CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
wishful thinking??
If not HIS political demise, it will be Canada's...

...and wishing for this country's demise makes YOU the ENEMY.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Can't answer that........but calling anyone "thick" is counterproductive


Suddenly LIE-berals are getting SQUEAMISH...............................................

about name calling and nasty labels??????????????????????????????????????

Should we assume LIE-berals are getting DISTRESSED....................................

at the number of nasty labels getting stuck to THEM???????????????????????????

Has Ocean KeskinHOID blowhard Breezy FORGOTTEN all the nasty labels...........................

she/it/them tried to stick on Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Ith isth , ith isth...

Bloomberg News tells us that French president Macron “pulled a fast one on Trump” by bringing the Iranian foreign minister to speak at the 2019 G-7 meeting.


This is typical LIE-beral flight of fancy - meaning Fake News designed as always to make Trump look bad in LIE-beral eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But - what did Macron OFFER to Iran to get them to send that minister to speak to western leaders that Iran despises????????????

Macron offered to let Iran sell more oil if it would give up its nuclear ambitions!!!!!!!

Well- DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is what all the sanctions and hostility ARE ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Obama signed the nuclear deal with the Tehran devils -there were those WHO DID NOT CHEER- because - as they said- there were to many ways for Tehran to CHEAT!!!!!!

And Trump and Israel INSIST Tehran IS CHEATING on the nuclear deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what did Macron offer that is so new and exciting????????????????

The answer is; NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tehran wants to sell more oil so it can finance its nuclear program !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tehran wants the sanctions lifted so it can repair its crippled economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tehran wants to sell more oil so it can afford to sponsor MORE TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran is aiding Syrian monster Asad- the ghoul who drenches his own slave subjects in poison gas - with aid of Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran is aiding the rebels fighting in Yemen where tens of thousands of civilians are caught in the cross fire and in danger of starvation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran is also dedicated to making trouble for Sunni Muslims - as 90 percent of Iranians are Shi`a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump is working to resolve some of this endless round of violence and retaliations and doing so while LIE-berals seek to undermine him at every turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals seek to undermine Trump because of his DOMESTIC policies............

and LIE-berals are not focused on Iran in any real way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desperately short sighted LIE-berals see ONLY the 2020 election and their frantic hope that one of them can unseat Trump- and SILENCE all those who are exposing so much of LIE-beral policy to be ABJECT FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ULTIMATE IRONY in all this is that Macron and the French govt had to endure months of demonstrations and rioting earlier this year - as Macron had pushed his LIE-beral environmental agenda to fast and too hard with the result that cost of living spiraled dangerously high- prompting the Yellow Vests to take to the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now here is “LIE-beral” Macron who nearly got thrown out off office by public rage at his LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM - openly courting the Iranian TERRORISTS by offering them the chance TO SELL MORE OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has Macron come to the realization that he can repair the weak French economy by getting access to cheap Iranian oil?? Apparently so!! And thus another FLAW in the LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM is exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals push their carbon SCAM for the revenue it brings them - and NOT for the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet at the same time Our idiot Boy Justin Trudope and other LIE-berals are trying to DESTROY the Cdn oil patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shall we ask if oil pollutes LESS if it is being used to finance TERROR??????????

Is oil evil if it is being used merely to pay for Cdn health care?? Is oil less evil if its sale is being used to supply radical Muslims with new weapons?????????????

How truly desperate are LIE-berals that they would try to cast this crap as some sort of victory over Trump???????????????????????

Or a victory for any of us???????????????????????????????

It is certainly NOT a victory for LIE-berals who have been exposed as cynical exploiters and hypocrites in the usual LIE-beral way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Liberal Party bars wife from vying to replace MP husband embroiled in dispute with ex-girlfriend

How did they even think this was a good idea for this election?

What is the problem here???????????????????

Our idiot Boy Justin is publicly known as The Mad Groper of Kokanee................................

who experiences things differently than the asses he grabs.......................................

LIE-beral Kent Hehr who rides a wheel chair............................................

and is SO ENTITLED.......................................

he thinks he has a right to explore under any skirt he can reach.....................................

so idiot Boy and Hehr are in good company with that LIE-beral MPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just because the guy hired his mistress on the govt dime........................................

and GOT HER PREGNANT on COMPANY TIME.............................................

and is now refusing to pay child support.....................................

simply means he is a GOOD LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all...................................

Our idiot Boy Justin is treating the tens of thousands of illegals he has brought into the country......................................

exactly as if he is a DEADBEAT PARENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is no more willing to pay for his illegals..................................

than the LIE-beral MPP is willing to pay for his BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are NO ENTITLEMENTS quite like

LIE-beral entitlements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news...................................

apparently some LIE-beral MPP`s DONT UNDERSTAND................................

how birth control works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral standards of behaviour are apparently guided by the idiot activities displayed in BAD TV SIT-COMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are LIE-berals getting "knocked up"......................................

or knocked in the head?????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Chelsea, NCC in new dispute over road to PM's cottage

The municipality of Chelsea, Que., is demanding the National Capital Commission cover the tab for damage it says was caused by trucks trundling in and out of the prime minister's retreat on Harrington Lake.
Chelsea Mayor Caryl Green said the trucks caused $30,000 in damage to Meech Lake Road in the spring. It got so bad the municipality wanted to close the road, which runs about 17 kilometres from just west of the town to the top of Meech Lake, to prevent further damage.
Prior to the damage, the NCC had pledged $70,000 this year and next to help maintain the road, which is heavily used by visitors to Gatineau Park.Green said that money was supposed to go toward regular upkeep of the municipal road, but when the municipality complained about the damage, the NCC told the town to take the repair costs out of the general maintenance fund.
"This is not what was agreed upon, and we don't feel it is fair," Green said.
She said any private company whose trucks caused such damage would be held responsible.
"When a developer or even an individual resident damages the road, it is up to them to pay for the damage," she said.
Ongoing dispute
It's just the latest bump in the road for the relationship between Chelsea and the NCC, which has held back hundreds of thousands of dollars from the town in disputed taxes.
A panel is expected to rule on the dispute next month.
Green said the municipality's relationship with the NCC is one she'd like to repair.
"We want to work out a partnership with the NCC, and there are a lot of reasons to want to work together," she said.
In an email, NCC spokesperson Cédric Pelletier said the work at the prime minister's cottage includes security upgrades, masonry repairs and replacement of doors and windows. He said it should be finished in 2020.
Pelletier said the NCC is willing to work with Chelsea to find a solution to this latest issue.
"The NCC is committed to continuing to work with Chelsea officials to address the condition of Meech Lake Road, including the contribution of funding and other NCC resources, to undertake immediate repairs as well as long term planning for the rehabilitation of the road," he wrote.

Can someone clarify this for me is this Canada's cabin for the PM? Or is this the PM's personal cabin being fixed up by the taxpayer?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
$70,000 for repairs to a road that was heavily used but undamaged until JT used it?? That about sum the scam up?? (figures it would be Quebec, was it dreamed up by a SNC x-employee??)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Chelsea, NCC in new dispute over road to PM's cottage
Can someone clarify this for me is this Canada's cabin for the PM? Or is this the PM's personal cabin being fixed up by the taxpayer?
It's in the National Capital Commission and it is owned by the Crown as is 24 Sussex Drive. Goes back to Makenzie King, I believe.

Ever heard of Meech Lake? ... Canada's "Camp David"?

It's that cabin and the tennants change regularly.

The Trudeau family used to have a cottage in the Laurentians north of Montreal at a place called "Lac Des Seize Isles" (16 Island Lake.) An old friend of ours was their neighbours, decades ago. I don't know if that cottage is still in their family but I do know that you need a boat to get there and that the road only gets them about three kilometers away from it.
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

Well out front, though as the Incumbent the Liberals do have the advantage, and they did just try to bribe Canada with something like $15,000,000,000 of our own money, and they're taking the shortest election period (or close to it) as they legally can, and they'll hide from almost all debates where their record can be brought up (except for the one official debate in English that they can't hide from for the 75% of the Nation that speaks English, and two in French because....Quebec), and with the Greens & NDP imploding they can slurp up NDP seats in Quebec knowing they'll lose three Seats in MB & those in AB & Ralph in SK.

Polls are always questionable but I did take this from the Trudeau Media Fan-Site of the CBC even. 33.8 vs 33.8 is well out front. I get it. The math smells familiar.

Assuming that no Liberal votes will transfer to the Cons, I think that the big question here will be how many votes will tater tot lose to the NDP and Greens?

It's the libs that are at risk of having their vote split

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Assuming that no Liberal votes will transfer to the Cons, I think that the big question here will be how many votes will tater tot lose to the NDP and Greens?

It's the libs that are at risk of having their vote split
Or how many votes will transfer from the NDP to the Lib's 'cuz they didn't (or couldn't) put up candidates in every riding?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Assuming that no Liberal votes will transfer to the Cons, I think that the big question here will be how many votes will tater tot lose to the NDP and Greens?

It's the libs that are at risk of having their vote split

One big problem that I see is too many voters don't value integrity! Without integrity you have nothing.