Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yup..And why on earth would he (Trump) pay the least attention to his multiple advisors , The man is a megalomaniac!! He has made the US first the laughing stock of the world and second has left even most of his own party is in a state of shock and horror after the latest boondoggle. The US politicians have made the dumbing down of the middle class, one of their goals in the past couple of decades. It seems to have been quite a success LOL.

You're a Trumpster.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nope.....I am a Canadian Liberal and proud of it. I understand where you are coming from LOL You are part of the dumbing down!!

Canadian Liberals are for forcing refugees back over the border then? You know what US Liberals call those people? Fascist and Nazis.


What she accuses Trump of doing she would like Canada to do kick them back south of the border....what a hypocrite!


She wants to do EXACTLY what Trump wants to do.

And what has Trudeau been begging Trump to do... tighten and enforce US immigration laws and restrict immigration from Africa.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun

When did England become all of Europe?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yup..And why on earth would he (Trump) pay the least attention to his multiple advisors , The man is a megalomaniac!! He has made the US first the laughing stock of the world and second has left even most of his own party is in a state of shock and horror after the latest boondoggle. The US politicians have made the dumbing down of the middle class, one of their goals in the past couple of decades. It seems to have been quite a success LOL.

You are starting to sound like Cliffy. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So Cliffy is against refugees too? All you libs are getting exposed!

Yah!! While the US. shunts the influx of refugees from their south directly up to Canada's south!! Yes, we should send all our refugees back over the border they come from, mainly the US Would solve our problem quite nicely!!

Libs are getting harsh!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He doesn't Care

It's on Facebook so it must be true.......

Pity poor bluebyrd ......she talked herself into publicly exposing herself for what she really is.....and it aint pretty!!!!

LIE-berals have suddenly begun to recognize just how fully ALL LIE-beral policy is failing!!!!!

LIE-berals have suddenly recognized that the multiple failings on all levels will probably cost them the next election!!!!!!

LIE-berals are now asking: if we dump Our idiot Boy Justin then who will we replace him with?????????

Oh well......Stephane Dion is still available and he even holds a sat in parliament!!!!!!!!!




Electoral Member
Sep 9, 2013
It's very mind boggling to read posts from the likes of you, Cliffy, Ocean Breeze, Bar Sinister, TBones, Curious, etc., while realizing Trump has a myriad of advisors and handlers that follow his every move and decision. What do you think these people are doing 12 hours a day? Or do you just think that these people are complete and utter idiots? The U.S.A. is like one to the top 6 organizations in the world and you REALLY think that Trump is in sole charge of every operation? IDIOT!

Do you think these people can control Trump? Because if so they don't seem to be doing a very good job.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Pity poor bluebyrd ......she talked herself into publicly exposing herself for what she really is.....and it aint pretty!!!!

LIE-berals have suddenly begun to recognize just how fully ALL LIE-beral policy is failing!!!!!

LIE-berals have suddenly recognized that the multiple failings on all levels will probably cost them the next election!!!!!!

LIE-berals are now asking: if we dump Our idiot Boy Justin then who will we replace him with?????????

Oh well......Stephane Dion is still available and he even holds a sat in parliament!!!!!!!!!


What in the world do you suffer from. I have never encountered such bizarre posting behavior. I surely hope it is not sample of your way of dealing with the rest of the world. Do you post from your own home ,,,,or are you in residence?

You are starting to sound like Cliffy. :lol:
Well, I am in good company. Canadians much like the rest of the world are flabbergasted by the choice of Americans for president. Personally, I feel that knowing they were going to loose (which they would have if Russia hadn't interfered) Republicans to choose Trump a a joke. After all in spite of all the rhetoric involving Hillary, she had Putin's number and he hates her for it. Many Republicans were really flabbergasted when Trump won. Now they have no idea on how to handle him. Most of the world has his numer,

It is amazing that Hiliary lost through false innuendo while Trump won when everyone knew what a sleazy individual he is. All on his own he is bringing the US down to the lowest level possible.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
What in the world do you suffer from. I have never encountered such bizarre posting behavior. I surely hope it is not sample of your way of dealing with the rest of the world. Do you post from your own home ,,,,or are you in residence?

Well, I am in good company. Canadians much like the rest of the world are flabbergasted by the choice of Americans for president. Personally, I feel that knowing they were going to loose (which they would have if Russia hadn't interfered) Republicans to choose Trump a a joke. After all in spite of all the rhetoric involving Hillary, she had Putin's number and he hates her for it. Many Republicans were really flabbergasted when Trump won. Now they have no idea on how to handle him. Most of the world has his numer,

It is amazing that Hiliary lost through false innuendo while Trump won when everyone knew what a sleazy individual he is. All on his own he is bringing the US down to the lowest level possible.
Splillthebeer is a product of Canada’s education system , aren’t you proud .

Let me let you in on a little secret , Trump did not win the election , Hillary lost .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Splillthebeer is a product of Canada’s education system , aren’t you proud .

Let me let you in on a little secret , Trump did not win the election , Hillary lost .

Poor little bluebyrd- her feathers are all ruffled because her beloved LIE-berals are sinking in a pit of their own LIES!!!!!


Consider: Here is another article illustrating the disgraceful and costly lengths LIE-berals will go to as they seek to buy Muslim votes

No immediate $10.5 million payout, but don’t hold your breath.

By Mark Bonokoski. Published: April 19, 2018. Updated: April 19, 2018 1:19 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Abousfian Abdelrazik, who had been detained for several years in Sudan because he was on a terrorist watch list, poses for a photo in Montreal on June 10, 2010. The federal government has quietly settled the lawsuit of a Montreal man who complained he was smeared by inflammatory and false accusations about extremist activities. It is the latest twist in the saga of Abousfian Abdelrazik, who denies any involvement in terrorism.

Get out the taxpayers’ chequebook, because we are about to write another whopper to yet another suspected terrorist on the grounds, as our prime minister loves to tell us, “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.”

A guess? Probably $10 million or so. In other words, the usual sum.

Earlier this week, the Trudeau Liberals decided to ditch settlement talks with Sudanese-Canadian Abousfian Abdelrazik, a Montrealer who is suing the federal government for $27 million over a six-year ordeal of purported custody, torture and exile in his home country of Sudan after CSIS alleged, apparently wrongly, that he was an al-Qaeda operative.

Instead of cutting him a cheque, therefore, the Liberals decided at the 11th hour to roll the dice and take a chance with the courts.

This is foreign territory for the government.

In fact, a full-fledged mediation conference to settle the Abdelrazik case was apparently about to begin but, 24 hours later, the Trudeau government pulled the plug on it.

It will now be settled in court.

(Abdelrazik is one of a number of Muslim men all suing Cdn govt because of they resent being accused of having terrorist connections! All of these Muslims came to Canada as immigrants and either had or were attempting to obtain landed immigrant status when the 9/11 terror attack occurred and Canada cooperated with Yankees and sent them lists of all possible and suspected terrorists living in Canada! This is the usual INDICTMENT of LIE-beral controlled immigration policy since Cdn security had suspicions about these Muslims but did not have the resources to obtain conclusive proof of anything! In other words, an ordinary- and prudent Cdn- would have said the men should have been dumped out of Canada because they have nothing to offer but probable trouble! But LIE-berals do so enjoy buying Muslim votes that the men were allowed to stay!)

(With so many desperate people seeking entry to Canada- LIE-berals have yet to explain WHY they want to accept the most risky and troublesome candidates! Unless of course we accept the proposal that Our idiot Boy Justin is a wanna-be Soviet style aspiring dictator who hates all things white and western and despises Yankees! After all it was papa Pierre Trudeau who heaped fawning praise on Chinese Chairman Mao for :his genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows” during the Great Leap Forward! And it was our idiot Boy Justin who told us “he likes the way the Chinese leaders get things done”! The Trudeau`s are NOT people to lead a strong defence of Capitalism or Democracy!)

There is no question that Trudeau Liberals are still stinging from the public flogging that came with handing $10.5 million to former Guantanamo Bay poster prisoner Omar Khadr for breaching his rights, and later another $31.25 million to three Syrian-Canadians supposedly tortured in Syria after being wrongly accused by CSIS of having links to terrorism.

The Liberals argument at the time was that the money cut to all four aggrieved parties likely saved Canadians millions more in damages if the court cases had been lost.

Taxpayers, however, didn’t buy it.

To them, paying out a grand total of almost $42 million to four sketchy individuals, even if they were wronged, was too enormous a price to pay for what amounted to a surrender.

Never mind that it would take 210 years for the average Canadian just to earn the money paid out in one swoop to boy terrorist Khadr.

To an overwhelming majority of hard-working Canadians, paying that money without a fight in the courts was like punting on first down.

(The LIE-berals have been shocked to discover that the average Cdn thinks Omar Khadr should be grateful just to be allowed back into Canada- much less paid ANYTHING! Omar and his vile terror loving family should be PAYING US to be allowed into Canada! Zaynab Khadr - the sister of Omar has been married 4 times- with terror chief Osama bin Lauden being a guest of honour at her first wedding! Sadly 3 of Zaynab`s 4 hubbies have been shot to death by assorted security forces while committing terrorist atrocities! Her one surviving hubby- and now divorced from her- is Joshua Boyle- the nutbar former Mennonite who took his second wife- pregnant and Yankee born- on a tour of Afghan Taliban held territory for reasons not publicly explained!)

The Boyles were held by Taliban for some years- with no ransom ever asked for.
Once the Boyles were released- they returned to Canada and enjoyed a nice private sit down chat with Our idiot Boy Justin! With Joshua later tweeting how nice it was to chat with his old pal Justin!! This link to Boyle suggests that Our idiot Boy has values a lot more poisoned than he has currently demonstrated! Our idiot Boy has denied nothing- he has just refused to discuss what he and Boyle talked about or when they might have previously met!)

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale was coy this week about what changed his government’s mind.

(I suggest LIE-berals simply wanted to take a step back and shuffle blame onto the courts for offering the payout- as if the payout would be more acceptable if mandated by LIE-beral hug a thug judges instead of govt!)

But, unless it has evidence that Abdelrazik was the master of his own fate, and that CSIS played no role in his detention and exile in Sudan, then there will be a large cheque cut.

(AS I have said before- all this crap could have been avoided if only LIE-beral immigration policy was tightened up! There is absolutely NO REASON why Cdns should be forced to accept suspected terrorists as landed immigrants!)

The Trudeau Liberals inherited this mess from the Harper Conservatives, of course, but CSIS is CSIS regardless of who is in power, and the public safety bureaucracy remains filled with largely the same bureaucrats.

(And Harper Conservatives inherited this mess from Jean Chretien LIE-berals!!! With CSIS CREATED by LIE-berals as the RCMP was considered to be too right wing to suit LIE-berals- so a more LIE-beral friendly secret service was created!)

Documents disclosed as part of the discovery process have apparently raised questions about how culpable CSIS actually was in Abdelrazik’s detention in Sudan, and how far the agency went to prevent Canada’s foreign affairs department from getting him released so he could return to Montreal.

(If the guy is a suspected terrorist then WHY should he be allowed back to Montreal? It is crap like this that has prompted Trump to make major demands for upgrades to Cdn national security! Yankees DO NOT want to import terrorists along with their Cdn dairy and lumber products! And it does not help that Cdn diplomats are setting one set of values while security people are operating with different standards as apparently happened here- how else to explain the suggestion that CSIS opposed letting Abdelrazik coming back to Montreal? Just WHO is standing on guard for Canada?)

When it goes to court, however, Abdelrazik’s lawyers will have the prime minister of this country in their corner.

It was Justin Trudeau, after all, who first waved the white flag and took the hyphen out of hyphenated Canadians.

His posturing lecture about “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” following the payout to Khadr will end up being the most-expensive eight words he will likely ever utter.

And his payout to Khadr, as well as the $31.25 million paid out to the Syrian-Canadian collective of Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad El Maati and Muayyed Nureddin has set a precedent that will only aid the plaintiff.

(No wonder so many illegals are flooding across the Cdn border- they are all hoping to become accused as terrorists and to get rich from it!)

Abdelrazik will get his money. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed.

And $10.5 million sounds just about right, even though it’s wrong.

markbonokoski at gmail.