CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Have you not been paying attention to the news? Forest fires, floods, search and rescue for starters!

They were recently deployed to look for the missing fugitives in Northern Manitoba. Time to wake up!
Are you trying to "out stupid" Putz, the moron?
shouldn't you be working on your physics, professor?


energy = momentum X speed of light?

I feel you are on the verge of a real breakthrough there


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Yeah yeah I know you can't be expected to read all the links before commenting on them I know

The deal includes a $650 million repayable loan to General Dynamics. Details have not been released.

They will be used as ambulances and in other roles such as vehicle recovery, engineering, mobile repair, electronic warfare and as command posts

The overall project is estimated to cost $3 billion but that includes in-service support, construction of new facilities and other support to the program.

That cost includes initial spare parts, technical manuals and training.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Or how many votes will transfer from the NDP to the Lib's 'cuz they didn't (or couldn't) put up candidates in every riding?

Trudeau is toxic right now... Anyone that intends to support him will do so, but those that are on the fence may seek alternatives.

As far as dipper votes jumping to the Libs, well, that's possible, but again, tater tot is going to find it more difficult (as compared to last election) in drawing new voters due to his actions during his tenure

One big problem that I see is too many voters don't value integrity! Without integrity you have nothing.

Politicians have no integrity, so we really can't blame the voter on that


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
$600+ Million also buys you this

Baloney Meter: Is the RCMP investigating people in the PMO over SNC-Lavalin?

The RCMP are asking questions, but no official investigation is announced so therefore it's mainly baloney SMFH


there is apparently a LONG STANDING habit............................

OF NOT INVESTIGATIVE a political party DURING AN ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was mentioned on Toronto news media Wednesday/ Sept 11/ evening...................................

Therefore if you want the full expose of what Our idiot Boy has been hiding related to Lavalin........................................

You must pray for a Conservative victory.........................................

so that Scheer can deal with the SLIMY LIE-beral can of WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Our idiot |Boy is re-elected..........................

then the Lavalin SLEAZE and Bribery........................

OF CDN BIZ CONTRACTS........................

will be swept under the rug forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 1950`s and 1960`s.....................

the RCMP Security Service had a file....................

on Pierre Trudope...........................

because of all the traveling he did........................

to various Communist Pest Holes.......................

under mysterious circumstances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And first thing Pierre did after being elected.......................

was to DESTROY THE FILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For reasons we are NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Trudeau is toxic right now... Anyone that intends to support him will do so, but those that are on the fence may seek alternatives.

And for the foreseeable future. Intelligent people aren't taken in by his incessant raving about his focusing on creating jobs. I know a lot of people who found their own jobs with absolutely no help from him. He's a blatant liar. If he gets reelected then we have a huge problem of a lot of really stupid people in the country.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
shouldn't you be working on your physics, professor?


energy = momentum X speed of light?

I feel you are on the verge of a real breakthrough there

Like I said, it's an unproven theory...……………………………………...According to scientific folklore, Albert Einstein formulated this equation in 1905 and, in a single blow, explained how energy can be released in stars and nuclear explosions. ... Einstein was neither the first person to consider the equivalence of mass and energy, nor did he actually prove it.Aug 24, 2015


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Meh....I'll probably vote Trudeau if there isnt an independent running in my riding. Mostly because there really is no good alternative.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Is there another Trudeau besides Justin running in this election? I think I saw somewhere that some idiot in AB is thinking of voting for Trudeau! :)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Nice plane , who owns it ? Someone is looking for a new bus driver .
I see Scheer also has his own plane , yikes who pays for that ? Hopefully the party members but really what is wrong with flying commercial like the little people ?
Not a big enough carbon footprint. Someone has to keep Greta in Pigtails, & Suzuki in Seal blubber to power his bus ( I hear it also runs on rendered polar bears). I’m curious how Elizabeth May of the Green Party is getting too and fro in the next 40 days....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
PPC is polling at 3.2%. Crazy, one eyed lunatics with their heads spinning round and round make up more of the electorate than 3.2% ...

...the Marginal Mutant Party.
Yes they should be polling at around 70% after all isn’t that the norm for a new party ?