Good catch of a typo. My spellcheck missed that one as did I."ere?" Do you mean err?
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Good catch of a typo. My spellcheck missed that one as did I."ere?" Do you mean err?
There was another article on the bad calculations recently. Too bad nobody cares about being lied toWhen the Scientific Consensus Is Corrected by a Skeptic
But we must ere on the side of caution. Such inanity.
There was another article on the bad calculations recently. Too bad nobody cares about being lied to
Only a fool would think flooding has any connection with global warming.
Oh dear me. Colder temps in winter time.ONTARIO...Winter-like chill...
Ontario: Bursts of snow, record January-like cold temps
Only a fool would think flooding has any connection with global warming.
Think building on flood plains, population expansion, lack of sewers etc..
Oh, and try thinking!
Maybe we should cut out royalties in 1/2 in a bid to help them survive.So what does big oil know that it doesn't want us to know?
Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change
Hey Petros - I noticed you were dead silent about my post on big oil asking the government to protect it against storms caused by climate change. Want me to post it again? Hell, I will anyway.
So what does big oil know that it doesn't want us to know?
Big oil asks government to protect it from climate change
Resident Engineer Steve Sherrill, with the US Army Corps of Engineers, talks about the project to raise some of the levees and seawalls in the area Thursday, July 26, 2018, in Port Arthur, Texas. As the nation plans new defenses against the more powerful storms and higher tides expected from climate change, one project stands out: an ambitious proposal to build a nearly 60-mile "spine" of concrete seawalls, earthen barriers, floating gates and steel levees on the Texas Gulf Coast.
This a what makes Walter's claim to have been a school teacher so hilarious"ere?" Do you mean err? Or are you referring to the inside of your head, which would be "air."
It's not a secret the Army Corp of Engineers knew it was time to rebuild the levees in Louisiana and Texas long before the Climate Change unicorn escaped from the zoo.
By all means, look it up. You might find articles such as this. Note the dates.
Between 1970 and 1975, the Corps developed a plan for massive sea gates for the region east of New Orleans that would prevent storm surge from flowing through Lake Borgne and into Lake Pontchartrain through the Rigolets and Chef Menteur passes. Referred to as the Barrier Plan, it included a series of levees along the lake Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), a navigable inland waterway.[41] A small group, led by Luke Fontana, filed a lawsuit against the Barrier Plan in 1976 over the Corps’ Environmental Impact Study (EIS). In Save our Wetlands v Rush, the plaintiffs claimed that the Corps’ EIS did not meet the requirements of Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The court agreed with Fontana noting, among other things, that the EIS was based on obsolete data and that the Corps’ biological analysis ‘relied entirely on a single telephone conversation with a marine biologist.’[42] Judge Charles Schwartz issued an injunction preventing further progress on the barrier option until the Corps revised its EIS. However, the Corps did not return and, in 1980, concluded that an alternative option of higher levees providing hurricane protection was less costly, less damaging to the environment and more acceptable to local interests[43]
After Katrina, the controversy was revisited, with some blaming the lack of the massive barriers – and the environmentalists – for the storm's destruction. But Corps' officials told the Government Accountability Office that "if they had gone ahead with the floodgate plan, Katrina's devastation would have been even worse, because the barriers would not have been large enough to keep the storm surge out of the lake – and the levees around the city would have been even lower."[44]
He must have a carbon footprint as big as a dinosaur's arse on top of it.UN environment chief resigns after frequent flying revelations
What a SCAM. It's one big junket, one long gravy train for these con-artists.
Oh dear me. Colder temps in winter time.
Who could have predicted that?
Because the Sierra Club says they do? Nowhere in the article does it say anything about "big oil" (whatever the f-ck that is) saying they want levees to protect them from global warming.
Those are early record cold temps and it isn,t official winter yet. Similar adverse conditions are to be witnessed globally.![]()
Nice links, you are the one that's missing.Globally? We have record highs here.