Weirdly, depending on one’s perspective, it doesn’t have to be a “Cherokee princess” but I believe, outside of cultural restraints, that humans are attracted to gene diversification (exotic features), so mixed blood being common isn’t that far fetched.And every single damn White talking to a Native claims to have a great-great-grandmother who was a "Cherokee princess."
My standard's simple. White card (tribal ID) or y'all ain't an Indun (for the U.S., obviously).
It helps explain the prevalence of Neanderthal (& Denisovian) genes in much of today’s population. Native to Caucasians & Caucasian to Natives certainly fit that bill of exotic when Europeans supposedly first came to the Americas.
Chris Sankey: Those who support protests and blockades are doing a disservice to Indigenous people — National Post
We are pushing for equity ownership in the projects that extract resources from, or run through, our territories. Yet the protesters threaten to take all of that away
We were not invited to the table in the past. We fought for over 160 years to take back that seat and now we are pushing for equity ownership in the projects that extract resources from, or run through, our territories. Yet the protesters threaten to take all of that away. They are hindering our ability to move our communities out of poverty.
It’s time we start moving toward reconciliation. We can no longer tolerate outside groups weaponizing our culture and history and using it against our people. The protests over the Coastal GasLink pipeline are tearing apart our families, friends and communities. The division is immense.
The rest at the above LINK.