If you're going to hunt deer with a .22, you'd probably need a 30-round clip.I'm not sure I'd hunt deer with a .22!
If you're going to hunt deer with a .22, you'd probably need a 30-round clip.I'm not sure I'd hunt deer with a .22!
Probably not but I have a couple hundred hours flying a Ju 88 on simulator. If a Death Star is anything like France, they're f-cked.Better send a pig-ignorant farm boy who just happens to know how to pilot a fighter-bomber after them.
How 'bout it, petros? Can you fly an F/A-18 with no training?
Probably not but I have a couple hundred hours flying a Ju 88 on simulator. If a Death Star is anything like France, they're f-cked.
I always wondered about a .22 Hornet, but never tried it...I wanted a sure thing when I went moose hunting I used a 30-06, and for long shots my friend had his 7m.m. MagnumMaybe a very small mouse.
If you're going to hunt deer with a .22, you'd probably need a 30-round clip.
I hunted deer with a .30-06 or a .308. For razorbacks, .30-06 or .45-70.I always wondered about a .22 Hornet, but never tried it...I wanted a sure thing when I went moose hunting I used a 30-06, and for long shots my friend had his 7m.m. Magnum
Non-union fitters.Darth Vader's last words upon leaving the Death Star. "I'm gonna purely eff up the designer who thought it was a good idea to put an unshielded pipe from the central reactor to the surface."
Youd need to be 30m away max.I always wondered about a .22 Hornet, but never tried it...I wanted a sure thing when I went moose hunting I used a 30-06, and for long shots my friend had his 7m.m. Magnum
Could result in a lot of suffering!
Most of us are still trying to figure out how trudOWE's gross mishandling of the Covid thing could possibly raise his standing in the polls. Then again not a single person I have spoken to has been polled on the subject.Trudeau Covid Popularity Bump Derangement Syndrome.
They poll Friends of CBC .Most of us are still trying to figure out how trudOWE's gross mishandling of the Covid thing could possibly raise his standing in the polls. Then again not a single person I have spoken to has been polled on the subject.
Most of us are still trying to figure out how trudOWE's gross mishandling of the Covid thing could possibly raise his standing in the polls. Then again not a single person I have spoken to has been polled on the subject.
None of you can understand how people rally to the flag during a crisis?Most of us are still trying to figure out how trudOWE's gross mishandling of the Covid thing could possibly raise his standing in the polls. Then again not a single person I have spoken to has been polled on the subject.
None of you can understand how people rally to the flag during a crisis?
Yes I proudly flew my Canuck flag throughout the crisis .None of you can understand how people rally to the flag during a crisis?
Yet you can't understand why the popularity of leaders tends to rise during crisis?
None of you can understand how people rally to the flag during a crisis?
Yet you can't understand why the popularity of leaders tends to rise during crisis?