Gun Control is Completely Useless.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Umm, no pigs. I hate the prospect of having an armed populace because there are so many intellectual incompetents like you about.[/QUOTE ]
your low esteem for law abiding citizens makes you a piece of shit.
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.
Question for you, CC. . .

Is Colpy right about nobody ever being killed with an "assault weapon" in Canada? Because that would be pretty compelling evidence that your current laws are working just fine.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.

How can you be so dumb?

I am so sure that I am law abiding, I have subjected myself to a daily automated police records check. As of this morning, I am still more law abiding than you care to admit.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
various mayors from the Toronto area tell Trudeau his gun control plans do not go far enough. They want the handgun ban
this is just like the plastic ban that government is dragging its feet on
massive public support
From Toronto. How about they ban criminals having handguns first? Oh wait that has been in effect for decades. How is that working out for you retard?
Does anyone in Canada care what a few fascists from Toronto want?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
From Toronto. How about they ban criminals having handguns first? Oh wait that has been in effect for decades. How is that working out for you retard?
Does anyone in Canada care what a few fascists from Toronto want?
retard is a white natty magic word - like tidewater


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.
How about because they are fun? Just because you are a miserable POS doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to enjoy themselves.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
oh and also the Quebec mosque shooting was only muslims - who also do not qualify as people in Clomp's world view.
Yep, those qualify as "assault weapons" in my book.

And that refutes Colpy's claim. Thank you.

Though technically, Colpy said that the AR-15 design had never been used to kill in Canada. Technically true but irrelevant.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
It is true in the sense that Marc Lepine only killed 6 woman with an assault rifle, and in Clompy's world women do not qualify as people.

Yeah right.


is NOT an "assault rifle".

I bought a Mini in 1978. It was my favourite rifle, my constant companion in the bush. It never failed, it was light, short, reasonably powerful, and just a great all-round rifle. I've moved on to a Remington Model 7 bolt action, as the Mini is not very accurate, and my Model 7 will but three bullets in 0.6 inches at 100 yards with the right ammo.

NOT an "assault rifle" no matter what the retard followers of Wendy Cukier tell you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Yep, those qualify as "assault weapons" in my book.

And that refutes Colpy's claim. Thank you.

Though technically, Colpy said that the AR-15 design had never been used to kill in Canada. Technically true but irrelevant.

Never irrelevant!!! :)

BTW, I apologize for not carrying on the Second Amendment discussion we were having. I got tied up with home improvements, and on-line time, obsessed with the election here.

My bad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you're truly law abiding, you have no legitimate reason to arm yourself with handguns and assault-type weapons. If you think that you are protecting freedom by doing so, you are not law abiding. You are a potential insurgent.

Oh so now we are punishing people for future crime? Or maybe incorrect thought? Minority Report anyone?

And you wonder why we want to stay armed. Here's a hint; it is because the people that want our guns are dangerous. Full stop.

Is Colpy right about nobody ever being killed with an "assault weapon" in Canada? Because that would be pretty compelling evidence that your current laws are working just fine.

I don't know who posted this originally, but to answer.....I never said that. I said the AR 15 had never been used to kill anyone in Canada. "AR" does not stand for "Assault Rifle", it is short for "Armalite", the original designer of that specific rifle that everyone hates, despite the fact that not one of the 65-80,000 in Canada has ever been used to kill anyone.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I don't know who posted this originally, but to answer.....I never said that. I said the AR 15 had never been used to kill anyone in Canada. "AR" does not stand for "Assault Rifle", it is short for "Armalite", the original designer of that specific rifle that everyone hates, despite the fact that not one of the 65-80,000 in Canada has ever been used to kill anyone.

Actually, not true.

And then in a crime...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Well, I'll grant you partial points.

I said no one has been killed with an AR 15 in Canada. That is true.

The first report you linked said the rifle used in the murder was an AR 15. Then it said the rifle was a "machine gun" repeatedly. AR 15s are semi-automatic. They are not "machine guns". If the use of an automatic weapon in the article was correct, the rifle was NOT an AR 15.

In the second case you linked the woman was not killed. A terrible thing what happened to her, but she is still alive.

Unless you can clarify your link in the first instance, my statement still stands.