Wokeism will DESTROY civilization… here’s how to stop it before it’s too late

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Canada is racist. Canada is corrupt. Canada is accommodating and can be anything you want it to be. Canada will look the other way.

Just don't make waves.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
WOKE WATCH: Chicago mayor only giving interviews to 'black and brown' reporters
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:May 20, 2021 • 17 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is being labelled a Nazi and a monster by Tucker Carlson.
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is being labelled a Nazi and a monster by Tucker Carlson. PHOTO BY KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI /AFP via Getty Images
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Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is being labelled a Nazi and a monster by Tucker Carlson.

The Fox News host railed against Lightfoot after she said on Tuesday that she would only give one-on-one interviews to ‘black and brown’ reporters to mark her two-year anniversary as mayor.

Response was not positive to Lightfoot’s remarks, but on Wednesday she said she was sticking with the plan.

“I have been struck since my first day on the campaign trail back in 2018 by the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of Chicago media outlets, editorial boards, the political press corps, and yes, the City Hall press corps specifically,” Lightfoot wrote in an open letter.

Carlson was appalled and said: “To Lori Lightfoot, all that matters is the fact they’re white because white people are the same. They are entirely defined by the colour of their skin.

“She knows who hate, just by looking at them,” Carlson said. “If some day the Chicago police round up the entire population of the city, Lori Lightfoot will have no trouble pulling the right ones out of line for punishment.”


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Carlson then said the Nazi reference was intended and deserved.

“Lori Lightfoot is a monster. Any society that allows politicians to talk like this has a very ugly future ahead. Very ugly.”

Fox News contributor Leo Terrell agreed, telling Sean Hannity: “Lori Lightfoot is a racist — not a covert racist, an overt racist,” he said. “The reason why she gets away with it is because she is black and she got that ‘D’ in front of her name.”

Terrell is a civil rights lawyer.

“You want to know what systemic discrimination is, systemic racism? When the mayor of a city institutes a policy — this is systemic racism, but she gets away with it.”

Even some reporters who were granted interviews as part of the decree disagreed. Gregory Pratt, of the Chicago Tribune, turned down an interview saying: “Politicians don’t get to choose who covers them.”

Lightfoot said it was “unacceptable” that reporters covering City Hall were mostly white and urged executives in media organizations to get more diverse.

U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters. walks past reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., May 13, 2021. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein? ORG XMIT: WAS107
U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters. walks past reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., May 13, 2021. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein? ORG XMIT: WAS107

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being slammed for allegedly parking her Tesla Model 3 illegally outside a Whole Foods in Washington D.C.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Ocasio-Cortez is believed to be the driver of the car, which has New York plates and a Congressional parking pass and was photographed in a no-parking zone near her apartment on May 14.

Citing sources, the Free Beacon reported that Ocasio-Cortez had been seen driving a white Tesla in the neighbourhood.

DailyMail.com requested comment but did not receive any from her representatives.

AOC was attacked by some on social media as a hypocrite for buying a car from Elon Musk’s company and for shopping at one of Jeff Bezos’s companies after she had vocally battled both previously over various matters.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

Gourav Jaswal: From abroad, Canada looks like a country drowning in its own self-pity​

MIRAMAR BEACH, INDIA — I’ve spent my entire life living beyond a 10,000-kilometre radius of Canada, so you’ll have to forgive me if I never cared too much about what you people were up to. But a couple of years ago, my sons started school in Canada and I began to ping Google News Canada (and read the National Post) as avidly as I consumed the media in Goa, the sleepy, tropical beach-side state where I live in India. And what I’ve been reading about Canada has seemed puzzling, to say the least, and often outright absurd.

The most recent item that caught my attention was last week, when the mayor of Vancouver apologized for the brief hand-cuffing of a Black retired B.C Supreme Court justice, due to a case of mistaken identity.

Apologizing for a mistake is wonderful. But declaring without investigation that it’s clearly the result of “systemic racism” is strange. And then adding the astonishing statement that, “As someone who continues to benefit from colonialism, I recognize my privilege,” boggles the mind.

Canada itself was created out of a colonization of the land. But did Canada ever colonize any country in the world? Nope. And unless I missed a news flash, there is currently no country in the world that’s colonized by another, much less Canada (despite what I hear some Quebecois say).

Even if the English team beats India in cricket (which happens very rarely, huh!), none of the half a billion Indian fans whine that it is because the English “continue to benefit from colonialism,” despite our 200-year history of subjugation.

Yet Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart “continues to benefit from colonialism”? This is a man who came from a family that lost their home and went bankrupt, yet still managed to get a degree at Acadia University. He moved from Nova Scotia to British Columbia in 1989 with only $100 in his pocket and worked his way up to become an academic, a member of Parliament and then mayor of one of Canada’s largest cities. He appears to have done this through hard work and determination, not by exploiting colonialism or Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

Does he even know how he benefits from colonialism? And if so, why doesn’t he stop?

I was astonished when, a few years ago, a delightfully warm-hearted woman I’ve known since she was a teenager — and who immigrated to Canada in her 30s — started complaining about racism in Canada. It was especially perplexing given the fact that she stood for election and is currently an elected representative in a provincial government.

Think about this: she’s become a political and social leader in a country she moved to as an adult, had no ethnic connection to, did not belong to the majority religion and did not even have English as her first language growing up.

I’d like to underline that there is absolutely no chance — none whatsoever — that I could get elected in the legislature of the state where I live in India, because my family is originally from a different state.

Reflect on this: no one has any chance of getting elected (which is why no one in the past 20 years has) in my state if she’s from another state in the same country; yet this woman — who lived a majority of her life in India — thinks Canada is racist?

I’ve been increasingly worried that Canadian culture has become a petri dish for such thinking, ever since my sons started school there.

I checked the holiday calendar issued by the Peel District School Board in Ontario and noticed that a remarkable number of days were marked with esoteric religious holidays. The Ninth Day of Ridvan of the Baha’i faith is listed, as is Farvadegan of Zoroastrianism.

Since there are only about 100,000 adherents of Zoroastrianism in the world (of which 70,000 are in India) I’m unsure how many have found their way to Canada. But I can’t imagine there’s too many of them in Peel Region. Why do Canadians accept that a public school board in a secular country that’s 65 per cent Christian should be commemorating holidays of religions that hardly anyone in the country adheres to?

I didn’t plan on sending my sons to Canada for school, as I am very proud of the richness of the 2,000-year-old Indian civilization, including its languages, history, culture, literature and cuisine. But since that’s the way the dominoes of fate fell, I became keen in anticipation of what they would learn in Canada.

I’d hoped they would imbibe the rugged sportiness, the quiet sense of civic pride and social service, as well as the cheery optimism that Canadians were rightfully renowned for. All of which I’d seen and loved in Kevin Hawryluk, a Vancouver native who’d helped me kick-off one of my first startups.

In short, I was looking forward to my sons becoming more Canadian in Canada. But every week seems to bring a new episode in the unending TV series that should be called “Canada’s Got Stupid!” Now I worry that they are distanced from all that is wonderful in India, and instead are immersed in the worst of Canada.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Gourav Jaswal: From abroad, Canada looks like a country drowning in its own self-pity​

MIRAMAR BEACH, INDIA — I’ve spent my entire life living beyond a 10,000-kilometre radius of Canada, so you’ll have to forgive me if I never cared too much about what you people were up to. But a couple of years ago, my sons started school in Canada and I began to ping Google News Canada (and read the National Post) as avidly as I consumed the media in Goa, the sleepy, tropical beach-side state where I live in India. And what I’ve been reading about Canada has seemed puzzling, to say the least, and often outright absurd.

The most recent item that caught my attention was last week, when the mayor of Vancouver apologized for the brief hand-cuffing of a Black retired B.C Supreme Court justice, due to a case of mistaken identity.

Apologizing for a mistake is wonderful. But declaring without investigation that it’s clearly the result of “systemic racism” is strange. And then adding the astonishing statement that, “As someone who continues to benefit from colonialism, I recognize my privilege,” boggles the mind.

Canada itself was created out of a colonization of the land. But did Canada ever colonize any country in the world? Nope. And unless I missed a news flash, there is currently no country in the world that’s colonized by another, much less Canada (despite what I hear some Quebecois say).

Even if the English team beats India in cricket (which happens very rarely, huh!), none of the half a billion Indian fans whine that it is because the English “continue to benefit from colonialism,” despite our 200-year history of subjugation.

Yet Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart “continues to benefit from colonialism”? This is a man who came from a family that lost their home and went bankrupt, yet still managed to get a degree at Acadia University. He moved from Nova Scotia to British Columbia in 1989 with only $100 in his pocket and worked his way up to become an academic, a member of Parliament and then mayor of one of Canada’s largest cities. He appears to have done this through hard work and determination, not by exploiting colonialism or Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

Does he even know how he benefits from colonialism? And if so, why doesn’t he stop?

I was astonished when, a few years ago, a delightfully warm-hearted woman I’ve known since she was a teenager — and who immigrated to Canada in her 30s — started complaining about racism in Canada. It was especially perplexing given the fact that she stood for election and is currently an elected representative in a provincial government.

Think about this: she’s become a political and social leader in a country she moved to as an adult, had no ethnic connection to, did not belong to the majority religion and did not even have English as her first language growing up.

I’d like to underline that there is absolutely no chance — none whatsoever — that I could get elected in the legislature of the state where I live in India, because my family is originally from a different state.

Reflect on this: no one has any chance of getting elected (which is why no one in the past 20 years has) in my state if she’s from another state in the same country; yet this woman — who lived a majority of her life in India — thinks Canada is racist?

I’ve been increasingly worried that Canadian culture has become a petri dish for such thinking, ever since my sons started school there.

I checked the holiday calendar issued by the Peel District School Board in Ontario and noticed that a remarkable number of days were marked with esoteric religious holidays. The Ninth Day of Ridvan of the Baha’i faith is listed, as is Farvadegan of Zoroastrianism.

Since there are only about 100,000 adherents of Zoroastrianism in the world (of which 70,000 are in India) I’m unsure how many have found their way to Canada. But I can’t imagine there’s too many of them in Peel Region. Why do Canadians accept that a public school board in a secular country that’s 65 per cent Christian should be commemorating holidays of religions that hardly anyone in the country adheres to?

I didn’t plan on sending my sons to Canada for school, as I am very proud of the richness of the 2,000-year-old Indian civilization, including its languages, history, culture, literature and cuisine. But since that’s the way the dominoes of fate fell, I became keen in anticipation of what they would learn in Canada.

I’d hoped they would imbibe the rugged sportiness, the quiet sense of civic pride and social service, as well as the cheery optimism that Canadians were rightfully renowned for. All of which I’d seen and loved in Kevin Hawryluk, a Vancouver native who’d helped me kick-off one of my first startups.

In short, I was looking forward to my sons becoming more Canadian in Canada. But every week seems to bring a new episode in the unending TV series that should be called “Canada’s Got Stupid!” Now I worry that they are distanced from all that is wonderful in India, and instead are immersed in the worst of Canada.

If only any one would see this . Great post .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It's funny because his letter echoed something I've been saying for a while now. If Canada (and the US) are soooo systemically racist, how the hell are all those non-White getting elected to govt?

As for the idiot Mayor of Vancouver "benefiting from colonialism", if we take even a cursory look at that statement then quite frankly EVERYONE living here who isn't First Nations is "benefiting from colonialism" regardless of skin colour.
And if "benefiting from colonialism" is such a terrible thing, then why do people insist on speaking for the FN by inviting everyone else to come live here and "benefit from colonialism"?

Leftards think they're woke? Stumbling through life in a somnambulatory state isn't "woke".


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's funny because his letter echoed something I've been saying for a while now. If Canada (and the US) are soooo systemically racist, how the hell are all those non-White getting elected to govt?

Just because non-whites are getting elected, doesn't make a place not racist.

As for the idiot Mayor of Vancouver "benefiting from colonialism", if we take even a cursory look at that statement then quite frankly EVERYONE living here who isn't First Nations is "benefiting from colonialism" regardless of skin colour.

Yes, exactly.

And if "benefiting from colonialism" is such a terrible thing, then why do people insist on speaking for the FN by inviting everyone else to come live here and "benefit from colonialism"?

Because of the majority of belief that the Natives "lost their land" and those who now occupy it have the right to do whatever they want with it. Which is why many bands have issues and usually fight for their treaty rights, etc and really are you being this thick on purpose about the obviousness of this or what?

Leftards think they're woke? Stumbling through life in a somnambulatory state isn't "woke".

Fuck this "Woke" bullshit; it's as stupid as "Snowflake".
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