Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
It isn’t a T-shirt you simpleton. It’s a hockey Jersey and nobody....and I mean NOBODY tucks them in....well, clearly you would.

Yup nobody would ever cross you oh mighty dipshit.. :notworthy:

There was such a backlash from top players, the NHL quietly stopped enforcing the rule.

So it's okay Cannucklehead to tuck your hockey t-shirt in and show that huge belly. Be proud, show it off. :lol:
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ya sure, and you tell us about hockey t-shirts :lol:

Do you mean jerseys or T-shirts, because it appears that you're struggling to understand the difference?

....not that it really matters because neither should be tucked in....unless you're old


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

“The NHL decided to newly enforce uniform policies starting with the 2013–14 season.[4] As a result, players are not allowed to tuck their jerseys into their pants, expose their elbow pads, or make any other modifications to their jerseys.”

You’re as easy as Boomer. You drive a truck as well?
Why would they need that rule if nobody tucked them in?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hard to believe given the nonsense you post. Crack?

I dont understand the problem.......................................

Canada ALREADY HAS concealed carry without a permit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just ask all the gang bangers roaming the streets of Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And here is a FUN Question....................................

if it is okay for a doctor to refuse to do a liver transplant for an alcoholic who has Cirrhosis.................................

then why is it a sacred medical duty to patch up gang bangers who have shot each other????????????????????

If a doctor can refuse to operate on you because you are too fat..............................

then why will that same doctor waste resources on some criminal GOOF????????????????????????

It seems the people who are most upset with all the guns are the LIE-berals WHO ARE DOING NOTHING TO STOP THE GUN PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It becomes ever more clear why cops end up shooting people. As I have said before-too many people become drooling idiots and forget how to behave when confronted by a cop just doing his job! The following report by Joe Warmington of Toronto Sun News illustrates a disturbing social trend. I include some comments of my own in brackets) along with his informative report:

Young armed punks brazen in cop stare down

By Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 07:06 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 09:54 PM EDT
Neil Corrigan

Toronto - It was an armed standoff in Kensington Market few even knew about.

At one end of an alley in the heart of the Spadina and College-area market there were three young punks, armed and dangerous. At the other end were two Toronto Police officers looking for three fitting the description of armed robbery suspects.

The potential for blood, death, funerals and God knows what else was not only possible, but imminent on June 8.

“This is where the rubber meets the road,” said Supt. Neil Corrigan, unit commander of Toronto Police’s 14 Division.

In almost 30 years as a Toronto cop, Corrigan thought he has pretty much seen it all. But he had never seen what happened next.

“Normally when the police arrive, in my experience, young people just run away,” he said. Not anymore.

Instead the trio starred down police and started hurling insults and challenged the officers. “They had no fear of police and no understanding of the job we are sworn to do,” said Corrigan.

(I personally would suggest the kids simply have no CARE for the job cops do!)

The teens had allegedly just robbed eight people at gunpoint outside a coffee shop at Bellevue and Nassau. “One of the victims was a female who was poked in the ribs by a handgun. Others lost their wallets and cell phones, credit cards and cash. They were all traumatized.”

Meanwhile, the thugs were ”yelling that the police have no power to do anything and there is nothing we could do,” Corrigan said. “They were wrong.”

They just didn’t know it yet.

“One of the youths brushed up against a car in the alley and there was a loud clang. Right away my officers knew the suspect was armed with a heavy-duty gun.”

Calling it “remarkable” policing, his officers swooped in and arrested two of the youths.

Aged 15 and 16, they are in custody and two loaded handguns are off the street. They next day, police arrested the third suspect, 16, but are still looking for his gun.

They will appear at 311 Jarvis St. court Thursday at 9 a.m. The charges include “robbery with firearm, point firearm, use firearm in commission of offence, unauthorized possession of a firearm, possession of a restricted firearm with ammunition, possession of firearm contrary to prohibition order, possession of a weapon obtained by crime” as well as bail and probation condition breaches.

“It’s just pure luck no one was hurt or killed,” said Det.-Sgt. Ian McArthur, of 14 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau.

What about next time?

In a climate of banned carding and soft-on-crime courts, today’s young, armed criminal doesn’t seem to have any fear of carrying loaded guns or using them.

Corrigan says the defiance and notion among armed youth that officers are handcuffed thanks to politics and regulations is alarming because he shudders to think what could have transpired.

This is why he took to Twitter and Facebook.

On Twitter he wrote June 9: “Bad guys believe cops are not allowed to stop or talk to them, is that why so many seem to carry guns now?

Robbery suspects with guns tell my officers, Cops cant stop us or talk to us. They were WRONG. At TPS14Div; at TPSOperations
— Neil Corrigan (at) SuptCorrigan) June 9, 2016

On Facebook: “My officers respond to a robbery call, they located two suspects nearby who tell my officers that the police can’t stop them and can’t talk to them! The suspects are armed with two concealed guns in their pockets yet they believe the police are no longer allowed to stop or talk to them. That is the problem!!”

(I say this is the fault of LIE-berals-those craven vote seeking cowards who never met a citizen they didn’t think they could not both bribe and baffle with their bullshit! LIE-beral `hug a thug` judges with their `catch and release` mentality are allowing thugs to think of themselves as victims of white bigotry. This is an obvious problem when the REAL dual problems are crap attitude on the part of black thugs and a debauched and ruined economy with no real jobs available thanks to LIE-beral taxed to the max attitudes!)

“This is all about community safety,” said Corrigan. “Safety for my officers, safety for everybody.”

But when you have young criminals who have no respect for police, are so brazen, there is an issue that needs to be dealt with.

“That’s why I wrote what I wrote,” said Corrigan.

It’s more preferable than writing a letter to the widow of another slain police officer or parent of a dead kid shot by police. Corrigan almost had to write a bunch of them last week.

jwarmington at postmedia


”Carding” or “street checks” occur when police officers stop a person in a capacity that does not involve arrest and leads to that person providing the officer with personal information. Police record the information and keep it on file for intelligence purposes.


Members of a number of Toronto’s minority communities have contended for years that they are disproportionately targeted by police officers during street checks. They say that the practice is racially motivated, has undermined trust in officers, and violates privacy and charter rights.

(I say it is understandable that black parents would not wish to see their kids end up in jail but the ugly fact is that black kids are committing all manner of crimes and crap excuses by their parents an pals won’t/shouldn’t keep thugs from punishment.

In March, the Ontario government brought in new rules for police engagement with the public. The rules spell out how police can approach individuals who are not a witness or suspect in a crime. They also prohibit the practice of carding.

(I say the new rules of engagement are a CRAVEN LIE-beral sop to the most irresponsible and outright stupid members of the community-nothing but LIE-beral vote buying at the expense of public safety! Further, there are valid reasons why young offenders ought not to be sent to jail-not least because they end up picking up contacts and ideas for future crimes from older thugs. And of course they often end up victimized in various ways by older convicts.)

(But the LIE-beral approved slap on the wrist is clearly not suitable for armed and dangerous morons! Corporal punishment-caning is clearly the answer for these young, strong, arrogant thugs-so convinced we can do nothing against them!)

(LIE-beral whiners call caning or other corporal punishment barbaric but what other HONEST option is there? Is it fair to ignore the crap attitude of these dorks until such time as they commit a crime serious enough that they be labeled as dangerous offenders and get locked away for decades? If a dog bites, we recognize the danger and deal with it-why NOT so with armed goon kids? If LIE-berals are so concerned for these morons, then WHY are they not willing to take dramatic steps to try to save them from their own ignorance and confusion before the damage is PERMANENT?)

( The basic laws of peace and order of our society are under attack by gun toting morons-and it stands to reason that a series of serious cracks on the ass with a cane-as is done in India and such places offers a quick, cheap and very effective means of reminding our thugs that we are displeased with their behaviour!)

(Certainly caning offers a real alternative to sending young thugs to `Holiday Innis`-the youth facility in Innisfil that is simply a holding ground for morons whom LIE-beral judges have not got around to releasing-or not yet sent back home to `house arrest`-with hopeless and ineffectual Mommy acting as jailer to the still defiant goon!)

Toronto’s police association has defended carding, saying it is a legitimate investigative tool that brings down crime rates.

(Strange to say Toronto Red Star AGREES with cops in this. Toronto Red Star did an article last year about how quiet its gotten in youth court since `carding` was curtailed!)

(But of course real action by LIE-berals to bring back `carding` or to impose real punishment on seriously defiant thugs would expose the dangerous holes in LIE-beral philosophy! Even worse, re-introducing carding and using corporal punishment might result in LIE-berals losing ethnic votes-and this is of far greater interest to LIE-berals than any amount of public safety! )

(Congratulations to LIE-berals for having destroyed the economy with insane taxes, loaded us up with massive debts, ruined the credibility of our legal system with hug a thug garbage and made a serious mess of public safety! But that`s LIE-berals for you-too stupid to follow and too corrupt to lead!)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You're not familiar with Go back to Joisey, ya moron! ?

Maybe JLM should check out and see what they call them. Look, I get that old people call them sweaters. I get that old people like to tuck their T-shirts in. What I can't (for the life of me) understand is why anyone would want to wear their team's jersey and tuck it in. I guess if your an old man that dates 14 year olds, you probably don't care what other people think.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I have a feeling the Asshole doesn't realize "Jersey" is an English term used mainly across the "pond".
I have a feeling the decrepit imbecile doesn't realize that in American football, Canadian football, and hockey, the uniform shirt is called a jersey.

Because apparently he thinks he's in England. Musta been the picture of Her Maj on the wall that got him all confused.