“Wokeness” in Canada and elsewhere…


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
They made the same argument in the military. "If we allow wimmins in combat roles, the boyz'll be too horn-doggy to pay attention to their killin'!"

Turned out that nothing gets your mind off your dick like the threat of getting it shot off. . .

I do like how there are some parts in the military that women excel at, and men acknowledge it. Like, had it not been for that 'allowin' wommen' to fight' they'd never know just how badass we can be.

Then again, men can't imagine pregnancy or giving birth or shoving a melon through a small hole, either 🤪 (or they couldn't; tense machines giving them 'period/pregnancy pain' simulations has been eye opening and hilarious.)