Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Your wit is as frail and impotent as your fists, old man.


Poor Tecumsehbonesforbrains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your tongue is a sharp as a stalk of well cooked spaghetti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And.....................................................WHAT LAW SCHOOL do you claim to have graduated from???????????????

Maryland Idiot U??????????????????????????????????

And we ALL KNOW you make up "facts" about cops whenever it suits your petulant and childish nature!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Many of us are Liberals in the traditional sense. Not to be confused with the current overlords of the Liberal party of Canada. They are more fascist than Liberal.

If there was any truth to it, it would be "liberal", in a non political sense! Politically speaking I don't adhere to any party. None of them are perfect and most far from it. Dumb dumb was just talking through his ass! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If there was any truth to it, it would be "liberal", in a non political sense! Politically speaking I don't adhere to any party. None of them are perfect and most far from it. Dumb dumb was just talking through his ass! :)

OH....................but only a LIE-beral would FAIL TO SEE that Scheer and the Conservatives are MUCH SUPERIOR to Our idiot Boy Justin and his loser LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their idiot cousins of NDP and mouldy Greens are BLINDED by their own greed and arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an older article illustrating the wild tax and spend madness that infects LIE-berals and their idiot cousins of NDP!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

B.C. Employers Health Tax set to hit businesses starting on Jan. 1

By Richard Zussman

Published December 28, 2018

B.C. businesses will be seeing a tax increase in the new year as part of the province's Employers Health Tax.

New year, new taxes.

(B.C. Premier Horgan and his logic challenged crew want to blame corporate gouging for the HIGH price of gas in the province- but maybe they should look in the mirror- at the cost of doing business in B.C. that NDP has just DRIVEN UP with new taxes????????????????)

Businesses across British Columbia are set to start paying the province's new Employers Health Tax (EHT) on Jan. 1, 2019. The tax is being put in place to cover the costs of Medical Service Plan premiums, but those premiums don't go away until Jan. 1, 2020.

(NICE!! A new tax comes in even before the old one is phased out!! Double dipping is SO MUCH FUN - for GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“The Employer Health Tax will have a cascading effect across the province, putting a chill on new hiring and pay raises and risking property tax hikes from Port Alberni to Prince George,” said Kris Sims, B.C. director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

(The REALLY BIG QUESTION is whether Horgan will have the nerve to make B.C. civil service union HOGS pay the health tax?? After all -in Ontari-owe, NO civil servant pays the health levy thanks to careful wording in their contracts - that LIE-berals SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus in Ontari-owe- NO civil servant from any of the four levels of govt pays the health levy - and the rest of us pick up the HOG health care TAB!! And one employed Cdn in three works for govt!! That`s a LOT OF Tabs - AND EQUALS LIE-beral economic war on ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“This is a huge downloading of taxes from Victoria onto the backs of job creators and municipalities across the province.”

(And of course that down loading is REQUIRED so Horgan can get the gravy he needs to BUY Votes in the best LIE-beral style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The tax applies to businesses that have an annual payroll of more than $500,000. Registered charities and non-profit employers have special exemptions and will pay a lower tax rate than other businesses.

More news: Tax breaks at centre of B.C.'s new long-term climate plan

(Uh huh- as I and others have said before - the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade SCAM is nothing but a GRAVY GRAB masquerading falsely as environmental policy t- hide its roots in LIE-beral GREED!!!!!!!!!)

Municipal governments are still going to have to foot the bill for the provincial government’s new tax. Municipalities will no longer have to pay MSP premiums for their employees starting on Jan. 1, 2020.

“The calculations we did ... even if municipalities took all of the costs of the Employers Health Tax and put it on to homeowners, you would only be looking at about $20 to $40 per household in additional costs,” said Finance Minister Carole James in June.

“Most municipalities won’t even look at that because they will be able to absorb those costs.”

But municipalities are already using the EHT as a reason why property taxes need to go up.

(Uh huh- the usual cast of HOGS taking advantage of changes to make sure they grab even more GRAVY!! LIE-berals and their idiot allies REALLY are making war on ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Vancouver is proposing a 4.9-per-cent increase that would amount to an extra $41 next year for the median strata owner, an additional $108 for the median single-family homeowner and a tax hike of $193 for the median business property owner. The EHT will lead to 1.7-per-cent increase in the city's budget next year.

Vancouver property tax set to jump 5%, city points to Employer Health Tax

(A 5% jump in property taxes? I guess I have my answer- Horgan DOES NOT have the balls to make HOGS pay their own health care bill!!!!!!!)

“While this is an increased cost to the city in 2019, the city can expect a marginal positive financial impact in 2020 upon the elimination of MSP premiums,” states a city budget document.

(In other words LIE-berals are robbing Peter to pay Paul as fast as they can but their efforts are being thwarted as ordinary people don’t have enough gravy to SATISFY HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Jan. 1 also ushers in the new school tax. Homes worth more than $3 million will pay a higher rate, with a 0.2-per-cent increase on the residential portion assessed between $3 million and $4 million and a 0.4-per-cent increase on the portion assessed over $4 million.

READ MORE: B.C.’s new taxes on $3M homes could lean hard on Vancouver’s west side, maps show

(GOSH!! I guess all the criminals and bankers and politicians living in those westside homes are going to DEMAND more gravy from their LIE-beral bosses- and we KNOW they will get it too - meaning even more costs for ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Earlier this month, the City of Vancouver sent the province a letter asking it to rescind the tax increase for high-end homes.

"At the core of our request is that the province's surcharge on the provincial school tax represents an encroachment on the City of Vancouver's municipal tax base," reads the letter.

(Oh my- the line up of people seeking to rob Peter to pay Paul is getting ugly- with squabbles over which HOG should get first chance to GRAB GRAVY!! The thieves are beginning to fight over the loot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Natural gas prices will going up once the calendar flips to 2019. FortisBC says residential customers will pay nine per cent more a year under new interim rates approved by the British Columbia Utilities Commission. The increase is about $68 more a year for the average annual usage.

(A NINE PERCENT increase in natural gas rates? Well- we know NDPers are even more math and logic challenged than LIE-berals- and that prized 2 % inflation rate was set by LIE-berals- with no need for NDPers to adhere to it!! This is the thinking that DESTROYED Bob Rae NDP in Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals and idiot NDPers really think the bank can supply ALL the gravy they could ever want- if only they ask nicely for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Rate increases will also continue through the year.

(Oh yes- the rising cost of gas in B.C. IS NOT the biggest problem the province faces!! Yhe BIGGEST B.C. problem is the number of airhead politicians who do not understand that screwing the tax payers results in LOST ELECTIONS!! And as Ontari-owe LIE-beral Wynne- bag HAS PROVEN -there is SIMPLY NOT enough gravy to satisfy Hogs and retain power by BRIBERY of key pressure groups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The carbon tax will go up from $35 a tonne to $40 a tonne on April 1. ICBC rates will also go up at the beginning of April, with the public insurer seeking a basic rate increase of 6.3 per cent.

(Auto insurance rates up 6.3 percent as well? Oh that 2 percent inflation
rate is looking ever more like a LIE-beral “Stretch Goal” that will NEVER be achieved!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As long as B.C. buys into the LIE-beral concept of a Free Lunch then B.C. can look forward to MORE of this economic madness!! I suggest that one reason for high gas prices in B.C. is because oil company exec`s are getting nervous about making major investments in the Left Coast with its B, C. “Bud” mindset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Horgan is acting as if his policy advisors are all SERIOUSLY STONED and totally oblivious to the consequences of their actions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Where does this fall into the registered guns scheme of things?

Zip guns being mass manufactured and sold to local gangs, say Winnipeg police

The numbers of zip guns being found on Winnipeg streets are increasing dramatically and Winnipeg police say they're being mass manufactured and sold in the city.
"It is known that there are individuals in Winnipeg who are mass producing zip guns and selling them to those in the gang and drug sub-cultures," said Insp. Max Waddell, who showed off a recent bust to media Tuesday.
"The improvised firearms that you see are capable of acting in the same capacity as a firearm," he said, noting that they are identical to a regular gun, but much more unsafe.
READ MORE: Two people arrested for improvised guns, meth, say Winnipeg police
"We have to take extraordinary precautions" to make sure those handling improvised weapons are not accidentally hurt, said Waddell.
"As these individuals are manufacturing, they are by no means trained in the art and science of gun manufacturing," he said.
The guns are being made from copper tubing, bicycle parts and other easily found parts, he added.
Gun crime has been rising significantly in the past several years, he said.
The last three years have seen a particularly high increase, said Waddell, and that coincides with the rise of fentanyl and methamphetamine hitting Winnipeg's streets/
Those high on meth become increasingly paranoid, said Waddell, and believe they need a weapon to protect themselves.
"I don't know what it is about meth, but it causes people to see forms of violence, see that they're constantly being attacked by a machete and things," he said. From there, they procure a weapon out of a perceived need for safety, then end up using the weapon to commit property crimes, or theft from motor vehicles, he said.
In 2018, Winnipeg police seized 1,747 firearms from Winnipeg streets.
So far this year, six people have died from gun violence in Winnipeg.
In 2018, there were three homicides from gun violence, and seven in 2017.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I think if anyone is a coward on here, it's probably you! You're the only one I can think of on here who resorts to playing the "age and decrepitude card" when you are going down in a debate. Maybe before you go barging in on another country's forum, you might want to study the old maxim...…….."when in Rome do as the Romans do". :)
Better than bad-mouthing another man's service when you never quite managed to scrape up the backbone to raise your right hand, coward.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Already did, coward.

Come on BONEhead, You made an accusation against me, at least have the common decency to substantiate your claim. I just looked through the posts for the last 5 days and have found nothing like you describe. At least TRY to act like a fcuking man and substantiate your half cocked claims, HYPOCRITE!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Come on BONEhead, You made an accusation against me, at least have the common decency to substantiate your claim. I just looked through the posts for the last 5 days and have found nothing like you describe. At least TRY to act like a fcuking man and substantiate your half cocked claims, HYPOCRITE!

Sure thing, coward. Forum: Politics, Subforum: Canadian Politics, Thread: "Trickle of Illegal Immigrants into Canada Could Become Deluge in the Spring," Post #2111.

Now, have you got that, or do I have to write it in Braille and shove it up your ass?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Many of us are Liberals in the traditional sense. Not to be confused with the current overlords of the Liberal party of Canada. They are more fascist than Liberal.
Beating swords into plowshares (a big "L" Liberal ideal) is a noble ideal but also a really had idea on this planet at this time in history among this species.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Better than bad-mouthing another man's service when you never quite managed to scrape up the backbone to raise your right hand, coward.

Never mind "backbone", you pathetic asshole, when I was of age to be eligible for the military, Canada wasn't involved in any wars, besides I was engaged in another useful service to my country - laying out survey lines for road and bridge construction - so shove it where the sun don't shine! When did you raise your right hand? When your nose needed blowing?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Never mind "backbone", you pathetic asshole, when I was of age to be eligible for the military, Canada wasn't involved in any wars, besides I was engaged in another useful service to my country - laying out survey lines for road and bridge construction - so shove it where the sun don't shine! When did you raise your right hand? When your nose needed blowing?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Never mind "backbone", you pathetic asshole, when I was of age to be eligible for the military, Canada wasn't involved in any wars, besides I was engaged in another useful service to my country - laying out survey lines for road and bridge construction - so shove it where the sun don't shine! When did you raise your right hand? When your nose needed blowing?
I have no time for a coward. Good day to you, sir.