Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Prisoners getting CERB while disabled got $300 GST top u speaks volumes on who matters.
Trudeau is turning those on the bottom into Criminals. The parameters of the CERB are so loose that anyone earning $104 a week walking dogs or selling Avon qualified.
They cant afford repayment or the fine, theyll have to take default the fine and take jail time.

They won't go after their targeted voters Pete, they'll come after self employed who were actually effected by the shutdown.

You know the ones that tend to vote conservative ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Twenty first century Indian thinks today’s standards should judge yesterday’s customs .

Altogether too much of this destroying history happening. History is made by people complying with the accepted customs of the day. It's kind of presumptuous of us to think we have all the correct answers!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Altogether too much of this destroying history happening. History is made by people complying with the accepted customs of the day. It's kind of presumptuous of us to think we have all the correct answers!
True. Nobody rejecting the customs of the day ever made history.

That's why George Washington is famous for being a life-long loyal subject of the Crown, Samuel Findlay Breese Morse is famous for writing letters, and Rosa Parks is famous for sitting at the back of the bus where she belonged.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
True. Nobody rejecting the customs of the day ever made history.

That's why George Washington is famous for being a life-long loyal subject of the Crown, Samuel Findlay Breese Morse is famous for writing letters, and Rosa Parks is famous for sitting at the back of the bus where she belonged.

There are exceptions to every rule! :)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well, I see that the anti gun lobby has done a remarkable job of knocking this thread right off the rails.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Well, I see that the anti gun lobby has done a remarkable job of knocking this thread right off the rails.

Oh dont worry to much Gerryh!

The LIE-berals are in frantic mode as all their policies FAIL into one giant rancid HEAP OF CRAP!

The only people who support that ban the gun idea are those who WANT THE PUBLIC DISARMED because


And the only people who support the idea of "defunding" the cops are people who are BADLY OUTNUMBERED

by ordinary Cdns who WILL MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE in the privacy of a ballot box!

All that Black Lives Matter sound and fury in defense of drunken thieves SIGNIFIES NOTHING LOGICAL!

And sooner or later LIE-berals will have their noses RUBBED DEEP INTO THE STINKING MESS THEY CREATED!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Without facebook Cliffy would have nothing to say

He would be like torchlight without the quran!



A first class observation!

Kudos to the guy who apparently woke up just in time to fire that shot!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Saskatchewan moves to ban cities from banning handguns

Saskatchewan is passing legislation to block municipalities from banning handguns within their own borders, in a move supported by city mayors who said they never had any intention to do so.
The move comes in light of a federal pledge to grant cities that power. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last month that a bill to allow municipalities to ban handguns is currently being worked on, making good on a Liberal Party campaign promise.
The provincial government is pre-emptively ruling out that option through amendments to a bill on municipal governance that was already before the legislature.
The amendments were passed and the bill approved by the legislature on Tuesday. It will become law after the formality of royal assent.
Premier Scott Moe framed it as part of his autonomy push and a broader provincial rejection of federal gun control initiatives .
“We will take every opportunity that we can to make sure that the status quo does remain,” he said.
He said Ottawa’s firearms bans are “expanding day by day, by stealth.”
“It’s extremely concerning — not only the introduction of this ban — the fact that they have not consulted with provinces on this ban,” said the premier.
Moe has previously expressed disappointment with Ottawa’s move to ban “military-style” assault weapons. The province has cast its decision to appoint its own chief firearms officer, first announced in March, as a response to that federal measure .
The amendments adopted on Tuesday will strip municipalities of the power to pass any new firearms bylaws except as provided for in provincial regulations. The government signalled that it would still allow noise and zoning bylaws relating to guns.
Regina Mayor Michael Fougere said he supported the province’s move. According to Fougere, the gun issue in Regina has more to do with long guns than handguns.
“That’s not really the weapon of choice, and it’s not a priority for the police service nor for us,” he said.
He also argued that banning guns is outside the city’s ambit.
“This is quite rightly provincial jurisdiction that they take this matter up and deal with it,” said Fougere. “I think it’s not the jurisdiction of municipalities to be banning guns or rifles. So I’m supportive of the initiative of the province.”
In Saskatoon, Mayor Charlie Clark said his city’s challenges with firearms are different from those in cities like Toronto.
“The Saskatoon Police Service has identified that handguns are not the driver of the violence that has been affecting our neighbourhoods,” Clark said in a statement. “I am not aware of any municipality in Saskatchewan that has been entertaining a handgun ban.”
Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne said he was surprised to hear the federal government wanted to afford cities the power to ban handguns in the first place. He never had any plans to make use of it and said jurisdiction over firearms “should never fall to municipalities.”
Moe said the provincial move to block municipal handgun bans is needed to prevent a “patchwork” of different rules across the province. NDP Leader Ryan Meili agreed that Moe’s reasoning on that “makes a lot of sense.”
“We don’t want to have different rules in Saskatoon and Prince Albert and other cities across the province,” he said.
He expressed doubt that a handgun ban is “a particularly pressing issue” for cities.
When asked by reporters, Moe rejected the notion that the province is stepping on the toes of municipal councils or intruding on their ability to protect residents as they see fit.
“We’ve chosen to represent the law-abiding firearm owners here in the province since they do not have representation in the federal government at the current point,” he said.
Moe argued that recent federal gun control moves are “not effective policy.” He said Ottawa is going after people who are already following the law instead of criminals.
“It’s not the law-abiding firearms owners that are the issue,” said Moe. “It’s the people that are stealing those firearms or smuggling those firearms in that are the issue and it would be very wise of the federal government to shift their focus to where the actual challenge is.”
The premier had suggested on Monday that there will be “a long discussion” between the provinces and Ottawa over the assault rifle ban. He said Saskatchewan people shouldn’t be in a hurry to comply with rules that have a grace period.
“The advice that I would have to Saskatchewan law-abiding gun owners is you have two years to abide by the initiatives that have been put in place by the federal government,” Moe said.
“It’s quite likely there will be an election between now and then. I wouldn’t rush up to register our guns to turn them over to the federal government.”