Kelly McParland: How decades of Liberal indifference created Danielle Smith


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
She comes from Wexit.

You can think this isn't about Alberta separation, and right now it's not, directly.

But in the end, if she doesn't get what she wants, it'll head that way. The cries from the right in Alberta have been going on for years, threatening leaving.


I'm just saying I don't care anymore.

GTFO, both provinces.

IMO both provinces are like the two little spoiled brats in a family trying to get mom and dad to pay attention to them, and now they're seeing who can scream the loudest and be the most effing annoying.
Big difference. Quebec is a spoiled little child who gets everything handed to them while Alberta gets treated like the red-headed step-child. Next year carbon taxes on gasoline are going up 14 cents/L, except in Quebec where they're only going up 9 cents. And even though there's 4 other provinces who have some kind of carbon pricing that was "approved" by the Fed, they'll still be paying the 14 cent hike.
Overall Quebec pays about 1/3 less carbon tax than the rest of the provinces, including those with carbon pricing. Yet somehow the Supreme Court ruled the tax to be "constitutional". And here I thought federal taxes were to be applied equally to all the provinces. I'm surprised the GST in Quebec isn't 4%.

Pierre Fucking Trudeau handed this country to Quebec even before the 1982 Constitution. Any Crown Corp HQs in Quebec can NEVER be relocated to another province for any reason. That also includes many federally regulated industries that are basically arms-length Crown Corps like VIA, CN, Air Canada.
Despite only 18% of the country being unilingually French, 40% of federal govt jobs require the ability to speak French.

From Confederation to Pierre Trudeau, only 3 PMs came from Quebec including Trudeau, the rest came from all across Canada including The Yukon for Christ sake. Since Pierre's first go as PM, 7 of our 9 elected, sitting PM's have come from Quebec, including Pierre's second go as PM.
And Quebec is never, EVER allowed to lose any assigned seats in Parliament even if they become a smaller and smaller percentage of the population.

If anything, Alberta's antics are simply revealing the total fucking hypocrisy of not only this govt, but the rigged system in general. The fact Harper managed to get elected to two terms as PM was mostly due to the fact that the Liberals tried giving us Count Igula and Stephane *yawn* Dion.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Well, geographically large but population wise about the same. But yes that is a bit of the problem. But that is the problem with democracy at the best of times - democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. It's the tyranny of the majority. The bigger population is always going to push aside the smaller one.

We try to compensate for that by having our constitution, a party system, and in theory the senate was supposed to help with that too (but doesn't really in it's current form).

But - that's what we've got to live with unfortunately. "Democracy is a horrible system for governing people, with it's sole redeeming quality being that it's better than any of the others".
And that's because it's the ONLY system that even attempts to account for that quirky variable known as human behaviour.
Only I don't think it ever accounted for people who act like sheep. It's like they follow a political religion or something. Don't listen to anyone outside the ideological bubble and never question the dogma. We will tell you what to believe.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Sure - but unless an actual supreme court ruling agrees with that it doesn't mean anything. The feds still can't force the provinces to do something.
Hmmm….and here’s Jagmeet!! In his role as non-opposition to the current Liberal/NDP Federal Government with their Non-Coalition Coalitions Coalition, speaking out against Alberta and their current Provincial Government:

Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says the Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act would negatively affect the province’s health-care system but declined to say if Ottawa should use its power of disallowance to quash the legislation.

Disallowance instead of Paramountcy? Hmmm…

Singh did not directly answer a question Saturday about if he would support the Federal Government using its power of disallowance against the bill. Hmmm… which way would Mr Singh flop on anything before 2025? Tough question…

The power of disallowance permits the federal government to prevent a provincial law from coming into force.

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government isn’t “looking for a fight” with Smith over the sovereignty act, but said he also won’t rule out any options.

Singh and Trudeau (or Trudeau/Singh?) announced they had entered into an open deal last March where the New Democrats would back the Liberals on non-confidence votes, effectively keeping the prime minister’s minority government power until 2025.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If I were to drive like a moron and crash my car into a snowbank would it be appropriate to blame the ice for being slippery? If my passenger opened the door and bailed out should I still blame the ice?


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Hmmm….and here’s Jagmeet!! In his role as non-opposition to the current Liberal/NDP Federal Government with their Non-Coalition Coalitions Coalition, speaking out against Alberta and their current Provincial Government:
Sure, they can speak out :) THat's about all they can do :)

Singh did not directly answer a question Saturday about if he would support the Federal Government using its power of disallowance against the bill. Hmmm… which way would Mr Singh flop on anything before 2025? Tough question…
The man is political Tofu.

The power of disallowance permits the federal government to prevent a provincial law from coming into force.
I think that means they have to do something about it now. I don't think they can pull that out of their hat later on. We'll see if they want to get into that fight ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Big difference. Quebec is a spoiled little child who gets everything handed to them while Alberta gets treated like the red-headed step-child. Next year carbon taxes on gasoline are going up 14 cents/L, except in Quebec where they're only going up 9 cents. And even though there's 4 other provinces who have some kind of carbon pricing that was "approved" by the Fed, they'll still be paying the 14 cent hike.
Overall Quebec pays about 1/3 less carbon tax than the rest of the provinces, including those with carbon pricing. Yet somehow the Supreme Court ruled the tax to be "constitutional". And here I thought federal taxes were to be applied equally to all the provinces. I'm surprised the GST in Quebec isn't 4%.

Pierre Fucking Trudeau handed this country to Quebec even before the 1982 Constitution. Any Crown Corp HQs in Quebec can NEVER be relocated to another province for any reason. That also includes many federally regulated industries that are basically arms-length Crown Corps like VIA, CN, Air Canada.
Despite only 18% of the country being unilingually French, 40% of federal govt jobs require the ability to speak French.

From Confederation to Pierre Trudeau, only 3 PMs came from Quebec including Trudeau, the rest came from all across Canada including The Yukon for Christ sake. Since Pierre's first go as PM, 7 of our 9 elected, sitting PM's have come from Quebec, including Pierre's second go as PM.
And Quebec is never, EVER allowed to lose any assigned seats in Parliament even if they become a smaller and smaller percentage of the population.

If anything, Alberta's antics are simply revealing the total fucking hypocrisy of not only this govt, but the rigged system in general. The fact Harper managed to get elected to two terms as PM was mostly due to the fact that the Liberals tried giving us Count Igula and Stephane *yawn* Dion.
Thank you fathers of confederation you were the giants we have learned to honour .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
“Screw the West, we’ll take the rest,” has been the battle cry of the federal Liberals, ever since the late Liberal senator Keith Davey, co-chair of Pierre Trudeau’s successful 1980 election campaign, famously coined the phrase.

Portraying Alberta as out of step with eastern Canada on everything from gun control to climate change is textbook federal Liberal strategy, because they believe it plays well with urban “progressive” voters in Liberal strongholds like Ontario.

Trudeau is just borrowing a page from dad’s playbook.

“One of the challenges is there is a political class in Alberta that has decided that anything to do with climate change is going to be bad for them or for Alberta,” Trudeau told Reuters in a recent interview.

He was criticizing Premier Danielle Smith for describing Trudeau’s long-promised but as yet unannounced “just transition” plan for helping Alberta oil and gas workers retrain for jobs in the green energy sector as a ruse to, “shut down our energy industry.”

That was over the top but somewhat understandable given that when federal environment commissioner Jerry DeMarco examined Trudeau’s alleged “just transition” plan last year, he basically concluded it didn’t exist.

As for Trudeau’s understanding of Alberta’s energy sector, Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid said the PM is “either clueless … or cares nothing for the truth.
“This is trash politics based on ignorance or myth, whatever you might think of Alberta’s ‘political class,” Braid wrote.

“(Trudeau) was talking about carbon capture usage and storage — a field Alberta has led for 14 years, apparently outside the knowledge of the country’s prime minister. Whoopsies!!!

“His remarks are not just wrong. They threaten investment. They challenge years of effort to make the rest of Canada understand … successive Alberta governments, are acting on climate change.”

It’s hard to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent attack on Alberta for failing to do enough to combat climate change as anything other than a tried-and-true Liberal strategy to trash the province in gearing up for the next federal election.

In the real world, the federal and Alberta governments are contributing significant tax dollars to carbon capture as is its energy sector, which wants Trudeau to make similar economic concessions that President Joe Biden has passed in the United States.

(Reuters) - Canada’s main oil-producing province Alberta is open to bolstering tax credits for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology but ALSO wants the federal government to increase financial support, Premier Danielle Smith said on Tuesday.

“We are working towards the same goal...then we can figure out what portion comes from federal tax relief and what portion comes from provincial tax relief,” Smith said.

“It really is up to the federal government to come to the table with something more significant,” she added.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith fired off her latest shot in the war of words with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday, saying: “The PM needs to understand that Alberta energy and technology will power the world for generations. It’s time for him to get with the program. His obsession on phasing out our nation’s largest industry and its workers is absurd.”

Smith got it half right here. She likely has it correct about oil’s enduring demand in the world economy, but she’s likely wrong when it comes to Trudeau and his own obsession.

Does not Trudeau have plenty of reason to slap around Alberta? In fact, it’s in his interest to paint Albertans as climate-change shirkers, as he did last week when he said: “One of the challenges is there is a political class in Alberta that has decided that anything to do with climate change is going to be bad for them or for Alberta.”

Trudeau has multiple motivations for making such a comment. First, to boost his popularity with his voting base, which is alarmed to the core by the prospect of global warming. Second, to put Alberta in a weak bargaining position when it comes to which government, Alberta or Ottawa, will pay most for mega-billion Carbon Capture and Storage technology for the Alberta oilsands. And, third, to indirectly advance the interest of Trudeau’s home province Quebec and its ambitious hydro-electric industry.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
“Screw the West, we’ll take the rest,” has been the battle cry of the federal Liberals, ever since the late Liberal senator Keith Davey, co-chair of Pierre Trudeau’s successful 1980 election campaign, famously coined the phrase.

Portraying Alberta as out of step with eastern Canada on everything from gun control to climate change is textbook federal Liberal strategy, because they believe it plays well with urban “progressive” voters in Liberal strongholds like Ontario.

Trudeau is just borrowing a page from dad’s playbook.

“One of the challenges is there is a political class in Alberta that has decided that anything to do with climate change is going to be bad for them or for Alberta,” Trudeau told Reuters in a recent interview.

He was criticizing Premier Danielle Smith for describing Trudeau’s long-promised but as yet unannounced “just transition” plan for helping Alberta oil and gas workers retrain for jobs in the green energy sector as a ruse to, “shut down our energy industry.”

That was over the top but somewhat understandable given that when federal environment commissioner Jerry DeMarco examined Trudeau’s alleged “just transition” plan last year, he basically concluded it didn’t exist.

As for Trudeau’s understanding of Alberta’s energy sector, Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid said the PM is “either clueless … or cares nothing for the truth.
“This is trash politics based on ignorance or myth, whatever you might think of Alberta’s ‘political class,” Braid wrote.

“(Trudeau) was talking about carbon capture usage and storage — a field Alberta has led for 14 years, apparently outside the knowledge of the country’s prime minister. Whoopsies!!!
“His remarks are not just wrong. They threaten investment. They challenge years of effort to make the rest of Canada understand … successive Alberta governments, are acting on climate change.”

It’s hard to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent attack on Alberta for failing to do enough to combat climate change as anything other than a tried-and-true Liberal strategy to trash the province in gearing up for the next federal election.

In the real world, the federal and Alberta governments are contributing significant tax dollars to carbon capture as is its energy sector, which wants Trudeau to make similar economic concessions that President Joe Biden has passed in the United States.

(Reuters) - Canada’s main oil-producing province Alberta is open to bolstering tax credits for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology but ALSO wants the federal government to increase financial support, Premier Danielle Smith said on Tuesday.

“We are working towards the same goal...then we can figure out what portion comes from federal tax relief and what portion comes from provincial tax relief,” Smith said.

“It really is up to the federal government to come to the table with something more significant,” she added.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith fired off her latest shot in the war of words with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday, saying: “The PM needs to understand that Alberta energy and technology will power the world for generations. It’s time for him to get with the program. His obsession on phasing out our nation’s largest industry and its workers is absurd.”

Smith got it half right here. She likely has it correct about oil’s enduring demand in the world economy, but she’s likely wrong when it comes to Trudeau and his own obsession.

Does not Trudeau have plenty of reason to slap around Alberta? In fact, it’s in his interest to paint Albertans as climate-change shirkers, as he did last week when he said: “One of the challenges is there is a political class in Alberta that has decided that anything to do with climate change is going to be bad for them or for Alberta.”

Trudeau has multiple motivations for making such a comment. First, to boost his popularity with his voting base, which is alarmed to the core by the prospect of global warming. Second, to put Alberta in a weak bargaining position when it comes to which government, Alberta or Ottawa, will pay most for mega-billion Carbon Capture and Storage technology for the Alberta oilsands. And, third, to indirectly advance the interest of Trudeau’s home province Quebec and its ambitious hydro-electric industry.

The REAL way to fuck with Alberta, I think, would be for the Feds to push the Hydrogen future the province could have as the big alternative to oil. And the plus is that Nat Gas is part of that project.

But Trudeau is a dumbass.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The REAL way to fuck with Alberta, I think, would be for the Feds to push the Hydrogen future the province could have as the big alternative to oil. And the plus is that Nat Gas is part of that project.

But Trudeau is a dumbass.
Why would any Canadian want to screw Alberta , or any other province for that matter ? Are we a country or not ?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The REAL way to fuck with Alberta, I think, would be for the Feds to push the Hydrogen future the province could have as the big alternative to oil. And the plus is that Nat Gas is part of that project.

But Trudeau is a dumbass.
I hate to say it, but if it’s coming from the liberals, the West is gonna be super suspicious… due to history and Trudeau’s over time. Something like you’re describing would need to be gently incentivized by somebody in federal politics that’s not the Liberals. That & the fact that Alberta is also leading the nation in hydrogen technology and utilization, but Shhhhh…..
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I hate to say it, but if it’s coming from the liberals, the West is gonna be super suspicious… due to history and Trudeau’s over time. Something like you’re describing would need to be gently incentivized by somebody in federal politics that’s not the Liberals.

Can actually understand that and wouldn't blame them, tbh.

That & the fact that Alberta is also leading the nation in hydrogen technology and utilization, but Shhhhh…..

Which is why I mentioned it :D
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The world sees what Ottawa does to the West and won't invest in any part of Canada.

It's damaging the whole nation.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The REAL way to fuck with Alberta, I think, would be for the Feds to push the Hydrogen future the province could have as the big alternative to oil. And the plus is that Nat Gas is part of that project.

But Trudeau is a dumbass.
Alberta is already looking at this & you're right - Trudeau is a dumbass!;)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Trudeau was in Saskatoon on Monday to tour a rare earth elements processing plant along with the city’s mayor, Charlie Clark.

The premier was not on the invite list.
Moe complained on Twitter, calling the snub “disappointing” since the federal and provincial governments see eye-to-eye on the development of critical and rare earth minerals.

“The province was left off the list for reasons I don’t know. Are my feelings hurt by this? No, certainly not. But this is a missed opportunity,” he said Monday.

Moe told reporters in Regina that he wanted to “briefly” speak with Trudeau about further investments on rare earth elements in Saskatchewan and net-zero emissions strategies for processing plants.
Trudeau’s office later apologized for not informing him of the visit to the province ahead of time, the premier said.
A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister’s Office said Tuesday they have “nothing further to add.”


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No announcement because he didnt want the FSIN showing up and protesting.

Liberals are working hard to hide the environmental impacts of REE mining.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No announcement because he didnt want the FSIN showing up and protesting.

Liberals are working hard to hide the environmental impacts of REE mining.
The premier wasn’t the only one who described being snubbed by Trudeau’s Saskatchewan visit on Monday.

The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations said it was dismayed that Trudeau did not visit Star Blanket Cree Nation, which reported last week that it found more than 2,000 anomalies in the ground near a former residential school site, including what is believed to be a fragment of a child’s jawbone.

Trudeau said he spoke with the First Nation’s chief on Friday to offer support from the federal government as the community seeks “healing and closure.”
(Same link as a couple of posts back)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
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