CDN Election 2019


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
And did you notice just how MUCH LIE-beral BRIBERY..............................

IS ABSOLUTELY DEPENDENT on the LIE-beral .............................

carbon crap and trade tax SCAM?????????????????????????????????

Just how STUPID do people have to be to get excited.........................

over being bribed with their own money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you spilled all the beer in your gullet!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Maybe. Personally no one as of yet has stood out enough to get my vote.
I don't like Max simply because he's a total asshole, but more than that, anyone who goes off on a sixteen year old girl who has disabilities (autism) and calls them "mentally unstable" all to push his own agenda is disgusting (and his apology was nothing but). There's a lot more to admire about Greta Thunberg than Maxime Bernier.
For that alone, and for people who would stand with this person, says a lot to me about the party as a whole.
Not worth my time.
I have Asperger's and YOU have NO idea wtf you are talking about. Either about the ( her, OUR) disease, or the way she and other people see that and the the world. Neither she , nor the people USING her ( nor are the asshole defending THOSE ASSHOLES) are mentally stable .

Obummer and gore and their sea side properties and mortgages make a liar out of you all.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I have Asperger's and YOU have NO idea wtf you are talking about. Either about the ( her, OUR) disease, or the way she and other people see that and the the world. Neither she , nor the people USING her ( nor are the asshole defending THOSE ASSHOLES) are mentally stable .

Obummer and gore and their sea side properties and mortgages make a liar out of you all.


... riiiight.

So the fact I don't like that some political ass is using his position of power/influence to slag off someone with Autism because it doesn't fit HIS political agenda, is bad?

And that I think those that support someone like this are also likely questionable people because they agree with him?

Okay... that's... ****ed up but whatever.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
That girl Is NOT competent to comment period. Neither apparently are you. YOU are into using her yourself to push you own IDIOTIC commie/nazi/globalist agenda

DESPICABLE...not different from epstien at all. Just like those rented children at the border.
Just like the children you all were using in the gun grab BS.

What ever happened to them dear?

Oh yeah, now you are done with them, you have just thrown them VICTIMS!!!!

You sanctimonious effers are ALL full of CRAP!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Maybe. Personally no one as of yet has stood out enough to get my vote.
I don't like Max simply because he's a total asshole, but more than that, anyone who goes off on a sixteen year old girl who has disabilities (autism) and calls them "mentally unstable" all to push his own agenda is disgusting (and his apology was nothing but). There's a lot more to admire about Greta Thunberg than Maxime Bernier.
For that alone, and for people who would stand with this person, says a lot to me about the party as a whole.
Not worth my time.
This election is all about keeping government out of our pockets.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And for the foreseeable future. Intelligent people aren't taken in by his incessant raving about his focusing on creating jobs. I know a lot of people who found their own jobs with absolutely no help from him. He's a blatant liar. If he gets reelected then we have a huge problem of a lot of really stupid people in the country.

How SAD there ARE A LOT OF GREEDY HOGS......................................

being swayed by his GRAVY TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW SAD that NONE of the HOGS can see....................................

how their GREED IS COMING BACK TO BITE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW REALLY SAD.................................

that some people..............................

such as Joyless LIE-beral Monkey........................

THINK the Cdn situation can be IMPROVED....................


by electing the IDIOT COUSINS of LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meaning NDPers and Greenies............................

who LACK the low guile and cunning to be "good..............


Perhaps Joyless LIE-beral Monkey can explain.................

how electing people who are even MORE selfish..................

and self serving than the LIE-beral mob.....................

will help ordinary Cdns in any way??????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How SAD there ARE A LOT OF GREEDY HOGS......................................

being swayed by his GRAVY TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW SAD that NONE of the HOGS can see....................................

how their GREED IS COMING BACK TO BITE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave you a Green for the tiny shreds of truth in your post. I guess we more or less HAVE to vote for someone. My confidence in all of them varies from very low to non existent but at least if you vote you can bitch at someone! The main thing right now is to GET RID of Justin!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
you spilled all the beer in your gullet!

And you have NO DEFENSE to offer for LIE-beral bribery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor do you know where the beer was spilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how little respect LIE-berals have for either our legal system OR the ethics that are supposed to guide our govt choices!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau deflects blame for blocking RCMP probe of office

By Brian Lilley.

Published: September 11, 2019. Updated: September 12, 2019 9:52 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Lavscam bites Trudeau, again
LILLEY: Any way you cut it, it's an RCMP investigation
FUREY: Trudeau certainly can — and should — waive Lavscam cabinet confidences
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s proven to be his own worst enemy

(The UGLY TRUTH is that Our idiot Boy Justin has managed to STALL any real inquiry into Lavalin until the critical moment- it is standard policy NOT to launch police investigations into political parties during an election - so that there will not be any allegation of bias or slander and the rule is fairly logical- but what to do with Our idiot Boy who got enmeshed in this mess WELL BEFORE the election call???)

(There is ample reason for a cynic to suspect that the version presented by Wilson-Raybould- that Trudope IS BREAKING THE LAW- is probably the correct one!! After all the woman was Attorney General and one expects such a person to have serious legal qualifications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So we have good grounds to be suspicious of LIE-berals - now all we need is a proper cop investigation- which WONT HAPPEN during the election!! And if the idiot Boy wins the election then ALL the facts will be flushed faster than drugs being dumped by a dealer hiding evidence from cops during a raid -because Our idiot Boy IS AFRAID of a serious cop raid regarding Lavalin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Faced with questions about obstructing the RCMP from investigating his own office, Justin Trudeau stood smiling before the cameras and tried to hide behind the facade of the civil service.

“We respect the decisions made by our professional public servants. We respect the decision made by the clerk,” Trudeau said.

(Yes- and THE CLERK is clearly a servant of the LIE-beral party!! MANY PEOPLE have noted the strong devotion of the civil service union HOGS to the LIE-beral party- its that NASTY CONFLICT OF INTEREST in which HOGS sell their votes to LIE-berals in a democracy defying abuse in exchange for GOBS OF GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And of course there is CLEAR EVIDENCE that Our idiot Boy DID NOT respect the choice made by Wilson-Raybould regarding Lavalin and thus she is OUT!! Our idiot Boy ONLY RESPECTS choices that go HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!)

(Former Privy Council Clerk Wernick even went so far as to claim Canada would suffer violence and civil unrest unless we surrendered to LIE-beral values!! So it is absurd that Trudope would hide behind the legal rulings of HIS LOYAL EMPLOYEES and staunchest supporters - when there is ample PROOF that he can over turn cabinet choices if he wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Which is strange because the reason the RCMP wanted to obtain documents from his office and speak to witnesses is because Trudeau didn’t respect the decision of the director of public prosecutions in the SNC-Lavalin case. In that instance, Trudeau and many in his office put extreme pressure on then attorney-general Jody Wilson-Raybould to overturn the decision of the director.

(There is a major question here - related to law- is a civil servant LEGALLY ENTITLED to AID a corrupt govt to HIDE evidence of corruption - as the Privy Council Clerk and his staff appear to be doing with Lavalin!! After all - we HAVE HEARD TESTIMONY that Lavalin bribed officials and rigged bids IN CANADA and thus have miss-used OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Some even called for Wilson-Raybould to take over the case so that SNC-Lavalin could walk away from a prosecution on bribery and corruption charges.

Now, Trudeau says he respects decisions made by professional public servants. Maybe because the decision made by the Clerk of the Privy Council effectively killed off the attempt by the RCMP to investigate Trudeau and those around him for breaking the law and engaging in obstruction of justice.

(Yes we can expect that Our idiot Boy definitely RESPECTS the choices being made by HOGS to protect him and his party from legal entanglements that might seriously blight LIE-beral prospects if full evidence was exposed!! Timing is critical and getting the election started puts any possible exposure ON HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If you haven’t heard, we found out on the eve of the election call, via the Globe and Mail, that the Mounties attempted to investigate Trudeau and his office for obstruction but were themselves obstructed from fully doing so. The Clerk of the Privy Council, Ian Shugart, said he would not expand a limited waiver for people to talk to police or for documents to be handed over for examination.

He cited cabinet confidentiality.

(So we ask - does cabinet confidentiality cancel out presenting evidence of criminal acts?? Are HOGS remaining silent for fear of losing their solid gold LIE-beral supplied union PENSIONS????????????)

So we have our national police force interested enough in finding out if Trudeau and his team broke the law that they are asking questions and the Privy Council Office (PCO) shuts them down. Trudeau and his team want you to think he had nothing to do with this decision but here is the reality: Shugart reports to Trudeau, not the other way around.

(At the very least we need a much expanded provincial level investigation as the Quebec Provincial Charbonneau Inquiry heard testimony that MULTIPLE engineering firms were involved in bribery - and not just Lavalin - but NO INVESTIGATION into that allegation was ever made - due to legal limits put on Charbonneau investigators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

When the RCMP wanted to gain access to documents in the Mike Duffy investigation, a waiver was granted to allow access to those documents and for staff to speak freely to the police. When Vice-Admiral Mark Norman was on trial and the issue of cabinet confidence was raised, former prime minister Stephen Harper gave permission to open up any documents the court needed for the trial.

(There is a STARK CONTRAST between the Harper govt and the Trudope gang!!!
It is worth noting that Conservative Senator Duffy was JUDGED BY CONSERVATIVES to have been careless with Senate cash- and it was Conservatives who paid back Cdn tax payers on behalf of Duffy - while LIE- berals sneered and cat called!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And yet LIE-berals were UTTERLY SILENT about LIE-beral Senator MacDonald Harb who wasted WAY MORE MONEY than Duffy ever did- and NOBODY has asked LIE-beral HARB to pay us back a penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Even former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin granted a waiver on cabinet confidence to allow the Gomery Commission to investigate the Sponsorship Scandal.

(And yet LIE-berals Chretien and Martin DID LIMIT the scope of the Gomery Inquiry!! Its just the usual LIE-beral SMOKE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That Trudeau is not granting a waiver and hiding behind the PCO decision shows he simply wants this shut down.

(And the refusal to allow an investigation convinces many cynical Cdns that LIE-berals PROBABLY have MUCH TO HIDE - that wont come out till AFTER the election - if ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer called on Trudeau to immediately waive cabinet confidence to allow the RCMP to gain access to people and documents.

“We know that the power to waive cabinet confidence and the power to waive privilege rests with the prime minister. That is clear. It’s within his power to do so,” Scheer told reporters before boarding his campaign plane in Ottawa.

The problem is that the RCMP have put any investigation or inquiries on this matter on hold while the election takes place. It’s part of a policy that stops the Mounties from conducting sensitive probes during elections.

That doesn’t mean Trudeau shouldn’t waive cabinet confidence and allow people to speak or documents to be obtained — he should. But he should have done so months ago.

(As I said - timing is everything and Trudope has nicely run out the clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Instead, Trudeau has been trying to walk past this scandal by shutting down a House of Commons committee, blocking the ethics commissioner and now obstructing an RCMP investigation.

Canadians deserve better. Canadians deserve the truth. That’s something Trudeau doesn’t want to give them.

(Cdns deserve a NEW GOVT - that DOES NOT INCLUDE LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That girl Is NOT competent to comment period. Neither apparently are you. YOU are into using her yourself to push you own IDIOTIC commie/nazi/globalist agenda

DESPICABLE...not different from epstien at all. Just like those rented children at the border.
Just like the children you all were using in the gun grab BS.

What ever happened to them dear?

Oh yeah, now you are done with them, you have just thrown them VICTIMS!!!!

You sanctimonious effers are ALL full of CRAP!!!

So you're saying that just because she has Autism, she's not competent?

I don't even know her personally, so how can I be using her for an agenda? I just don't think it's RIGHT that this politician, from another country, calls her on her mental capacity as if he knows her, all because she's against HIS agenda. What the girl is really like I obviously don't know. What I do think is that anyone with autism, or aspergers, CAN function in society, depending on their level of the illness. Just because she doesn't bend to YOUR agenda, you hate her for it. Well that's on you, not her. I respect the girl because she at least TRIES to practice what she preaches, unlike a lot of ADULTS who stand for similar issues.

FYI, you can't be communist and nazi at the same time.

The absolute bullshit of the rest of your post isn't worth replying to. Look, DB, don't take your hate/rage/anger out on me for something someone else has said/done about you.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So you're saying that just because she has Autism, she's not competent?
It's probably the lack of credentials or understanding of what she is parroting.

That's all she is, a parrot and a shitload of cash for news channels selling commercial time.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's probably the lack of credentials or understanding of what she is parroting.

That's all she is, a parrot and a shitload of cash for news channels selling commercial time.

Cause she obviously can't be educated or is allowed to be concerned what so ever about Climate Change and her own planet, right?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So you're saying that just because she has Autism, she's not competent?

I don't even know her personally, so how can I be using her for an agenda? I just don't think it's RIGHT that this politician, from another country, calls her on her mental capacity as if he knows her, all because she's against HIS agenda. What the girl is really like I obviously don't know. What I do think is that anyone with autism, or aspergers, CAN function in society, depending on their level of the illness. Just because she doesn't bend to YOUR agenda, you hate her for it. Well that's on you, not her. I respect the girl because she at least TRIES to practice what she preaches, unlike a lot of ADULTS who stand for similar issues.

FYI, you can't be communist and nazi at the same time.

The absolute bullshit of the rest of your post isn't worth replying to. Look, DB, don't take your hate/rage/anger out on me for something someone else has said/done about you.
Yes but she has inserted herself into the global climate hysteria, and using her new found fame to promote her agenda in Canada . And her agenda has a political slant .. so if she wants a private life she best step out of the spotlight . IMHO .