I see Bluebyrd takes exception!

I really thought I had that woman educated by now. :lol:
Oh....poor little bluebyrd is a Quebec LIE-beral and it is a BAD combination! Such creatures CANNOT be educated as their minds are full of gravy! Such people are fixated on their entitlements while LIE-berals operate a creeping political coup in Canada!
Here is an article illustrating how little will there is amongst LIE-berals to counter real racist sentiment when its directed at white people! With some comments of my own in brackets):
The Wilfred Laurier Univerisity response needs to be firmer.
By Lorne Gunter. Published: December 19, 2017. Updated: December 19, 2017 10:57 PM EST.
Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists
MALCOLM: More stupid stuff Justin Trudeau says
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Now that an independent investigator has vindicated graduate student Lindsay Shepherd in her case against Wilfrid Laurier University, here, in a nutshell, is what we know for sure.
For the thought crime of showing a video clip to her class of undergraduate communications students, Shepherd’s thesis supervisor and the head of her program, along with a senior gender-awareness specialist from the university’s administration, hauled Shepherd into a shaming session – and without any “formal or informal complaint” ever having been brought against her – attempted to intimidate her into adopting politically correct ideas and behaviours.
(Uh- and they are “communication” students? Learning to communicate WHAT exactly? Any clip from TVO/The Agenda is truly harmless as all sides get to state their case and get exposed to questions if what they say is wrong or misleading or confusing! Only a LIE-beral pushing a very selective view would take offense!)
It is also apparent, too, that the university would like to avoid punishing the three Star Chamber staffers who sought to bully Shepherd into accepting orthodox PC-think.
In her mealy-minded statement Monday, university president Deborah MacLatchy gave no indication whatsoever that Nathan Rambukkana, Shepherd’s supervising professor, Herbert Pimlott, the head of her program, or bureaucrat Adria Joel, from the university’s gender violence prevention and support program, would be fired for their attempts at intellectual intimidation, or suspended, or even merely reprimanded.
Instead, while acknowledging that the intimidating three-against-one meeting “never should have happened at all,” MacLatchy chose not to issue a finding of wrongdoing against the three staff members.
Instead, the university president simply promised better training of WLU teaching assistants and their supervisors on school policy. Whether MacLatchy intended it or not, her implication was that, perhaps, both sides had done things wrong.
(Of course! “Better training” is a standard LIE-beral phrase meaning: “you caught us out publicly this time but don’t worry- next time we will stab kids like Shepherd in the back MUCH MORE DISCREETLY”! Such stabs in the back would typically take the form of poor marks on assignments- the idea being to discourage selected students with “unsuitable values” from pursuing further education in the course- the message being “you are not skilled at this and will not make a living at it so you better save your money and QUIT OUR CLASS”! And naturally- course leaders will be alerted in future to the need to more vigorously SCREEN OUT unsuitable kids who are applying to the course- with teachers expanding their repertoire of loaded questions designed to make sure wrong headed kids do not get into the course or poison the course with awkward questions and values later!)
Rather than say Rambukkana, Pimlott and Joel are so infected by politically correct thinking – clueless about what free expression truly means and so inept at grad student relations – that they have no place on a university teaching staff, MacLatchy would only commit to striking a panel that will draft a free-speech policy for which Shepherd’s three persecutors (along with Shepherd and everyone else on staff, presumably) will be required to attend training sessions and read excruciatingly long emails from gender-sensitivity consultants.
(AS we have been warned by U of T professor Jordan Peterson- politically correct and LIE-beral oriented values are seen as essential teaching tools in our schools!
To be sure, modern bureaucratic, hypersensitivity training sessions can be excruciating. Still, that’s not the type of punishment that is going to wake up PC tyrants on campuses across the country and throughout the Western world.
And, again, what does this imply about who is at fault if the punishment will be enforced equally on both the perpetrators and their victim?
Remember in all of this, all Shepherd did to provoke her attackers was show a clip from a TVO debate about the use of gender-neutral pronouns between two University of Toronto professors, psychology prof Jordan Peterson and diversity studies lecturer Nicholas Matte.
For those who don’t know, TVO – TV Ontario – is Ontario’s provincial public broadcaster. It’s part PBS, part CPAC. (Zzzzzz.)
It is hardly a controversial source. And the host of the debate, longtime TVO personality Steve Paikin, is one of the most professional interviewers/moderators in the country.
It’s not as if Shepherd had chosen to play footage of a white supremacist leader smuggled out of a backwoods rally and originally aired on a neo-Nazi podcast.
And even if she had, among grownups, at a university, for the purposes of studying communications techniques, Shepherd would be fully within intellectual bounds to do so.
(HAHAHAHA!!! No one is permitted to engage in Totally Free debate in our brave new LIE-beral world! ONLY those who bow before LIE-beral hegemony are accepted! All others are BANNED! AS the CBC said of the Mydeocracy dedicated to electoral reform; “you can like it or you can love it, but there is no place to say you hate it”! With the added bonus that before you could register an opinion- you first had to put up enough information that LIE-beral scrutineers could figure out what street you lived on- and might get even more than that! So much for privacy in our Brave LIE-beral World!)
Are professors to stop showing Leni Riefenstahl’s Victory of Faith or Triumph of the Will as examples of heinous propaganda just because someone in their classes might be offended by the overt racism?
(Riefenstahl IS ACCEPTABLE to LIE-berals firstly because she is a Nazi and all LIE-berals AGREE that Nazis are evil- always and forever! Secondly- Riefenstahl is a CUNNING propagandist and puts on a great show for the state- something our LIE-beral overlords with their Soviet show trial sensibilities would like to emulate- without admitting who taught them! Adolf Hitler drew a crowd of half a million Germans to his Nurumburg Rallies- yes- in the midst of a Great Depression- Hitler got half a million people to show up- paying their own way to the rally- and got them cheering wildly while Hitler told them “Germany will forge its future in blood and iron”! And NOBODY ASKED: “how much blood are we talking about” because they were too busy cheering! That IS the power of communication- even if the message was vile! And LIE-berals WANT such power for themselves!)
One of the TVO debaters, Peterson, has become a lightning rod for the forces of hysterical inclusiveness because he refuses to use gender-neutral pronouns such as xe, xem, xyr and xyrs.
Peterson doesn’t argue the superiority of one race or sex over others. But in an example of how twisted political correctness has become, it is now unacceptable to show public TV debates involving him because he shows insufficient empathy for the radicalized transgender agenda.
(The 19th century Soviet style revolutionary Bakunin told us: “it is not necessary for the majority of the people to support the revolution, rather, it is enough that the majority of people come to doubt their institutions and become open to alternatives”! Well organized cadres of dedicated Soviets can then cut through the disorganized forces of the establishment- just as happened in Russia! The Russian moderate Kerensky WAS elected as prime minister after the Czar was deposed. Kerensky wanted a parliamentary monarchy for Russia- modelled on the one in Britain! Lenin`s Red Guards were a political minority in Russia but were well organized and disciplined- and they dissolved that first honest Russian parliament at bayonet point! LIE-berals are working just as HARD to undermine ALL our institutions in the face of disorganized opposition!) with no room for facts or logic!!