Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Toronto is facing $165 Million is costs and Ottawa has promised $11 Million to help. Looks like there is going to be a bit of a shortfall there. But Toronto is a Sanctuary City so they must have this all figured out.

Oh yes!!!! Cdn politicians DO have it all figured out- they just blame other levels of govt!!!!!

To bad Ontari-owe is so pissed with LIE-berals that it will be at least TEN YEARS before LIE-berals have any hope of putting together a platform and policy that will be even remotely acceptable to Ontarians!!!!

And it does not help that Our idiot Boy Justin was also planning to blame other levels of govt- by dumping the costs of HIS collection of illegals onto others during the run up to the 2019 election!

Our idiot Boy never considered the cost of welfare and housing would show up so clearly on our property tax bill and in our provincial budget!

And Our idiot Boy has put Jackass John the Sorry Tory mayor of Toronto on the hot seat as well- Tory is facing his own election in October 2018 an our spineless jellyfish mayor is finding it hard to explain to the public why he is so comfortable licking the boots of Black Lives Matter BIGOTS!

The ugly truth is that "Dear John" letter Jackass Tory got from the disgruntled police sergeant is NOT something politically radical!

Jackass John and his moronic Silly Hall minions have discovered that the sergeant speaks for the MAJORITY in Toronto- and in Ontari-owe!!

The ONLY bright light in all this is the Toronto civil service union Hogs- that elected Jackass John in the first place- also agree with him that Our idiot Boy Justin SHOULD be paying for the illegals he is collecting like a crazy cat lady rounding up strays!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Elections have consequences, how many Liberal MP’s from the London and Toronto area ? Someone should remind them you get what you vote for .

LIE-beral hypocrisy and bigotry are killing their chances of re-election for years to come- since it will take YEARS to clean up the messes LIE-berals have made!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how biased and selfish is all LIE-beral policy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Controversial Islamic groups receive Canada Summer Jobs Grants

By Candice Malcolm. Published: May 4, 2018. Updated: May 4, 2018 7:19 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Liberal budget hides massive cuts
GOLDSTEIN: Hatred of Jews undermines Mideast peace
MALCOLM: Controversial Islamic groups receive jobs grant

The Trudeau government has used the controversial Canada Summer Jobs Grant to fund an Islamic group with terror ties, and another with a history of anti-gay rhetoric, the Sun has learned.

(Isnt it odd that the LIE-beral definition of tolerance DOES NOT include groups with traditional western and Cdn values? If it is foreign and or anti white, anti woman, anti Jew and anti gay then LIE-berals throw our money at it! One has only to look at how swiftly LIE-berals restored funding to terror group Hamas after the federal election of 2015!)

According to a government database listing recipients of the Canada Summer Jobs grant, both the Canada Arab Federation (CAF) and the Anatolia Islamic Centre have been approved for federal funding in 2018.

In 2009, CAF was de-funded over the group’s extremism and support for terrorist groups – a decision made by the previous Harper Conservative government and backed up by a federal judge.

CAF had received a grant through the department of immigration to provide English lessons for newcomers, but the contract was pulled when then-immigration minister Jason Kenney found out about the funding.

Kenney wrote a letter to CAF informing them that funding would be pulled because of the group’s “promotion of hatred, anti-Semitism and support for the banned organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Kenney said that CAF’s “president attacked (former Liberal leader) Bob Rae because his wife is Jewish.”

“From our point of view, these groups do not deserve and have no right to taxpayers’ dollars to promote their kind of extremism,” said Kenney.

The Canadian Arab Federation appealed the decision, but a Federal Court judge ruled in favour of the Harper government, determining that Kenney acted “reasonably” when he cut federal funds.

(Oh! YOU JUST KNOW a BAD Muslim argument was presented when a LIE-beral hug a thug judge actually rejects it! Cdns are sick of being bullied by the radical Muslim minority! This is a fact that is beginning to finally register with LIE-berals! To bad federal LIE-berals like Our idiot Boy Justin have talked and spent themselves into a corner with their polices and will fight on in support of them just as LIE-beral Wynne-bag did- even though they know it is a losing proposition! Given the current polls and growing public anger over LIE-beral hypocrisy- the best Our idiot Boy can hope for in the 2019 election is a minority govt that will probably soon FALL! )

The Anatolia Islamic Centre also has a history of controversy. The Centre’s Imam made headlines in 2013 for anti-gay comments caught on tape.

(How is it that LIE-berals scorn the Catholic Church for saying abortion is wrong and yet LIE-berals IGNORE Muslims who suggest that death for gays is proper since killing them will prevent further sin?)

Imam Mustafa Khattab was asked about homosexuality during a lecture at the Edmonton Islamic Academy. Khattab, who is still listed as “the Imam of the Anatolia Islamic Centre,” tells the room of young students that being gay is like having a disease that requires “a special treatment.”

“For me, someone who is homosexual is like someone who has diabetes or someone who has cancer or aids,” he said, noting he doesn’t like to be associated with gay people.

When the video surfaced, current Trudeau Liberal MP Kent Hehr called for the school to lose its $4 million in taxpayer funding.

“If you want to accept public dollars to fund your private school, then you have to follow the rules and regulations – it can’t be your own personal fiefdom to present your own values,” said Hehr, who was the Liberal provincial education critic in the Alberta legislature at the time.

Under the Trudeau government, the Canada Summer Jobs Grant has become controversial and something of a ‘value’s test’ for would-be recipients.

To be considered for this grant, groups must pledge to protect LGBT rights and to uphold a women’s choice to have an abortion. Many organizations, particularly religious groups who believe in the sanctity of life and oppose abortion, could not morally sign the attestation and therefore lost access to this fund.

(IN other words- Christian religious groups who hold to their scruples and refuse to lie to our govt are denied grants! But Muslims- who have a special pass from Muhamad to LIE to infidels in defence of Islam have no problem making FALSE PROMISES to LIE-beral Commissars in exchange for OUR cash!)

Summer camps, soup kitchens and homeless shelters who do not engage in religious or political activities are being punished over this Liberal attestation.

(While radical Muslims DO GET our cash to promote THEIR intolerant ways!)

Neither the Canadian Arab Federation nor the Anatolia Islamic Centre immediately responded to questions from the Sun about their position on abortion or whether they signed the pro-abortion and pro-gay rights attestation.

According to al-Islam.org, an authoritative source and digital Islamic Library Project, “in Islam, it is forbidden (haram) to abort the fetus.”

A Fatwa issued by the Islamic World League in 1990 stated that abortions are wrong and should be avoided, noting however that abortion can be permitted in some circumstances.

(So the LIE-beral effort to impose their values on us in exchange for cash is an empty and entirely bigoted vote buying exercise! LIE-beral bigotry harms only real Cdns and aids those who would change us for the worse! And Our idiot Boy wonders why his Sunny Ways have clouded over?)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Committee to study asylum seekers issue after opposition pressure


IN other words LIE-berals will "study the issue" until after the 2019 election!!!!

LIE-berals are studying the issue of illegals in the same way they are "working" on the Kinder Morgan pipeline we now own- and which LIE-berals will KILL OFF as soon as they dare!!!!

Yes- LIE-berals have spent $4.7 BILLION DOLLARS to BUY a pipeline they will rip out just as soon as they can!!!!

Of course- considering the colossal failure of ALL LIE-beral policy LIE-berals may have to wait a LONG TIME before they can recover any real govt power or influence!!!!!

And LIE-berals continue to LIE to us about the number of "illegals" who have come here- along with a completely separate list of "irregular border crossers"!

LIE-berals want us to believe they have the border issue under control but all LIE-berals have done is HIDE the application forms they are collecting- and then denying the truth because they have not gotten around to counting the number of forms!

THE TOTAL FAILURE OF LIE-beral immigration policy is going to be an election issue in 2019 and its NOT looking good for LIE-berals!!!!

Here is a nice little story detailing how LIE-berals plan to screw up Canada and run us ever deeper into debt while also BUYING immigrant votes! I hope Lorne Gunter does not mind me re-posting his wise column-along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Liberals' radical immigration changes. By Lorne Gunter , Edmonton Sun. First posted: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 06:23 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 06:36 PM EST

Immigration Minister John McCallum updates the media on the Syrian refugees arriving in Canada, during a news conference, Wednesday, February 3, 2016 in Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Whenever I hear that the new federal Liberal government is preparing to undo a policy or law put in place by its Tory predecessors under Stephen Harper, I remember Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s boast on the day he and his cabinet were sworn in. Finally, he gloated, “we have our country back.”

Gag. As if Canada isn’t Canada without the Liberals in charge.

Nowhere is this pompous self-congratulation more evident than on immigration. The Liberals seem set to dismantle many of the former government’s attempts to make immigration match better with Canada’s economic needs and to ensure new Canadians integrate more fully into Canadian society.

The Liberals saw Tory initiatives – such as beefing up the citizenship exam – as too harsh, even racist (even though immigration levels remained the same). So “we’re going to be producing radical changes,” Immigration Minister John McCallum told The Hill Times last week.

Among the anticipated changes are two that don’t initially seem to go together, but actually do.

First, the Libs are going to do away with the detailed citizenship exam for all immigrants aged 14 to 64 in favour of an easier multiple-choice test for those 18 to 54.

Then – and this is the key change – they intend to do away with the requirement that newcomers be proficient in either official language, English or French.

(From this reduction in language skills we may easily guess that LIE-berals are DEDICATED to creating MORE Jobs for union teacher Hogs-these people happen to be the most dedicated and rabidly pro LIE-beral of all civil service Hogs! In the eyes of LIE-berals NO ENTITLEMENT is too good for such Hogs! And it doesnt hurt that they get to cuddle up to immigrants-with OUR MONEY!)

How do these seemingly unrelated “reforms” go together? Simple, together they make it much easier for the Liberals to admit more of the parents or even grandparents of new Canadians.

This is a reenergizing of the “family reunification” program brought in by the Liberals in a big way in the early 1980s, then continued with enthusiasm by the Mulroney Tories and the Chretien and Martin Liberals.

Before the early ‘80s, family-class immigrants (as opposed to economic-class immigrants) made up a tiny portion of Canada’s total annual intake. By the time the Harper government came in, by some calculations the family class made up nearly 45%.

(In other words people with NO qualifications to be successful Cdn citizens were routinely allowed in so they could `reunite` with family already here. SO WHAT that the family members had no language or job skills, had NO pension plans and often were only a few short months away from needing COSTLY medical treatment, and all too often the family PROMISE NOT to dump newly arrived relatives onto Cdn welfare was FORGOTTEN! So what that LIE-beral PALS faithfully promised to support hopeless relatives themselves-without them becoming a burden to Cdns-LIE-beral immigration judges were prepared to swallow ANY stupid story-just so long as it BOUGHT LIE-beral VOTES!)

There is nothing wrong granting entry to the moms, dads, grandparents or other family members of immigrants. It’s an understandable human instinct to want to have family close.

The problem is for taxpayers.

For the seven decades before the expansion of the family class, the average immigrant quickly became a net contributor to the Canadian economy. Within a decade (and certainly within the lifetime of new arrivals) they were contributing more in taxes and economic production than they were withdrawing in benefits.

But that changed after family reunification became a top priority of Ottawa’s immigration policy.

The lack of ability to speak either French or English makes it difficult for newcomers to find work, which increases the likelihood that immigrants of any age will end up on some form of social assistance.

There is also a greater chance newcomers will end up in language ghettos – insular communities of others who speak only their native tongue. That cuts down on their chance of integrating into our broader society.

Finally (and this is the Liberals’ apparent goal), it brings to Canada the aging parents and grandparents of new Canadians at precisely the time in their lives when they cost taxpayers the most for health care and seniors’ care.

Since these elderly relatives have made few if any economic or tax contributions to Canada, their arrival falls fully on Canadian taxpayers.

There’s nothing wrong with bringing older relatives, so long as they or their families – not Canadian taxpayers – foot the bill for the social services they consume.

But in the Canada that we “got back” when Trudeau took over, such thinking is considered mean-spirited and narrow-minded.

Expect to start shelling out lots more tax dollars to underwrite the Liberals’ generosity.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Elections have consequences, how many Liberal MP’s from the London and Toronto area ? Someone should remind them you get what you vote for .

It seems like the Mayor of Toronto had no clue on what he was asking for. At least here in the U.S the Mayors and city councils of our cities know what they are getting into when they declare their city a Sanctuary City. Apparently the Mayor of Toronto just thought it was something hip to call yourself.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yah!! While the US. shunts the influx of refugees from their south directly up to Canada's south!! Yes, we should send all our refugees back over the border they come from, mainly the US Would solve our problem quite nicely!!

Oh my! The longer the Canadian Refugee Crisis goes on the more that average Canadian sounds like Trumpsters!

Check that ish out!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
NO.......... there are only those who are jealous of Canada and Canadians which is one of the best countries in the world. Furthermore, it appears some do not even recognize gross sarcasm when they encounter it.

You realize that if the US took the 12 Million dollar Military Parade money and used it to fund it's handling of the influx of refugees, it would make better sense and would solve the problem of both countries.

And do not shout at me using my own posts......People will begin to see you as the majority here regard the beerspliler!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
NO.......... there are only those who are jealous of Canada and Canadians which is one of the best countries in the world. Furthermore, it appears some do not even recognize gross sarcasm when they encounter it.

You realize that if the US took the 12 Million dollar Military Parade money and used it to fund it's handling of the influx of refugees, it would make better sense and would solve the problem of both countries.

And do not shout at me using my own posts......People will begin to see you as the majority here regard the beerspliler!

That post NEEDED to be heard!

Deep down, in that place you don't want to admit... YOU are a Canadian Trumpster! And all of that Canadian White Nationalism! Hoid will be VERY disappointed in you when he sees this!

You proved it. Spilled Beer may post long diatribes... but you in a few short words said it all.

Let's hear it again shall we?

yah!! While the us. Shunts the influx of refugees from their south directly up to canada's south!! yes, we should send all our refugees back over the border they come from, mainly the us would solve our problem quite nicely!!

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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
That post NEEDED to be heard!

Deep down, in that place you don't want to admit... YOU are a Canadian Trumpster! And all of that Canadian White Nationalism! Hoid will be VERY disappointed in you when he sees this!

You proved it. Spilled Beer may post long diatribes... but you in a few short words said it all.

Let's hear it again shall we?

OMG Trumpster.... Only the stupid admire a lying, mean, sexist, racist crook, who bootlicks dictators. He is arrogant, coarse and probably close to illiterate... And that is how i feel about that turd on a good day. I am being excessively polite here.

Don't you ever wonder what Putin has on Trump?? Must be something really bad or Trump really is a blubbering bent, madman.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OMG Trumpster.... Only the stupid admire a lying, mean, sexist, racist crook, who bootlicks dictators. He is arrogant, coarse and probably close to illiterate... And that is how i feel about that turd on a good day. I am being excessively polite here.

Don't you ever wonder what Putin has on Trump?? Must be something really bad or Trump really is a blubbering bent, madman.

It's very mind boggling to read posts from the likes of you, Cliffy, Ocean Breeze, Bar Sinister, TBones, Curious, etc., while realizing Trump has a myriad of advisors and handlers that follow his every move and decision. What do you think these people are doing 12 hours a day? Or do you just think that these people are complete and utter idiots? The U.S.A. is like one to the top 6 organizations in the world and you REALLY think that Trump is in sole charge of every operation? IDIOT!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
OMG Trumpster.... Only the stupid admire a lying, mean, sexist, racist crook, who bootlicks dictators. He is arrogant, coarse and probably close to illiterate... And that is how i feel about that turd on a good day. I am being excessively polite here.

Don't you ever wonder what Putin has on Trump?? Must be something really bad or Trump really is a blubbering bent, madman.

Babble on... do your best to deflect... But....

Yah!! While the US. shunts the influx of refugees from their south directly up to Canada's south!! Yes, we should send all our refugees back over the border they come from, mainly the US Would solve our problem quite nicely!!

YOU are a Trumpster!!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
It's very mind boggling to read posts from the likes of you, Cliffy, Ocean Breeze, Bar Sinister, TBones, Curious, etc., while realizing Trump has a myriad of advisors and handlers that follow his every move and decision. What do you think these people are doing 12 hours a day? Or do you just think that these people are complete and utter idiots? The U.S.A. is like one to the top 6 organizations in the world and you REALLY think that Trump is in sole charge of every operation? IDIOT!
Yup..And why on earth would he (Trump) pay the least attention to his multiple advisors , The man is a megalomaniac!! He has made the US first the laughing stock of the world and second has left even most of his own party is in a state of shock and horror after the latest boondoggle. The US politicians have made the dumbing down of the middle class, one of their goals in the past couple of decades. It seems to have been quite a success LOL.