Gun Control is Completely Useless.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Not a quick learner, are you?
I'm thick?
How many times have I demonstrated the numerous other uses for handguns?
Handguns are used for many, many other things besides killing humans.

That is specifically what they were designed to do ... even along de Nile.

You could use them as an insecticide, too if you happen to be Annie Oakley.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
banning the use of inanimate objects by the citizenry is useless, and sometimes counter-productive"

You are blah-blahing about "inanimate objects" that have no other design criteria than to kill human beings. ... and WOW! ... MAGIC!!
They suddently become animate when some idiot picks one up and uses it.

You're goddam right they should be taken away from the populace.

Are you thick too? ... like Bondo?

If anyone is thick here, it's YOU and the Putz of course! :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It’s funny how he said (about me), “I couldn’t care less” and then “I’ve had enough - cease and desist”. I don’t think he knows what to think.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I didn't mean to say he was a bigger suck up than you Clompy. Your unrelenting bag licking of the NRA is acknowledged.

I understand and accept your reddie.

Poor hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His beloved LIE-berals are looking weaker and more foolish.....................................................

by the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals ACTUALLY WANT US TO BELIEVE.............................................

that taking long guns away from LEGAL OWNERS and honest citizens.......................................

will do anything to curb the epidemic of gang shootings..............................

by gang drug dealers......................................

who are IN ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF PISTOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news.................................

municipal MORONS such as Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory actually want us to believe...........................

that building more basket ball courts and drop in centres.....................................

will REDUCE the number of gang bangers being shot on our streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is even a FUNNY argument to be made that WE SHOULD NOT BUILD MORE basketball courts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all...............................

if gang bangers get less exercise.......................................

they will find it HARDER to outrun COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Question. . .

Gun nuts like to say "Well, people can be killed with knives, or machetes, or baseball bats. Why don't you ban them?"

They're making a false equivalency, suggesting that such items are as lethal as guns.

OK, so why don't we ban guns and let people defend themselves with knives, machetes, and baseball bats, seeing as how they're just as lethal?


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Question. . .
Gun nuts like to say "Well, people can be killed with knives, or machetes, or baseball bats. Why don't you ban them?"
They're making a false equivalency, suggesting that such items are as lethal as guns.
OK, so why don't we ban guns and let people defend themselves with knives, machetes, and baseball bats, seeing as how they're just as lethal?

So you want to ban guns based on their lethality?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Poll shows Trudeau gun control promises firing blanks
Brian Lilley
October 2, 2019
October 2, 2019 6:45 PM EDT
It seemed an odd choice, Justin Trudeau spent two precious days in the middle of an election campaign holding events in Toronto and speaking on an issue he should own — gun control. Now we may know why.
Polling on how Canadians view gun crime in Canada and gun control promises from politicians shows that the majority of Canadians — in all regions of the country, across party lines and among men and women — are cynical of what is on offer.
When asked about the source of shootings, 80% of Canadians agreed with the statement that “gun violence and shootings are mainly committed by gangs or criminals with handguns smuggled into the country from across the border.”
That compares to just 20% who believed “gun violence comes mainly from guns that have been stolen from or used by vetted and licensed handgun owners.”
The findings are part of the DART & Maru/Blue Voice Canada Poll conducted for the Toronto Sun.
There was barely a difference between men and women with 81% of men agreeing that the problem is from gangs using smuggled guns while 78% of women said the same.
When it comes to fighting gun crime, Canadians are not on the same page as the Trudeau Liberals. A full 81% of Canadians said that the government “should channel most of their efforts into pursuing those using handguns smuggled in from over the border,” as opposed to cracking down on licensed gun owners.
In Ontario, the battleground of this election, 87% said the government should focus on smuggled guns.
“People know that when you’re hunting bear, you don’t get distracted by rabbit tracks. Handgun violence is exactly the same,” pollster John Wright said.
“People know that efforts to stop violence have to be apportioned properly and right now they see the greatest commitment needed is to smuggled guns from across the border and their associated crimes and little else. When politicians speak otherwise, they see it as wrong headed.”
That’s not good news for the governing Liberals.
For Trudeau to win this election, he needs to win among women and he needs to win in Ontario and when it comes to his gun control policies — something he spent much of his week on — his message is falling flat.
In fact, when given two options, one that said politicians cracking down on licensed and vetted gun owners was the right thing and one that said it was smoke and mirrors, the majority didn’t buy Trudeau’s line.
On that issue, 71% agreed with the statement that, “it’s just smoke and mirrors and pretending to get at the real contributors to gun violence and crimes so they can get votes.”
If votes are the reason for this policy, it isn’t working.
In the face of rising gun crime in cities across Canada, but in Toronto in particular, Trudeau has promised to allow municipalities to ban handguns but rejected a national ban. He has also promised a full national ban on the AR-15 rifle, and rifles like it.
There are 75,000 AR-15s registered with the RCMP — restricted firearms are still part of a registry — and the Liberals have said they plan on banning and buying back 250,000 rifles at a cost of $600 million or more.
The problem is, these are not the guns that are claiming victims on Canadian streets. While Trudeau points to mass shootings in the United States where the AR-15 has been the weapon used, that isn’t the case in Canada. Our much stricter gun control laws are vastly different from the United States.
Trudeau hoped that he would be able to campaign on fear of guns, but for the most part, it doesn’t look like that campaign is working.
Conducted on Sept. 30, 2019, the poll of 1,520 randomly-selected Canadian adults — all members of a Maru/Blue online panel — is considered accurate to within 2.9%, 19 times out of 20.
LILLEY: Doug Ford really isn't a factor in the federal election
LILLEY: Trudeau goes for fear over facts once again on gun violence
LILLEY: Teachers unions are in it for themselves, not the kids
Much tougher to get guns in Canada than U.S.
In August 2013, I walked into a souvenir shop in Juneau, Ala. It was the kind of store that caters to tourists but behind the counter was an AR-15.
I asked the man sitting near the rifle what it would take for me to walk out with the gun and he told me the price — $1,495. That was it, he said.
In Canada, the process is much different.
To buy an AR-15 or a handgun requires a special gun licence that allows you to own restricted firearms. To get that licence, you need to jump through several hoops.
First, you need to find a location near you that will offer the Canadian Firearms Safety Course.
The general licence course takes a minimum of eight hours of classroom time followed by a written and practical exam. The restricted course is at least another six hours of classroom time, followed by a written and practical exam.
Often the courses are offered together and it takes up most of a weekend.
If you pass the course, your paperwork indicating that you were successful is sent off to the authorities and you can apply for a firearms licence in a few weeks time. That requires submitting a four-page application form complete with a photo, references and the names of any conjugal partners.
The form specifically asks for their signature acknowledging the application and states that they will be contacted.
Once the extensive background check is complete, a process that can take weeks if not months, those that pass the scrutiny of the RCMP are given a licence. At that point, they can attempt to buy a gun.
It’s often said that it is easier to buy a gun illegally than legally.
That’s something that Toronto radio station Newstalk 1010 put to the test recently. Less than five hours after making the first phone call, they were looking at an assortment of guns for sale in the back of a car parked in a suburban shopping mall parking lot.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.


Nazi laws systematically disarmed "unreliable" persons , especially Jews

Nunavut community says police aren’t responding to alcohol-related calls

Toronto police response time under fire after Parkdale murder scene left unattended

Edmonton police response times are getting slower, and citizens are taking notice

Police rank calls based on their urgency, with targets ranging between seven minutes or fewer to 180 minutes between dispatch and arrival on scene.

“We are struggling,” Deputy Chief Kevin Brezinski said at Thursday’s meeting. “Calls for service have increased year by year, but our resourcing hasn’t necessarily increased year by year. So that is an issue.”

Drunken wife beating pedoe burgler nazi gas chamber stationary engineers luv no guns.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Question. . .
Gun nuts like to say "Well, people can be killed with knives, or machetes, or baseball bats. Why don't you ban them?"
They're making a false equivalency, suggesting that such items are as lethal as guns.
OK, so why don't we ban guns and let people defend themselves with knives, machetes, and baseball bats, seeing as how they're just as lethal?
You really have not been to London lately have you. Their Knife crime has surpassed New York's gun crime.

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

How did you get so full of BS doooood? it the drugs? I KNOW you would like to be the only guy with a gun when you are on a street full of knives, but you criminals don't deserve to have it that easy.

Gun control in NAZI Germany was partially responsible fro the holocaust think you need another one of those again today...( as if the three or four so far in the press over the years weren't enough you, you need MORE?).


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
So you want to ban guns based on their lethality?
Question. . .
Gun nuts like to say "Well, people can be killed with knives, or machetes, or baseball bats. Why don't you ban them?"
They're making a false equivalency, suggesting that such items are as lethal as guns.
OK, so why don't we ban guns and let people defend themselves with knives, machetes, and baseball bats, seeing as how they're just as lethal?

In Canada, a knife is a tool not a weapon. But you wouldn't know that since you are from the USA