Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
There was another article on the bad calculations recently. Too bad nobody cares about being lied to

Hey Petros - I noticed you were dead silent about my post on big oil asking the government to protect it against storms caused by climate change. Want me to post it again? Hell, I will anyway.

So what does big oil know that it doesn't want us to know?

Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change

Resident Engineer Steve Sherrill, with the US Army Corps of Engineers, talks about the project to raise some of the levees and seawalls in the area Thursday, July 26, 2018, in Port Arthur, Texas. As the nation plans new defenses against the more powerful storms and higher tides expected from climate change, one project stands out: an ambitious proposal to build a nearly 60-mile "spine" of concrete seawalls, earthen barriers, floating gates and steel levees on the Texas Gulf Coast.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Only a fool would think flooding has any connection with global warming.

Think building on flood plains, population expansion, lack of sewers etc..

Oh, and try thinking!

I'd say "Global Warming" is definitely a misnomer, but as for "Polar Warming", I'm not so sure! :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hey Petros - I noticed you were dead silent about my post on big oil asking the government to protect it against storms caused by climate change. Want me to post it again? Hell, I will anyway.
So what does big oil know that it doesn't want us to know?

Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change

Resident Engineer Steve Sherrill, with the US Army Corps of Engineers, talks about the project to raise some of the levees and seawalls in the area Thursday, July 26, 2018, in Port Arthur, Texas. As the nation plans new defenses against the more powerful storms and higher tides expected from climate change, one project stands out: an ambitious proposal to build a nearly 60-mile "spine" of concrete seawalls, earthen barriers, floating gates and steel levees on the Texas Gulf Coast.

It's not a secret the Army Corp of Engineers knew it was time to rebuild the levees in Louisiana and Texas long before the Climate Change unicorn escaped from the zoo.

By all means, look it up. You might find articles such as this. Note the dates.

Between 1970 and 1975, the Corps developed a plan for massive sea gates for the region east of New Orleans that would prevent storm surge from flowing through Lake Borgne and into Lake Pontchartrain through the Rigolets and Chef Menteur passes. Referred to as the Barrier Plan, it included a series of levees along the lake Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), a navigable inland waterway.[41] A small group, led by Luke Fontana, filed a lawsuit against the Barrier Plan in 1976 over the Corps’ Environmental Impact Study (EIS). In Save our Wetlands v Rush, the plaintiffs claimed that the Corps’ EIS did not meet the requirements of Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The court agreed with Fontana noting, among other things, that the EIS was based on obsolete data and that the Corps’ biological analysis ‘relied entirely on a single telephone conversation with a marine biologist.’[42] Judge Charles Schwartz issued an injunction preventing further progress on the barrier option until the Corps revised its EIS. However, the Corps did not return and, in 1980, concluded that an alternative option of higher levees providing hurricane protection was less costly, less damaging to the environment and more acceptable to local interests[43]

After Katrina, the controversy was revisited, with some blaming the lack of the massive barriers – and the environmentalists – for the storm's destruction. But Corps' officials told the Government Accountability Office that "if they had gone ahead with the floodgate plan, Katrina's devastation would have been even worse, because the barriers would not have been large enough to keep the storm surge out of the lake – and the levees around the city would have been even lower."[44]
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
It's not a secret the Army Corp of Engineers knew it was time to rebuild the levees in Louisiana and Texas long before the Climate Change unicorn escaped from the zoo.

By all means, look it up. You might find articles such as this. Note the dates.

Between 1970 and 1975, the Corps developed a plan for massive sea gates for the region east of New Orleans that would prevent storm surge from flowing through Lake Borgne and into Lake Pontchartrain through the Rigolets and Chef Menteur passes. Referred to as the Barrier Plan, it included a series of levees along the lake Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), a navigable inland waterway.[41] A small group, led by Luke Fontana, filed a lawsuit against the Barrier Plan in 1976 over the Corps’ Environmental Impact Study (EIS). In Save our Wetlands v Rush, the plaintiffs claimed that the Corps’ EIS did not meet the requirements of Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The court agreed with Fontana noting, among other things, that the EIS was based on obsolete data and that the Corps’ biological analysis ‘relied entirely on a single telephone conversation with a marine biologist.’[42] Judge Charles Schwartz issued an injunction preventing further progress on the barrier option until the Corps revised its EIS. However, the Corps did not return and, in 1980, concluded that an alternative option of higher levees providing hurricane protection was less costly, less damaging to the environment and more acceptable to local interests[43]

After Katrina, the controversy was revisited, with some blaming the lack of the massive barriers – and the environmentalists – for the storm's destruction. But Corps' officials told the Government Accountability Office that "if they had gone ahead with the floodgate plan, Katrina's devastation would have been even worse, because the barriers would not have been large enough to keep the storm surge out of the lake – and the levees around the city would have been even lower."[44]

I see that you deliberately missed the point, which is that Big Oil fully recognizes the dangers brought on by global warming.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Because the Sierra Club says they do? Nowhere in the article does it say anything about "big oil" (whatever the f-ck that is) saying they want levees to protect them from global warming.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Because the Sierra Club says they do? Nowhere in the article does it say anything about "big oil" (whatever the f-ck that is) saying they want levees to protect them from global warming.

Never get tiered of lying do you? Guess you didn't read this part of the article:

"Oil and chemical companies also pushed for more protection for surrounding communities to shield their workforces,"

And "Phillips 66 and other energy firms spent money last year lobbying Congress on storm-related funding post-Harvey, campaign finance records show, and Houston’s Lyondell Chemical Co. PAC lobbied for building a coastal spine.“The coastal spine benefits more than just our industry,” Bob Patel, CEO of LyondellBasell, one of the world’s largest plastics, chemicals and refining companies, said in March. “It really needs to be a regional effort.”

And then there is this:
Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change

Once again, thanks for being so easy to refute.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Yeah miz memes are for kids, back to the real news:

Cold Sun Warning! 350-Year Ice Age Starting in Months

Cold Sun Warning! 350-Year Ice Age Starting in Months
Today's TruNews may be one of the most important in the ministry's history. Host Rick Wiles offers stunning evidence that the earth will soon enter into a drastic cooling cycle, contrary to the current religion of world-wide climate change. Featured is Professor Valentina Zkarkova, whose latest models have been updated from a decades-long cold snap, to one lasting centuries.

"current religion"....woowoo woowooo


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Globally? We have record highs here.
Nice links, you are the one that's missing.

I know you think man made climate change is the same as man maid global warming, but really after all the mistakes and scams that have already been exposed, only a stunned c*nt could BUY that mold time religion.

Frick, you folks seem to have a real problem doing math and history, that's for certain.

- 25 degrees records!... lol, Do you have any plus 25 degree records there, bub?
Your wiener will be glad he is all shriveled up in jail.

Lawrence Solomon: Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever, and we couldn’t be less prepared
An underheated planet is a threat humans have repeatedly faced over the last millennium, and now we’re due again

“The New Little Ice Age Has Started.” This is the unambiguous title of a new study from one of the world’s most prestigious scientific institutions, the Russian Academy of Science’s Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg. “The average temperature around the globe will fall by about 1.5 C when we enter the deep cooling phase of the Little Ice Age, expected in the year 2060,” the study states. “The cooling phase will last for about 45-65 years, for four to six 11-year cycles of the Sun, after which on the Earth, at the beginning of the 22nd century, will begin the new, next quasi-bicentennial cycle of warming.”

Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at Pulkovo and the author of the study, has been predicting the arrival of another little ice age since 2003, based on his study of the behaviour of the Sun’s different cycles and the solar activity that then results. His model — informed by Earth’s 18 earlier little ice ages over the past 7,500 years, six of them in the last thousand years — led to his prediction more than a decade ago that the next little ice age would occur between 2012 and 2015.

Unlike the global warming models of scientists, which were soon disproved by actual measurements...

Europe's Little Ice Age: 'All things which grew above the ground died and starved'
One in a series of book excerpts from finalists for McGill University's US$75,000 Cundill History Prize

Lawrence Solomon: Everyone’s a climate change leader, until their claim becomes quantifiable
The climate change industry is abstract and ephemeral, based on ever-shifting targets and far-off projections

Think the past winter was bad? Get ready for mini Ice Age

But then there are you nutbar genocidal trumphaters who don't even know what starts forest fires.
Which is what is really killing people in California.

Here let me remind you of how stupid and dishonest you globalwarmists really are:

1.) Scientists predicted in 2000 that kids would grow up without snow.
2.) It’s been 10 years since scientists predicted the “end of skiing” in Scotland
3.) The Arctic would be “ice-free” by now.
4.) Environmentalists predicted the end of spring snowfall.
In March 2013, the Union of Concerned Scientists predicted that warmer springs would mean declines in snow cover.

But the record levels of snowfall to hit this year may have caught UCS off guard. On Monday, the U.S. east coast was hit with a massive snowstorm that stretched for 1,300 miles and those in the Baltimore-D.C. area were hit with a 141-year record cold of 4 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday morning.

“Many places tied or broke record lows all over the Eastern half of the U.S.,” reported CBS Baltimore.
5.) The end of skiing.

Yup, snow sure is/was a thing from the past alright.
Have you ever thought of seeing a doctor "there" Sqwidward? You could have your diseased body frozen for the future day when they have a cure for bodies!
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