kind of a rail, it wouldn't take much.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
You're kind of a rail, it wouldn't take much.
198. been that for almost 20 years. Gained a bit when my thyroid fucked up, but got it back down.
When I met my current wife, 25 years ago I was 185. Not an ounce of fat. Celebrated 25th yesterday.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
198. been that for almost 20 years. Gained a bit when my thyroid fucked up, but got it back down.
When I met my current wife, 25 years ago I was 185. Not an ounce of fat. Celebrated 25th yesterday.
Yeah I suppose we're about the same height but I'm wider in the shoulders. I put a few on after having the cancered up thyroid cut out out last Sept. Just starting to drop back to 220.

Happy Anniversary! We're 4 weeks from 33 years.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
"Wokeism" and feminism is getting pretty funny in Hollywood. In Disney's live action remake of Peter Pan, (now called Peter Pan and Wendy although they might have just as well called it Wendy), there are lost girls with the Lost Boys, although they're still referred to as the Lost Boys. What makes this amusing is in the original story the reason boys ended up in Neverland was because they were stupid/foolish enough to fall out of/ get out of their prams. While girls weren't that stupid. But hey, with the updated version written for "modern audiences" girls can now be every bit as stupid/foolish as boys. Hooray for representing female equality.
What gets even weirder is Captain Hook is now a sympathetic character who hates Peter Pan for sending him away as a kid from Neverland back to the real world. The weird part is, Captain Hook is an older White man who wants revenge on Peter ( a person of colour) for ruining his life. In woke Hollywood/Disney, the old White guy pissed off at the young person of colour is the sympathetic character while Peter is actually a bit of an asshole. Weird messaging for Woke Hollywood.

And quite frankly, I seriously think the ONLY reason Barbie has done as well as it has is because of the writers and actors strike. The "stars" are forbidden to talk about anything they're in that's released during the strike. If any of the people in that movie had actually described what it was about, it would have died at the box office.
And here's the message. Barbieland is a nightmare. The Kens are all useless background planks and the Barbies are all miserable. Ken and Barbie go to the real world and Ken loves what he sees. Coming back to Barbieland Ken and the other Kens start having some fun. The other Barbies take notice and next thing you know, they are dating each other and being happy. But Barbie herself remains a gloomy Gertie because she's literally, if unintentionally by the writers, a victim of her own toxic mindset. If she isn't happy then nobody else is going to be and she turns Barbieland back into a nightmare of bored and boring one dimensional characters again. Another warm, high-reaching feminist message, "It's all about YOU! Fuck absolutely everyone else, you're the only one that matters.."

Amazon's Rings of Power took an incredibly powerful elf queen and sorceress and neutered her (yes I know, shut up), retconning her into Guyladriel: Warrior Princess, action hero extraordinaire. Or in shorter terms, a female discount Aragorn, very discount. On top of that, she was such a thoroughly despicable character that ultimately you start rooting for Sauron and the orcs. You can't complain about toxic masculinity in movies and then put everyone of those characteristics into a female protagonist (and make her pretty evil in the process) and act like she's someone you should get emotionally invested in and admire. It doesn't fucking work like that. I mean she was manipulative, she threatened genocide, she was short-tempered, mean-spirited, and couldn't give two flying fucks about anyone else, including her own people. And yet she's supposed to be the hero.

It's pretty obvious why movies and streaming content are taking a shit kicking when it comes to overall viewer ratings. Because the vast majority of the dreck being made lately is pretty much the same as what's been described above repeated in almost every release. Oh look, yet another mental masturbatory movie/series about female empowerment. Haven't seen any of those before. Certainly didn't see any of that in Norma Jean, or Erin Brockovich. Sure didn't see any empowered female action stars Like Ripley (sort of) from the Alien franchise or Lara Croft or Red Sonia. Hell, even Peg Bundy from Married With Children didn't take shit from anyone.

It's been done ladies, quite a bit. You're not shattering any glass ceilings. You're not altering paradigms. You're not breaking barriers. You're simply repeating history only with much, MUCH shittier products. Empty, vapid crap "starring" planks of wood. No character arcs. No real story, just a bunch of contrivances to move what passes for a plot along. And let's not forget the horribly inane dialogue.

All these garbage remakes and reboots are simply the writers making fan fiction for themselves, putting themselves in the lead roles, by proxy. They don't give a fuck about the viewers. They don't give a fuck about the source material. And they sure don't give a fuck that they keep creating junk that loses millions if not 10s of millions of dollars. They only thing they give a fuck about is seeing their own self represented on the screen in some way. Even if it's riding on the back of someone else's IP.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"Wokeism" and feminism is getting pretty funny in Hollywood. In Disney's live action remake of Peter Pan, (now called Peter Pan and Wendy although they might have just as well called it Wendy), there are lost girls with the Lost Boys, although they're still referred to as the Lost Boys. What makes this amusing is in the original story the reason boys ended up in Neverland was because they were stupid/foolish enough to fall out of/ get out of their prams. While girls weren't that stupid. But hey, with the updated version written for "modern audiences" girls can now be every bit as stupid/foolish as boys. Hooray for representing female equality.
What gets even weirder is Captain Hook is now a sympathetic character who hates Peter Pan for sending him away as a kid from Neverland back to the real world. The weird part is, Captain Hook is an older White man who wants revenge on Peter ( a person of colour) for ruining his life. In woke Hollywood/Disney, the old White guy pissed off at the young person of colour is the sympathetic character while Peter is actually a bit of an asshole. Weird messaging for Woke Hollywood.

And quite frankly, I seriously think the ONLY reason Barbie has done as well as it has is because of the writers and actors strike. The "stars" are forbidden to talk about anything they're in that's released during the strike. If any of the people in that movie had actually described what it was about, it would have died at the box office.
And here's the message. Barbieland is a nightmare. The Kens are all useless background planks and the Barbies are all miserable. Ken and Barbie go to the real world and Ken loves what he sees. Coming back to Barbieland Ken and the other Kens start having some fun. The other Barbies take notice and next thing you know, they are dating each other and being happy. But Barbie herself remains a gloomy Gertie because she's literally, if unintentionally by the writers, a victim of her own toxic mindset. If she isn't happy then nobody else is going to be and she turns Barbieland back into a nightmare of bored and boring one dimensional characters again. Another warm, high-reaching feminist message, "It's all about YOU! Fuck absolutely everyone else, you're the only one that matters.."

Amazon's Rings of Power took an incredibly powerful elf queen and sorceress and neutered her (yes I know, shut up), retconning her into Guyladriel: Warrior Princess, action hero extraordinaire. Or in shorter terms, a female discount Aragorn, very discount. On top of that, she was such a thoroughly despicable character that ultimately you start rooting for Sauron and the orcs. You can't complain about toxic masculinity in movies and then put everyone of those characteristics into a female protagonist (and make her pretty evil in the process) and act like she's someone you should get emotionally invested in and admire. It doesn't fucking work like that. I mean she was manipulative, she threatened genocide, she was short-tempered, mean-spirited, and couldn't give two flying fucks about anyone else, including her own people. And yet she's supposed to be the hero.

It's pretty obvious why movies and streaming content are taking a shit kicking when it comes to overall viewer ratings. Because the vast majority of the dreck being made lately is pretty much the same as what's been described above repeated in almost every release. Oh look, yet another mental masturbatory movie/series about female empowerment. Haven't seen any of those before. Certainly didn't see any of that in Norma Jean, or Erin Brockovich. Sure didn't see any empowered female action stars Like Ripley (sort of) from the Alien franchise or Lara Croft or Red Sonia. Hell, even Peg Bundy from Married With Children didn't take shit from anyone.

It's been done ladies, quite a bit. You're not shattering any glass ceilings. You're not altering paradigms. You're not breaking barriers. You're simply repeating history only with much, MUCH shittier products. Empty, vapid crap "starring" planks of wood. No character arcs. No real story, just a bunch of contrivances to move what passes for a plot along. And let's not forget the horribly inane dialogue.

All these garbage remakes and reboots are simply the writers making fan fiction for themselves, putting themselves in the lead roles, by proxy. They don't give a fuck about the viewers. They don't give a fuck about the source material. And they sure don't give a fuck that they keep creating junk that loses millions if not 10s of millions of dollars. They only thing they give a fuck about is seeing their own self represented on the screen in some way. Even if it's riding on the back of someone else's IP.
Meanwhile in theatre 2, we have a movie about cancel culture titled Oppenheimer.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Well, at least we can rely on films made by and starring White men to be thrilling, literate, and uplifting.
*sigh* It's not about colour, race baiter, it's the fucking atrocious writing and the douchebags who greenlight the shit.
Here, let me give you an example of how "woke" shit is ruining entertainment. There is a whole new industry that has latched onto the entertainment industry that is sucking the life out of it called "sensitivity readers". These twats call themselves "experts" while never having been an editor or even an author. They're just experts in "feelings". And seriously, they run tis shit like a Mafia protection racket. They take your book or manuscript, make "sensitivity suggestions if not outright rewriting parts of it so you can make the pertinent "corrections". Of course you don't HAVE to follow their "advice" but it sure would be a shame if something happened to you and/or your hard work, like getting canceled.
Christ dude, take a well acclaimed author who's been writing longer than most of these shits have been alive. If they don't take the advice of some 23 yr old narcissist who only brings her "life experience" to the table, all 23 years of it I might add, they can and will be canceled too. This is a fucking industry with real people doing this shit to artists.
"Oh no, that's not narrative-approved art, you must change your view". This is honestly going on. Art is literally being thought policed by people who can and will sink your career if you don't go with their very leftist "corrections. Ever see the South Park Episode where Randy goes to China with all his weed? Remember how Stan had to write something with a Chinese general looking over his shoulder, crossing out words or lines he disapproved of? The absurdity of that, except it's not absurd. The only difference is it isn't a Chinese general making the "necessary political corrections".

In fact it happened to at least one author, I don't know his or her name, to the point of utter absurdity. The main character in his book was in a wheelchair. The book was basically from the perspective of a personal in a wheelchair. However it was scrutinized by a "sensitivity reader" who was uncomfortable with some of his wording, including his description of the main character's condition. Which the author also had. So some self-proclaimed "expert in feelings" was uncomfortable with this person's condition and the words and phrasing he used about it because she had life experience. Not as anyone in a wheelchair though but she is ALT-left so she obviously knew what a person in a wheelchair experiences better than they would because she can't possibly be wrong, she's an expert in feelings.

Writing is art. And if you have people thought policing it before it can be seen, then it's not the writer's vision anymore. And if you're going to tell someone that a book about THEIR life experiences, THEIR reality is wrong, then what makes you any different than the people on the right you like to squwack about. "Oh, I can deny/ignore your life experiences and your reality because I'm an expert in feelings with a whole 23 years of life experience,."

And holy fucking shit, the actors in Hollywood are so "woke" they're deliberately trying to destroy their own jobs. Let's look at the writers. Quite frankly there just isn't enough work for all the fucking writers out there. So, their union has come up with a brilliant idea. Outside of sitcoms, shows are usually written by one or two writers. So one of the demands is every project must have at least 6 writers in the room and 2 of them must be head writers. And considering the absolute shit the writers are puking out, I'm not surprised this strike has lasted this long. Both writers an actors want Hollywood to ban the use of AI because it will take over their jobs. And yet at the same time there's striking nitwits insisting that AI will never replace them because humans blah blah blah. So they want AI banned even though it can never replace them anyway. Meanwhile morons like Bryan Cranston are screaming about solidarity and dignity. Well tell what Bryan, how's about instead of demanding ridiculous amounts of money to appear in shit, you and the rest of the bubble crew all demand a little less so those writers can get paid more. THAT is solidarity, douchebag.

But wait, it gets even better. Viewership is longer used to tabulate the "demand" for a show anymore, because as one writer said, "It's soul-crushing". Well maybe if they weren't writing absolute shit those viewer numbers would be much less soul-crushing. So, to the rescue comes Parrot Analytics. PA uses all sorts of metrics to measure demand in the media from news stories to social media, but NOT actual viewer numbers. At one point, according to PA, 'Velma" had a 127% increase in demand. Well no, it really didn't. The viewer numbers and ratings are brutal. The "demand" was simply people on social media talking about just how fucking awful it was. And that's how "demand" is measured. It doesn't matter if people are burning the show to the ground on-line, people are still talking about it, and talk automatically now equates to "demand". This is NOT one of those cases where even bad publicity is good publicity. This is one of those cases where viewers are telling you your show is an abortion that should have been left in its entirety on the cutting room floor. But Parrot Analytics will find a way to distort the facts to keep you from having hurt feelings. This will also increase residual payments to actors for shows that are complete dumpster fires. And talk about entitlement. One of the actors from the She-Hulk series was whining because her last residual check was for $396 and she thinks she deserves more than that. With the new Parrot Analytics bullshit, she could get that increase, if the show was still on.

This is the world of "woke" delusion these people operate in. Like Rachel Zegler. She was all about representin' in Snow White. Because that's sooo important, Fuck the actual story man, it needs updatin' and representin'. Yet she starred in the movie remake of West Side Story. So how does a girl who is half Polish, half-Colombian and born in the US "represent" the Puerto Rican culture? I guess all Latin Americans are interchangeable? That'd be like me saying I represent the Polish because we're both White, even though I'm not the least bit Polish.

And I really don't know what the fuck Disney is doing. They are shedding profit like a cat sheds fur. They are the embodiment of a snake eating itself. They're cannibalizing their library to turn their classics into empty, lifeless, vapid, inane dreck because they simply MUST be updated for modern audiences all diverse and shit. Funny how when Disney did the live action remake of Mulan there wasn't any diversity in it and nobody pissed their little panties over it.
Star Wars franchise: destroyed by woke and other ALT-left shit. Seriously, what was the purpose of turning Luke Skywalker into a total piece of shit in The Rise of Skywalker?
The MCU: destroyed by woke and other ALT-left shit.
Indiana Jones: Finally finished off by woke and other ALT-left shit.
In a year Disney has lost over 50% of its stock value. There's a reason for that.

Look at all the flopbusters. All because they're injected with woke shit. Did I say injected? I mean practically swimming in it. Nobody wants to pay to get fucking preached at in every goddam movie. And it's always the same message because that's what the industry has become. It's all about "the message for modern audiences". Things like actual story, plot and character arcs just get in the way of that.
If Hollywood et al insist on making movies and shows for niche audiences, well that's all they're going to get. But niche audiences don't keep studios alive.

And finally, just to show how cognitively dissonant the "woke" are, market research within the entertainment industry have stated that older audiences are more discernible in what they watch. So of course the tactic is to market around them, not at them. Now consider we keep hearing that the Western World has more older people than younger people, it's no wonder Hollywood is failing, they're ignoring the majority of the audience out there. When you make a romantic comedy about two gay guys, you can't reasonably expect people who aren't gay to flock to the theatres. To use the the pushers of "diversity" excuse, I simply can't identify with it or the main characters so why would I watch it?

I grew up watching actors like Sidney Poitier and TV shows like Shaft, The Jefferson's, Good Times, Fat Albert, Chico and the Man and What's Happenin'. And even though I couldn't racially identify with any of the main characters or actors, I still enjoyed those shows.

Like I said previously, nobody is breaking any glass ceilings in the acting dept today. It's been done. To death lately.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
*sigh* It's not about colour, race baiter, it's the fucking atrocious writing and the douchebags who greenlight the shit.
Here, let me give you an example of how "woke" shit is ruining entertainment. There is a whole new industry that has latched onto the entertainment industry that is sucking the life out of it called "sensitivity readers". These twats call themselves "experts" while never having been an editor or even an author. They're just experts in "feelings". And seriously, they run tis shit like a Mafia protection racket. They take your book or manuscript, make "sensitivity suggestions if not outright rewriting parts of it so you can make the pertinent "corrections". Of course you don't HAVE to follow their "advice" but it sure would be a shame if something happened to you and/or your hard work, like getting canceled.
Christ dude, take a well acclaimed author who's been writing longer than most of these shits have been alive. If they don't take the advice of some 23 yr old narcissist who only brings her "life experience" to the table, all 23 years of it I might add, they can and will be canceled too. This is a fucking industry with real people doing this shit to artists.
"Oh no, that's not narrative-approved art, you must change your view". This is honestly going on. Art is literally being thought policed by people who can and will sink your career if you don't go with their very leftist "corrections. Ever see the South Park Episode where Randy goes to China with all his weed? Remember how Stan had to write something with a Chinese general looking over his shoulder, crossing out words or lines he disapproved of? The absurdity of that, except it's not absurd. The only difference is it isn't a Chinese general making the "necessary political corrections".

In fact it happened to at least one author, I don't know his or her name, to the point of utter absurdity. The main character in his book was in a wheelchair. The book was basically from the perspective of a personal in a wheelchair. However it was scrutinized by a "sensitivity reader" who was uncomfortable with some of his wording, including his description of the main character's condition. Which the author also had. So some self-proclaimed "expert in feelings" was uncomfortable with this person's condition and the words and phrasing he used about it because she had life experience. Not as anyone in a wheelchair though but she is ALT-left so she obviously knew what a person in a wheelchair experiences better than they would because she can't possibly be wrong, she's an expert in feelings.

Writing is art. And if you have people thought policing it before it can be seen, then it's not the writer's vision anymore. And if you're going to tell someone that a book about THEIR life experiences, THEIR reality is wrong, then what makes you any different than the people on the right you like to squwack about. "Oh, I can deny/ignore your life experiences and your reality because I'm an expert in feelings with a whole 23 years of life experience,."

And holy fucking shit, the actors in Hollywood are so "woke" they're deliberately trying to destroy their own jobs. Let's look at the writers. Quite frankly there just isn't enough work for all the fucking writers out there. So, their union has come up with a brilliant idea. Outside of sitcoms, shows are usually written by one or two writers. So one of the demands is every project must have at least 6 writers in the room and 2 of them must be head writers. And considering the absolute shit the writers are puking out, I'm not surprised this strike has lasted this long. Both writers an actors want Hollywood to ban the use of AI because it will take over their jobs. And yet at the same time there's striking nitwits insisting that AI will never replace them because humans blah blah blah. So they want AI banned even though it can never replace them anyway. Meanwhile morons like Bryan Cranston are screaming about solidarity and dignity. Well tell what Bryan, how's about instead of demanding ridiculous amounts of money to appear in shit, you and the rest of the bubble crew all demand a little less so those writers can get paid more. THAT is solidarity, douchebag.

But wait, it gets even better. Viewership is longer used to tabulate the "demand" for a show anymore, because as one writer said, "It's soul-crushing". Well maybe if they weren't writing absolute shit those viewer numbers would be much less soul-crushing. So, to the rescue comes Parrot Analytics. PA uses all sorts of metrics to measure demand in the media from news stories to social media, but NOT actual viewer numbers. At one point, according to PA, 'Velma" had a 127% increase in demand. Well no, it really didn't. The viewer numbers and ratings are brutal. The "demand" was simply people on social media talking about just how fucking awful it was. And that's how "demand" is measured. It doesn't matter if people are burning the show to the ground on-line, people are still talking about it, and talk automatically now equates to "demand". This is NOT one of those cases where even bad publicity is good publicity. This is one of those cases where viewers are telling you your show is an abortion that should have been left in its entirety on the cutting room floor. But Parrot Analytics will find a way to distort the facts to keep you from having hurt feelings. This will also increase residual payments to actors for shows that are complete dumpster fires. And talk about entitlement. One of the actors from the She-Hulk series was whining because her last residual check was for $396 and she thinks she deserves more than that. With the new Parrot Analytics bullshit, she could get that increase, if the show was still on.

This is the world of "woke" delusion these people operate in. Like Rachel Zegler. She was all about representin' in Snow White. Because that's sooo important, Fuck the actual story man, it needs updatin' and representin'. Yet she starred in the movie remake of West Side Story. So how does a girl who is half Polish, half-Colombian and born in the US "represent" the Puerto Rican culture? I guess all Latin Americans are interchangeable? That'd be like me saying I represent the Polish because we're both White, even though I'm not the least bit Polish.

And I really don't know what the fuck Disney is doing. They are shedding profit like a cat sheds fur. They are the embodiment of a snake eating itself. They're cannibalizing their library to turn their classics into empty, lifeless, vapid, inane dreck because they simply MUST be updated for modern audiences all diverse and shit. Funny how when Disney did the live action remake of Mulan there wasn't any diversity in it and nobody pissed their little panties over it.
Star Wars franchise: destroyed by woke and other ALT-left shit. Seriously, what was the purpose of turning Luke Skywalker into a total piece of shit in The Rise of Skywalker?
The MCU: destroyed by woke and other ALT-left shit.
Indiana Jones: Finally finished off by woke and other ALT-left shit.
In a year Disney has lost over 50% of its stock value. There's a reason for that.

Look at all the flopbusters. All because they're injected with woke shit. Did I say injected? I mean practically swimming in it. Nobody wants to pay to get fucking preached at in every goddam movie. And it's always the same message because that's what the industry has become. It's all about "the message for modern audiences". Things like actual story, plot and character arcs just get in the way of that.
If Hollywood et al insist on making movies and shows for niche audiences, well that's all they're going to get. But niche audiences don't keep studios alive.

And finally, just to show how cognitively dissonant the "woke" are, market research within the entertainment industry have stated that older audiences are more discernible in what they watch. So of course the tactic is to market around them, not at them. Now consider we keep hearing that the Western World has more older people than younger people, it's no wonder Hollywood is failing, they're ignoring the majority of the audience out there. When you make a romantic comedy about two gay guys, you can't reasonably expect people who aren't gay to flock to the theatres. To use the the pushers of "diversity" excuse, I simply can't identify with it or the main characters so why would I watch it?

I grew up watching actors like Sidney Poitier and TV shows like Shaft, The Jefferson's, Good Times, Fat Albert, Chico and the Man and What's Happenin'. And even though I couldn't racially identify with any of the main characters or actors, I still enjoyed those shows.

Like I said previously, nobody is breaking any glass ceilings in the acting dept today. It's been done. To death lately.
Tell us how you really feel .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here’s a weird one:
In the TikTok, Krolczyk alleged that she was given a failing grade on a proposal for her Gender in Pop Culture course. She planned to write a paper in which she would argue that trans athletes competing in women's sports were taking opportunities away from "biological women."

The adjunct professor in the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies department at the University of Cincinnati is the former instructor of Olivia Krolczyk. Krolczyk is the student who created a viral TikTok in which she denounced her professor (unnamed in the video) for giving her a failing grade on an assignment because Krolczyk used the term "biological women."

Nipper confirmed the sequence of events Krolczyk shared, saying the assignment was one part of a three-part project, and her review of the idea and Krolczyk's language was a routine element of her duties as a professor. "Every final project proposal has to be approved by the instructor," she said.

Eventually, according to Nipper, Krolczyk asked to focus on a different topic, with Nipper even offering to extend the deadline.

Afterward, Nipper was informed by the Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion that Krolcyek had submitted a Freedom of Speech claim, which is a complaint any student may submit if they believe a faculty member violated the University of Cincinnati's Free Speech policy.

Asked about the investigation into Krolczyk complaint, Bleuzette Marshall, vice president of Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact at UC, responded: "We don't comment on active investigations, but thank you for your inquiry."
Although Nipper said she agrees classrooms should be places for debate and discussion, that ends when "you are, intentionally or unintentionally, participating in a systemic harm of some kind." She cited transphobia and white supremacy as examples.

Similar incidents had occurred in the past, said Nipper, who has taught at UC since 2021. When a student uses "an outdated terminology," Nipper said she feels it is necessary to correct those mistakes. "Not a zero for the course," Nipper clarified, "a zero for an assignment."

"I will happily regrade," Nipper said. "You are not going to have any late penalties."

But always, Nipper said, she underlines why a rewrite is necessary.

"This is unacceptable based on the community, the marginalized individuals that are at stake, and also the foundations of the course."
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Here’s a weird one:
In the TikTok, Krolczyk alleged that she was given a failing grade on a proposal for her Gender in Pop Culture course. She planned to write a paper in which she would argue that trans athletes competing in women's sports were taking opportunities away from "biological women."

The adjunct professor in the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies department at the University of Cincinnati is the former instructor of Olivia Krolczyk. Krolczyk is the student who created a viral TikTok in which she denounced her professor (unnamed in the video) for giving her a failing grade on an assignment because Krolczyk used the term "biological women."

Nipper confirmed the sequence of events Krolczyk shared, saying the assignment was one part of a three-part project, and her review of the idea and Krolczyk's language was a routine element of her duties as a professor. "Every final project proposal has to be approved by the instructor," she said.

Eventually, according to Nipper, Krolczyk asked to focus on a different topic, with Nipper even offering to extend the deadline.

Afterward, Nipper was informed by the Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion that Krolcyek had submitted a Freedom of Speech claim, which is a complaint any student may submit if they believe a faculty member violated the University of Cincinnati's Free Speech policy.

Asked about the investigation into Krolczyk complaint, Bleuzette Marshall, vice president of Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact at UC, responded: "We don't comment on active investigations, but thank you for your inquiry."
Although Nipper said she agrees classrooms should be places for debate and discussion, that ends when "you are, intentionally or unintentionally, participating in a systemic harm of some kind." She cited transphobia and white supremacy as examples.

Similar incidents had occurred in the past, said Nipper, who has taught at UC since 2021. When a student uses "an outdated terminology," Nipper said she feels it is necessary to correct those mistakes. "Not a zero for the course," Nipper clarified, "a zero for an assignment."

"I will happily regrade," Nipper said. "You are not going to have any late penalties."

But always, Nipper said, she underlines why a rewrite is necessary.

"This is unacceptable based on the community, the marginalized individuals that are at stake, and also the foundations of the course."
View attachment 19170
Another stupid woman ruining lives because of woke ideology. How do these things get to be teachers?
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Here’s a weird one:
In the TikTok, Krolczyk alleged that she was given a failing grade on a proposal for her Gender in Pop Culture course. She planned to write a paper in which she would argue that trans athletes competing in women's sports were taking opportunities away from "biological women."

The adjunct professor in the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies department at the University of Cincinnati is the former instructor of Olivia Krolczyk. Krolczyk is the student who created a viral TikTok in which she denounced her professor (unnamed in the video) for giving her a failing grade on an assignment because Krolczyk used the term "biological women."

Nipper confirmed the sequence of events Krolczyk shared, saying the assignment was one part of a three-part project, and her review of the idea and Krolczyk's language was a routine element of her duties as a professor. "Every final project proposal has to be approved by the instructor," she said.

Eventually, according to Nipper, Krolczyk asked to focus on a different topic, with Nipper even offering to extend the deadline.

Afterward, Nipper was informed by the Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion that Krolcyek had submitted a Freedom of Speech claim, which is a complaint any student may submit if they believe a faculty member violated the University of Cincinnati's Free Speech policy.

Asked about the investigation into Krolczyk complaint, Bleuzette Marshall, vice president of Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact at UC, responded: "We don't comment on active investigations, but thank you for your inquiry."
Although Nipper said she agrees classrooms should be places for debate and discussion, that ends when "you are, intentionally or unintentionally, participating in a systemic harm of some kind." She cited transphobia and white supremacy as examples.

Similar incidents had occurred in the past, said Nipper, who has taught at UC since 2021. When a student uses "an outdated terminology," Nipper said she feels it is necessary to correct those mistakes. "Not a zero for the course," Nipper clarified, "a zero for an assignment."

"I will happily regrade," Nipper said. "You are not going to have any late penalties."

But always, Nipper said, she underlines why a rewrite is necessary.

"This is unacceptable based on the community, the marginalized individuals that are at stake, and also the foundations of the course."
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"Eventually, according to Nipper, Krolczyk asked to focus on a different topic, with Nipper even offering to extend the deadline."

Well what the fuck is her issue then? The topic she chose got a failing grade, the prof gave her a reason why and gave a chance to change that.

The prof is the one that dictates what's approved or not on the bases of the course. The prof decided that using "Biological Woman" was not proper terminology for the subject the student was debating. And in reality it's not because Trans women are still biological women (in that their gender is part of their biology as it is for everyone else), but suggesting that as a term leads down a hugely debative topic.

Student has nothing to complain about.

Though I do find it funny those who support the student would likely not be doing so if this was not involving trans issues.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
"Eventually, according to Nipper, Krolczyk asked to focus on a different topic, with Nipper even offering to extend the deadline."

Well what the fuck is her issue then? The topic she chose got a failing grade, the prof gave her a reason why and gave a chance to change that.

The prof is the one that dictates what's approved or not on the bases of the course. The prof decided that using "Biological Woman" was not proper terminology for the subject the student was debating. And in reality it's not because Trans women are still biological women (in that their gender is part of their biology as it is for everyone else), but suggesting that as a term leads down a hugely debative topic.

Student has nothing to complain about.

Though I do find it funny those who support the student would likely not be doing so if this was not involving trans issues.
Funny , you’ve come a long way baby has morphed into you’ve come a long way baby boy . Who needs biological women anyway .
For some reason I think you are fighting a loosing battle . Maybe best to retreat , regroup and try a different approach . Cancelling woman is not working .