"It’s my opinion – based on the work I have done with my own nation, as the former president and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the executive director of the Indigenous Resource Network and as a board member of both Indigenous owned and public companies – that resource development, from forestry to mining to oil and gas to fishing, is often the best, and for many nations, the only, transformative economic opportunity that can allow us to be self-determining again."Just curious, but what makes you think that your unsolicited advertising is wanted or needed or has anything to do with the thread topic presented here?
if you have something to add to the topic then please join in but if you’re just here for a drive-by spam…. then please just go elsewhere.
Opinion: Using Indigenous peoples as political pawns in resource development is simply wrong — The Globe and Mail
The Canadian public needs to understand the unintended consequences that constant protesting against resource development in Indigenous territories has on all of usapple.news