Almost everyone knows who the IPCC is. They have been the source of 99% of the alarmist global warming info. over the past 30 years.
However here is an excerpt from this same IPCC circa Spring 2018.
"---------The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."
ROFL, who are we to disagree.
Another few points:-
1.* FACT.* Temps are indeed rising;* at roughly the same rate as they have been for centuries as we are still coming out of the last Ice Age 18,000 yr/bp.
2.* FACT.* Ditto ocean levels.* Ocean temps are doing nothing unusual .
3.* FACT. Antarctic ice levels and extent has been increasing for decades (nobody seems to know why.)
Fossil records show the Arctic ice pack has always varied.* Right now, although you will never read it in the MSM, it seems to have recycled back to near average levels (again, nobody knows why).
4.* FACT.* Ocean currents have always varied.* No biggy.* Ditto air currents.
5.* FACT. According to IPCC, NOAA, USGS, and very much contrary to the moronic popular media, severe weather events have been steadily lessening in frequency for the last 70 years ( nobody knows why).
The increase in flooding in urban areas is mainly due to rapidly increasing population, covering the soil with concrete, and stupidly building on flood plains.* In the past, our ancestors weren't so arrogant.* New Orleans and Toronto are shiny examples of utter stupidity (sigh).
6.* Recent fires in Greece, California were started mainly by arson and lightning - lightning is most definitely NOT caused by global warming.
7. 99.2% of global warming gasses (GHG) are an exotic substance known as water vapour.* Out of the tiny remainder, 80% of that is due to volcanoes, geysers, etc.* The remainder is due to anthropogenic sources.**
If CO2 is so dangerous why has the rate of temp rises not increased and why as the CO2 % has risen did we have a 19 year cessation or 'plateau'ing of world temps?* *Nobody knows why and not one single supercomputer software package predicted it.* Oops
Why do so many only echo the cretinous popular media and their instigators?* *Why do most never check out what NOAA, USGS, GISS, HADCRUT & other scientific authorities are finding.