“Wokeness” in Canada and elsewhere…


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
OK, I’m not sure if this is Woke or just Weird?
View attachment 19298
View attachment 19299
This isn’t from the Onion, or the Beaverton, or even the CBC. This isn’t a parody. Not an intentional parody anyway.
So is goat milk OK? What about horse milk? I have used both.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
What colour are goat & horse milk? Did the goat & horse authorize your use of their milk in advance? A signed and notarized waiver, etc…?
Goat milk is white. Horse milk is almost clear. We did an inclusive study group( two mechanics.students.One was born in Africa so that has to count double.) on the horse milk thing. We did use the negative authorization thing. They didn't complain, so we took that as permission.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A toxic idea has infatuated academics in Canada and the rest of the western world: decolonization.

The movement classifies people into two groups: “settlers” and “indigenous peoples.” Any people deemed “indigenous” to a region are entitled to their claimed lands, and have moral authority to resist so-called occupation. “Settlers” — those deemed to be illegitimate occupiers — are morally reprehensible and deserve to face whatever indigenous resistance comes their way.

The obsession with “diversity, equity and inclusion” is widespread in the federal public service, which has grown a staggering 40 per cent since 2015, and Global Affairs is no exception.

Most people thought it was just a rogue Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) local that didn’t speak for the whole 700,000-member union.

Wrong. Seems some high-ranking CUPE officials are not on Israel’s side at all.

Just moments after Israeli children had been slaughtered, people were stunned by CUPE, Local 3906’s public support for those behind the genocide.

“Palestine is rising, long live the resistance,” they callously posted on X.

The cruelty didn’t stop there. It was followed by CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn liking that post and later going to social media with a “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free” meme. He also tweeted about being “thankful” for “resistance.”

Tweeted Hahn: “As we all think about reasons to be thankful this #thanksgiving2023, I know I’m thankful for the power of workers, the power of resistance around the globe. Because #Resistance is fruitful and no matter what some might say, #Resistance brings progress, and for that, I’m thankful.”

Premier Doug Ford expressed his outrage “The comments by the president of CUPE Ontario glorifying and celebrating the rape, abduction and murder of innocent Israeli people are disturbing, and I denounce them wholeheartedly,” said Ford Tuesday.

“They do not reflect the views or values of Ontario, and I do not believe they represent the opinions of the workers he claims to speak for. Ontario does — and always will — support Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens against the brutal violence waged by Hamas terrorists.”

Statistics Canada produced an important report last week into the murders of Indigenous women and girls. It should have a significant impact on public policy in Canada, but almost certainly won’t because it conflicts with the “woke” narrative about who murders Indigenous women and why.

The report has several fascinating findings, but here is the key one: In most cases (86%), “the person accused of their homicide was also Indigenous.”

In short, most murdered Indigenous women were killed by Indigenous men (and occasionally another Indigenous woman).

That doesn’t make their murders less tragic or less worthy of being investigated and prosecuted. Indeed, police lay charges in nearly as many murder cases in which the female victim is Indigenous (87%) and cases where the victim is non-Indigenous (90%).

That means nearly all the solutions proposed so far by the Trudeau Liberals, by academics and by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) are destined to fail because they are seeking to solve the wrong problem – i.e. systemic white racism.

So long as “progressive” officials insist that it must be white privilege that causes the deaths of Indigenous women, they feed the rampant notion that Indigenous women are most often the victims of non-Indigenous predators. And, so long as that misinformation is widespread, reconciliation will be impossible.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
A toxic idea has infatuated academics in Canada and the rest of the western world: decolonization.

The movement classifies people into two groups: “settlers” and “indigenous peoples.” Any people deemed “indigenous” to a region are entitled to their claimed lands, and have moral authority to resist so-called occupation. “Settlers” — those deemed to be illegitimate occupiers — are morally reprehensible and deserve to face whatever indigenous resistance comes their way.
Makes a body wonder why y'all got all pissy when the Germans settled France and the Low Countries.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Do you? How would you define "genocide?"

Does that change after you read the Genocide Convention?

Genocide Convention
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

I doubt if one could consider the murder of indigenous women "genocide" but I suppose it could apply because it's "only" women. But now-a-days you could probably apply that to ALL women since there is such an effort to destroy the gender, but I digress.

Genocide usually refers to a whole group of people belonging to the same society (for lack of a better term). Men & children would also have to be included. In this case, they're not which is why I'm questioning the term. Just sayin...