First of all, Climate has weather in it. We have had climate change on the planet since day one and always will.
Here the facts will call you a fibber outright
1. Introduction
The Sun’s radiative output provides 99.96 % of the energy driving Earth’s climate (Kren 2015). Historically misnamed the “solar constant,” the Sun’s total radiant energy incident on the Earth varies with time. Even small changes in this energy over long periods of time can affect Earth’s climate, as demonstrated in modern times by Eddy (1976) and substantiated by more recent studies (Haigh 2007; Lean & Rind 2008; Gray et al. 2010; Ineson et al. 2011; Ermolli et al. 2013; Solanki et al. 2013).
Total solar irradiance (TSI), the spatially- and spectrally-integrated radiant energy from the Sun incident at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere and normalized to one astronomical unit, has been measured with space-borne instruments continuously since 1978 (see Figure 1).
This measure JSWSC, 2016, doi:10.1051/swsc/2016025 Magnitudes and Timescales of TSI Variability, G. Kopp, p. 2 averages 1361 W m-2 (Kopp & Lean 2011) with typical increases of ~0.1 % from the minimum to the maximum of the 11-year solar cycle during recent decades (Fröhlich 2006).
Additional and occasionally larger variations occur as sunspots and facular magnetic features emerge, transit, and decay on the Earth-facing portion of the solar disk.
Solar output and heat are not the same thing pal. Heat is one very narrow band of radiation which was hitting the planet in whatever form for several BILLION years before man. With all types of climate change.
Also it's SOLAR and COSMIC radiation which forms clouds and this is influenced by FLUCTUATIONS in some of the sun's output of NON heat type radiation, so again you and your CROOKED X-perts are talking KOO KOO.
A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes in Earth's cloud cover in a study based on over 25 years of satellite observations.
Solar cycles cause global warming
A new peer-reviewed study on Surface Warming and the Solar Cycle found that times of high solar activity are on average 0.2°C warmer than times of low solar activity, and that there is a polar amplification of the warming. This result is the first to document a statistically significant globally coherent temperature response to the solar cycle, the authors note (source: Mark Morano).
You will never win an argument quoting the deliberately mistaken man!