I live in New Zealand and I would be ashamed to admit that was an American because I'm Canadian.
YOU ARE NOT a Canadian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are only a LIE-beral- a less intelligent form of life that is rapidly dropping down the evolutionary ladder so fast its like somebody cut the rungs under you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the ride while you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a article illustrating the level of madness LIE-berals have encouraged to take root in our legal system thanks to the Omar Khadr Krap! With some comments of my own in brackets):
Man acquitted of terror charges sues B.C., feds
From Canadian Press. Published: January 26, 2018. Updated: January 26, 2018 3:00 PM EDT
Filed Under: Canoe News Canada
VANCOUVER — A British Columbia man acquitted of terrorism-related charges has filed a lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments, arguing he was maliciously prosecuted in violation of his charter rights.
Othman Hamdan was charged in 2015 over 85 Facebook posts in which he supported some actions of Islamic State militants and celebrated “lone wolf” terrorists. Last year, a B.C. judge ruled his comments might have been offensive, but they didn’t constitute inciting terrorism.
(And how are govt security forces able to read minds and determine which on line posts are just hot air and which are lethal threats? Anybody who supports Isis in any way or thinks that these lunatic lone wolf terror attacks are a good thing is clearly UNSUITED to be A Cdn citizen!)
Hamdan has filed a lawsuit that argues Canadian and B.C. authorities prosecuted him despite the absence of probable grounds supporting his guilt and chose to ignore a body of evidence that supported his innocence.
(Just because a LIE-beral hug a thug judge is not willing to convict- DOES NOT mean the guy is innocent! Vote hungry LIE-berals are more interested in buying Muslim votes than in weeding out terror- how else to explain their refusal to even deport CONVICTED Muslim TERRORISTS?)
“The conduct of the defendants was reckless, intentional, deliberate, in disregard of the plaintiff’s rights, indifferent to the consequences and exploited the plaintiff’s vulnerability,” says the notice of civil claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court.
Hamdan, 35, is a Jordanian national of Palestinian descent who came to B.C. after living in the United States and was granted refugee status following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has been detained pending the results of an immigration review.
(I say send the goof back to Palestine- its where he belongs- with the other crazed killers! He has already had ample opportunity to insult us!)
At the time of his arrest, he was living in the northern community of Fort St. John. The Facebook posts were written between September 2014 and July 2015, with one reading, “Lone wolves, we salute you.”
(Yes- he is definitely NOT ALIGNED with main stream Cdn sentiment - but he does have LIE-beral values! Meaning hatred of western white society! Perhaps lunatic LIE-berals think he can be “a powerful voice in Canada” - along with his returning Isis brethren?)
(It is a tribute to how slippery and slimy and poisoned LIE-beral morality is- that that Hamdan has not been charged with hate crimes! After all- his support if radical Muslim killers is certainly inciting hate against white people!)
In acquitting Hamdan, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Bruce Butler wrote that he “was trying to highlight what he perceived to be hypocrisy and injustice, support some of the actions of the Islamic State in its defence of Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria and promote discussion about these issues.”
(“Lone wolves, we salute you” is a specific attack on the west- which the judge chose to ignore- so LIE-berals could continue sucking up to the Muslim voters! LIE-berals assure us that honest dialog can resolve all problems- so why are morally challenged LIE-berals APOLOGIZING for a Muslim who is advocating violence- clearly shameless LIE-beral vote buying trumps all other needs!)
Hamdan says in his notice of civil claim that he only learned during trial that the sole evidence being presented against him was the online posts, which he says are constitutionally protected speech and “woefully inadequate evidence to secure a conviction.”
(“Constitutionally protected speech”?? In defense of twerrorists? These vile radicals play word games with our laws and rights! And we MUST ASK WHO is paying for this guys legal representative? If its legal aid then LIE-berals are REALLY INSULTING US!)
None of the allegations contained in the lawsuit has been proven and no statements of defense have been filed.
Hamdan alleges the Crown never presented the full body of evidence in their possession — hundreds, if not thousands of posts — but simply chose particular posts which fit their theory of the case.
(Of course not all posts were considered- there was no need! Mass murderer Jeffery Dahmer met many people in the course of a day- but the cops are only interested in the ones he killed and ate!)
“The only purpose of the plaintiff’s incarceration has been to disrupt him from having access to a computer to voice constitutionally protected speech, in violation of his charter rights,” says the lawsuit.
(The opportunity to publicly support groups who would injure and kill Cdns IS NOT a constitutional right! Supporting Isis is a hate crime!)
Hamdan says he remains “unlawfully” incarcerated and has suffered damages including loss of liberty, reputation, privacy and opportunity to earn income, as well as humiliation, pain and suffering.
He adds the defendants’ conduct “offends the moral standards of the community and warrants the condemnation of this court.
(The defendants conduct ONLY OFFENDS LIE-berals and radical Muslims! The main body of the Cdn community figures this guy is TROUBLE- and that he should be given a one way ticket BACK to his pest hole place of birth!)
“In doing so, they acted in a manner inconsistent with their roles as ministers of justice and with an intention to subvert or abuse the office of the provincial Crown and the process of criminal justice, and so exceeded the boundaries of the office and of the provincial Crown.”
(The ministers of the Crown are charged with keeping us safe from our enemies- and on these grounds LIE-berals are FAILING BADLY- by not immediately DEPORTING those who support Isis or other terrorists and their vile supporters!)
(That this goof is actually trying to sue us for trying to defend ourselves from attacks by those killers he has supported and cheered on is LIE-beral mandated INSANITY!)