B.C. First Nation signs multimillion-dollar deal with gas pipeline company

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Violence has erupted at a Coastal GasLink pipeline work site in Northern B.C., leaving workers shaken and millions of dollars in damage.

Just after midnight Thursday, Coastal GasLink security called RCMP for help, reporting it was under attack by about 20 people, some wielding machetes and axes.
View attachment 12171RCMP Chief Supt. Warren Brown, commander for the north district, called the attack a “calculated and organized violent attack that left its victims shaken and a multi-million dollar path of destruction.”
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Coastal GasLink said in a statement the attackers surrounded some of its workers in a “highly planned” and “unprovoked” assault near the Morice River drill pad site off the forest service road.
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“In one of the most concerning acts, an attempt was made to set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside,” said the company in a statement. “The attackers also wielded axes, swinging them at vehicles and through a truck’s window. Flare guns were also fired at workers.”

After the attack, the attackers disappeared into the night.

RCMP said responding officers were met with a blockade of downed trees, tar-covered stumps, boards with spikes, and fires at the forestry road’s 41 km mark. As police worked their way past the debris, people threw smoke bombs and fire-lit sticks at them. One officer was injured.
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B.C’s public safety minister, Mike Farnworth, denounced the violence as an “egregious criminal activity” that could have led to serious injury or death.

“There is no excuse for such violence and intimidation,” he said in a statement. “All workers deserve to be protected from harassment and harm.”

Police called Thursday’s violent incident a “troubling escalation.”
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“While we respect everyone’s right to peacefully protest in Canada, we cannot tolerate this type of extreme violence and intimidation,” said Brown. “Our investigators will work tirelessly to identify the culprits and hold them accountable for their actions.”

The RCMP is appealing to the public for assistance and asked anyone with information about the individuals involved to contact Houston RCMP at 250-845-2204.

(There’s much more at the attached link in this post. Crazy timing in relation to the protest with sauna & hottubs & bouncy castle in Ottawa currently also occurring with it’s one Nazi flag & ball cap of desecration placed on the head of the statue of Terry fox)

Now is the chance Justin & Jagmeet are presented to show that they’re not just playing political games on Parliament Hill, but will consistently apply this Emergency Measures Act (formally known as the war measures act) to blockades and domestic terrorism…..& not just against those that they can ‘safely demonize from the camp of the Woke’ as we’ve been seeing.

OK Boys, fill your boots!!
But of course no action will result 'cuz this was a "peaceful, non-violent" protest. Nothing to see here!!
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I'll address the Ottawa BS first.

It was originally about so called "Freedom" and mandates but quickly morphed into right wing idiocy, increasing 'issues' and became, in general, a way for the extremist assholes of both Canada and the US to try and 'stick it to the Government'.

I will admit, it was - compared to a lot of other protests - peaceful, depending on how you mean peaceful to be.

Even now it's 'peaceful', though there are stupid fucks trying to turn it into more of a situation.

I see the Karenvoy people as idiots, clueless, stupid, easily led sheep that don't even care that they don't know how 'the process' works and I think some of them didn't even care about the convoy to begin with, they were just there to, again, "stick it to the Government".

The stuff YOU posted though...

Beyond the line and going into Terrorism.

What happened there was NO different than the stupid fucks who used the protests of BLM to riot, cause chaos, and even try to hurt people.

That shit is NOT what is going on in Ottawa.

And I don't care that they think it's about THEIR freedoms or treaty rights or whatever else.

That shit was over the line.

I hope whoever did it, is caught, and they are held not just accountable but are put in jail for a long fucking time.

Because BC was terrorism, and Ottawa really hasn't gotten that close, yet, to it, you cannot compare the two.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Serryah, I won’t assume, but will ask your opinion. In your opinion, how are these two different scenarios incomparable?
I'll answer that. Like in the bad 1970s movie it emulates, there's no point to this protest. Ostensibly it's against the vaccine mandate, but a significant percentage of the protesters say they're vaccinated. And the idea that vaccines can't or shouldn't be mandated is just retarded. We've mandated vaccines for over a century.

What makes the whole thing extra-special retarded is that dropping the vaccine mandate for crossing the border will do abso-fucking-lutely nothing, because the Yanks require a vaccine to cross the border. You wanna protest in Washington? Give it a go. See what happens.

Like in the still-not-great-but-better movie Network, where the newsreader went kinda crazy and started a mass movement with the slogan "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

Contrast that to BLM. They had a point and an agenda.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Attackers disabled lighting and video-surveillance equipment during their raid on a remote Coastal GasLink work site in northwestern B.C. and commandeered heavy equipment to inflict damage estimated to be in the millions of dollars, the company said Friday.

Video and photos captured before the equipment was disabled in the attack have been turned over to RCMP.

Police are trying to identify suspects among the reported 20 to 40 individuals involved in the apparently co-ordinated attack that happened on Thursday, just after midnight.

RCMP Chief Supt. Warren Brown, commander of the B.C. northern district, admitted it will be a challenge as they were disguised and masked when they arrived at the site on foot.

Politicians lined up Friday to condemn the attack, in which nine contract workers on the night shift were threatened by masked assailants, some wielding axes, who ordered them to leave and then hit their vehicles as they fled.

Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino called the violence disturbing.

(Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino warned Wednesday that those joining convoy protests in Ottawa risk being connected to "dangerous criminal activity" as opposed to this armed attack which is disturbing? Interesting….)

Brown revealed more about the threats and violence responding RCMP officers faced in the early hours of Thursday.

Officers responding to calls for help from the pipeline workers came across a banner stretched across the road that had been lit on fire, then trees that had been felled as roadblocks.

And as officers got out of vehicles to clear them away using chainsaws, assailants at the tree line lit other trees on fire and threw lit torches, smoke bombs and objects at police while taunting them verbally

“When the police gave chase, it appears as though they might have lulled us into a trap,” Brown said, as one officer who gave chase stepped on a stick spiked with long nails that went through a boot.

The few officers on site chose not to pursue the assailants further “out of their own safety,” Brown said.

(To add to this, I’ve heard first hand stories of other man-trap tactics directed at the camp workers on an ongoing basis & not just the RCMP during this attack, but that’s not news worthy or maybe not politically correct to comment on in the media)
“The attack this week on a CGL work site is reprehensible,” Premier John Horgan said in a statement. “The damage and destruction are disturbing (?) to all British Columbians.”

Friday, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe bluntly challenged the prime minister on social media to respond to the incident at the Coastal GasLink site.

“Will the Trudeau government now seize the bank accounts of the foreign-funded eco-terrorists responsible for this violence?” tweeted Kenney, referring to the financial provisions of the Emergencies Act that permit authorities to target donations made to illegal convoy activities.

“If the Trudeau government is set on using the Emergencies Act to end blockades, then they should also use it to follow the money, seize the associated vehicles and provide all the resources necessary to ensure those illegally acting here are arrested for damaging and blocking this critical export infrastructure,” the premier of Saskatchewan tweeted.
The contrast between this domestic terrorism & what’s happening in the protest in Ottawa, just by the timing alone and the reaction to both, is inevitable. I agree that they are incomparable but it’s going to happen during and after the actual terrorism is buried in the back pages while the Ottawa protest will be front page news.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
View attachment 12195
Attackers disabled lighting and video-surveillance equipment during their raid on a remote Coastal GasLink work site in northwestern B.C. and commandeered heavy equipment to inflict damage estimated to be in the millions of dollars, the company said Friday.

Video and photos captured before the equipment was disabled in the attack have been turned over to RCMP.

Police are trying to identify suspects among the reported 20 to 40 individuals involved in the apparently co-ordinated attack that happened on Thursday, just after midnight.

RCMP Chief Supt. Warren Brown, commander of the B.C. northern district, admitted it will be a challenge as they were disguised and masked when they arrived at the site on foot.

Politicians lined up Friday to condemn the attack, in which nine contract workers on the night shift were threatened by masked assailants, some wielding axes, who ordered them to leave and then hit their vehicles as they fled.

Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino called the violence disturbing.

(Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino warned Wednesday that those joining convoy protests in Ottawa risk being connected to "dangerous criminal activity" as opposed to this armed attack which is disturbing? Interesting….)

Brown revealed more about the threats and violence responding RCMP officers faced in the early hours of Thursday.

Officers responding to calls for help from the pipeline workers came across a banner stretched across the road that had been lit on fire, then trees that had been felled as roadblocks.

And as officers got out of vehicles to clear them away using chainsaws, assailants at the tree line lit other trees on fire and threw lit torches, smoke bombs and objects at police while taunting them verbally

“When the police gave chase, it appears as though they might have lulled us into a trap,” Brown said, as one officer who gave chase stepped on a stick spiked with long nails that went through a boot.

The few officers on site chose not to pursue the assailants further “out of their own safety,” Brown said.

(To add to this, I’ve heard first hand stories of other man-trap tactics directed at the camp workers on an ongoing basis & not just the RCMP during this attack, but that’s not news worthy or maybe not politically correct to comment on in the media)
“The attack this week on a CGL work site is reprehensible,” Premier John Horgan said in a statement. “The damage and destruction are disturbing (?) to all British Columbians.”

Friday, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe bluntly challenged the prime minister on social media to respond to the incident at the Coastal GasLink site.

“Will the Trudeau government now seize the bank accounts of the foreign-funded eco-terrorists responsible for this violence?” tweeted Kenney, referring to the financial provisions of the Emergencies Act that permit authorities to target donations made to illegal convoy activities.

“If the Trudeau government is set on using the Emergencies Act to end blockades, then they should also use it to follow the money, seize the associated vehicles and provide all the resources necessary to ensure those illegally acting here are arrested for damaging and blocking this critical export infrastructure,” the premier of Saskatchewan tweeted.
The contrast between this domestic terrorism & what’s happening in the protest in Ottawa, just by the timing alone and the reaction to both, is inevitable. I agree that they are incomparable but it’s going to happen during and after the actual terrorism is buried in the back pages while the Ottawa protest will be front page news.
Ottawa is front page news because it's Ottawa. If it were in some other bigger city, it wouldn't get as much coverage.

But now you also have people telling cops to shoot them in Ottawa too, so it's escalating and not in a good way.

I agree with the above though from the Sask. Premier. IMO this isn't a protest, it's terrorism and the EMA needs to be used to stop it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
….Even now it's 'peaceful', though there are stupid fucks trying to turn it into more of a situation.

I see the Karenvoy people as idiots, clueless, stupid, easily led sheep that don't even care that they don't know how 'the process' works and I think some of them didn't even care about the convoy to begin with, they were just there to, again, "stick it to the Government".

The stuff YOU posted though...

Beyond the line and going into Terrorism….
I agree, but I don’t think it’s “going into Terrorism” but it fits the definition of Terrorism:

In Canada, the definition of terrorist activity includes an act or omission undertaken, inside or outside Canada, for a political, religious or ideological purpose that is intended to intimidate the public with respect to its security, including its economic security, or to compel a person, government or organization (whether inside or outside Canada) from doing or refraining from doing any act, and that intentionally causes one of a number of specified forms of serious harm.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I'll address the Ottawa BS first.

It was originally about so called "Freedom" and mandates but quickly morphed into right wing idiocy, increasing 'issues' and became, in general, a way for the extremist assholes of both Canada and the US to try and 'stick it to the Government'.

I will admit, it was - compared to a lot of other protests - peaceful, depending on how you mean peaceful to be.

Even now it's 'peaceful', though there are stupid fucks trying to turn it into more of a situation.

I see the Karenvoy people as idiots, clueless, stupid, easily led sheep that don't even care that they don't know how 'the process' works and I think some of them didn't even care about the convoy to begin with, they were just there to, again, "stick it to the Government".

The stuff YOU posted though...

Beyond the line and going into Terrorism.

What happened there was NO different than the stupid fucks who used the protests of BLM to riot, cause chaos, and even try to hurt people.

That shit is NOT what is going on in Ottawa.

And I don't care that they think it's about THEIR freedoms or treaty rights or whatever else.

That shit was over the line.

I hope whoever did it, is caught, and they are held not just accountable but are put in jail for a long fucking time.

Because BC was terrorism, and Ottawa really hasn't gotten that close, yet, to it, you cannot compare the two.
It's truly unfortunate that you can't be more considerate of other people's opinions. You are no better than the politicians who can't put together a meaningful sentence and have only the ability to call people that "don't have the right way of thinking" names. It's really too bad you are so self-centered, (not unlike the PM). We need more people who are like those in Ottawa and less people like you in this world. But we will fight for you're right to speak the nonsense that you do.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's truly unfortunate that you can't be more considerate of other people's opinions. You are no better than the politicians who can't put together a meaningful sentence and have only the ability to call people that "don't have the right way of thinking" names. It's really too bad you are so self-centered, (not unlike the PM). We need more people who are like those in Ottawa and less people like you in this world. But we will fight for you're right to speak the nonsense that you do.


In a reply to a post that is considerate and actually respectful of Ron's opinion, even though some of it is different than mine.

Cause I actually have learned to respect Ron.

So when it comes to discussion about things, if I don't agree with what his point might be, I'll be respectful, and considerate of his opinions.

Because, I respect them.

Of course you don't see that, cause you're as full of shit as some of the other assholes here that aren't worth that respect or consideration.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006

In a reply to a post that is considerate and actually respectful of Ron's opinion, even though some of it is different than mine.

Cause I actually have learned to respect Ron.

So when it comes to discussion about things, if I don't agree with what his point might be, I'll be respectful, and considerate of his opinions.

Because, I respect them.

Of course you don't see that, cause you're as full of shit as some of the other assholes here that aren't worth that respect or consideration
And you're not? (FOS??) Interesting. Again, name calling won't gain you any respect, that's for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And you're not? (FOS??) Interesting. Again, name calling won't gain you any respect, that's for sure.

Oh I fully admit sometimes I am full of shit.

And I, well, admit it.

I've never seen you admit it once, nor admit when you've been wrong, or anything else.

Respect is earned, remember.

You haven't earned it (cause stupidity and repeating Conspiracy theories doesn't make you worth respect,)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I'll answer that. Like in the bad 1970s movie it emulates, there's no point to this protest. Ostensibly it's against the vaccine mandate, but a significant percentage of the protesters say they're vaccinated. And the idea that vaccines can't or shouldn't be mandated is just retarded. We've mandated vaccines for over a century.

What makes the whole thing extra-special retarded is that dropping the vaccine mandate for crossing the border will do abso-fucking-lutely nothing, because the Yanks require a vaccine to cross the border. You wanna protest in Washington? Give it a go. See what happens.

Like in the still-not-great-but-better movie Network, where the newsreader went kinda crazy and started a mass movement with the slogan "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

Contrast that to BLM. They had a point and an agenda.
An experimental mRNA blocker is not a vaccine , you know this yet continue to lie .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oh I fully admit sometimes I am full of shit.

And I, well, admit it.

I've never seen you admit it once, nor admit when you've been wrong, or anything else.

Respect is earned, remember.

You haven't earned it (cause stupidity and repeating Conspiracy theories doesn't make you worth respect,)
You don’t respect her because she comes off as right of center , Period Stop .

Dixie Cup is correct about one thing , the biggest name callers on these boards are , Serryah , Tecumshebones and no opinion .