Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
YOU ARE NOT a Canadian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are only a LIE-beral- a less intelligent form of life that is rapidly dropping down the evolutionary ladder so fast its like somebody cut the rungs under you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the ride while you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a article illustrating the level of madness LIE-berals have encouraged to take root in our legal system thanks to the Omar Khadr Krap! With some comments of my own in brackets):
Man acquitted of terror charges sues B.C., feds
From Canadian Press. Published: January 26, 2018. Updated: January 26, 2018 3:00 PM EDT
Filed Under: Canoe News Canada
VANCOUVER — A British Columbia man acquitted of terrorism-related charges has filed a lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments, arguing he was maliciously prosecuted in violation of his charter rights.
Othman Hamdan was charged in 2015 over 85 Facebook posts in which he supported some actions of Islamic State militants and celebrated “lone wolf” terrorists. Last year, a B.C. judge ruled his comments might have been offensive, but they didn’t constitute inciting terrorism.
(And how are govt security forces able to read minds and determine which on line posts are just hot air and which are lethal threats? Anybody who supports Isis in any way or thinks that these lunatic lone wolf terror attacks are a good thing is clearly UNSUITED to be A Cdn citizen!)
Hamdan has filed a lawsuit that argues Canadian and B.C. authorities prosecuted him despite the absence of probable grounds supporting his guilt and chose to ignore a body of evidence that supported his innocence.
(Just because a LIE-beral hug a thug judge is not willing to convict- DOES NOT mean the guy is innocent! Vote hungry LIE-berals are more interested in buying Muslim votes than in weeding out terror- how else to explain their refusal to even deport CONVICTED Muslim TERRORISTS?)
“The conduct of the defendants was reckless, intentional, deliberate, in disregard of the plaintiff’s rights, indifferent to the consequences and exploited the plaintiff’s vulnerability,” says the notice of civil claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court.
Hamdan, 35, is a Jordanian national of Palestinian descent who came to B.C. after living in the United States and was granted refugee status following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has been detained pending the results of an immigration review.
(I say send the goof back to Palestine- its where he belongs- with the other crazed killers! He has already had ample opportunity to insult us!)
At the time of his arrest, he was living in the northern community of Fort St. John. The Facebook posts were written between September 2014 and July 2015, with one reading, “Lone wolves, we salute you.”
(Yes- he is definitely NOT ALIGNED with main stream Cdn sentiment - but he does have LIE-beral values! Meaning hatred of western white society! Perhaps lunatic LIE-berals think he can be “a powerful voice in Canada” - along with his returning Isis brethren?)
(It is a tribute to how slippery and slimy and poisoned LIE-beral morality is- that that Hamdan has not been charged with hate crimes! After all- his support if radical Muslim killers is certainly inciting hate against white people!)
In acquitting Hamdan, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Bruce Butler wrote that he “was trying to highlight what he perceived to be hypocrisy and injustice, support some of the actions of the Islamic State in its defence of Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria and promote discussion about these issues.”
(“Lone wolves, we salute you” is a specific attack on the west- which the judge chose to ignore- so LIE-berals could continue sucking up to the Muslim voters! LIE-berals assure us that honest dialog can resolve all problems- so why are morally challenged LIE-berals APOLOGIZING for a Muslim who is advocating violence- clearly shameless LIE-beral vote buying trumps all other needs!)
Hamdan says in his notice of civil claim that he only learned during trial that the sole evidence being presented against him was the online posts, which he says are constitutionally protected speech and “woefully inadequate evidence to secure a conviction.”
(“Constitutionally protected speech”?? In defense of twerrorists? These vile radicals play word games with our laws and rights! And we MUST ASK WHO is paying for this guys legal representative? If its legal aid then LIE-berals are REALLY INSULTING US!)
None of the allegations contained in the lawsuit has been proven and no statements of defense have been filed.
Hamdan alleges the Crown never presented the full body of evidence in their possession — hundreds, if not thousands of posts — but simply chose particular posts which fit their theory of the case.
(Of course not all posts were considered- there was no need! Mass murderer Jeffery Dahmer met many people in the course of a day- but the cops are only interested in the ones he killed and ate!)
“The only purpose of the plaintiff’s incarceration has been to disrupt him from having access to a computer to voice constitutionally protected speech, in violation of his charter rights,” says the lawsuit.
(The opportunity to publicly support groups who would injure and kill Cdns IS NOT a constitutional right! Supporting Isis is a hate crime!)
Hamdan says he remains “unlawfully” incarcerated and has suffered damages including loss of liberty, reputation, privacy and opportunity to earn income, as well as humiliation, pain and suffering.
He adds the defendants’ conduct “offends the moral standards of the community and warrants the condemnation of this court.
(The defendants conduct ONLY OFFENDS LIE-berals and radical Muslims! The main body of the Cdn community figures this guy is TROUBLE- and that he should be given a one way ticket BACK to his pest hole place of birth!)
“In doing so, they acted in a manner inconsistent with their roles as ministers of justice and with an intention to subvert or abuse the office of the provincial Crown and the process of criminal justice, and so exceeded the boundaries of the office and of the provincial Crown.”
(The ministers of the Crown are charged with keeping us safe from our enemies- and on these grounds LIE-berals are FAILING BADLY- by not immediately DEPORTING those who support Isis or other terrorists and their vile supporters!)
(That this goof is actually trying to sue us for trying to defend ourselves from attacks by those killers he has supported and cheered on is LIE-beral mandated INSANITY!)
Yer joshin` me!
I have my original S.I.N and my birth certificate says "York County".
You should record your replies so we can get the full vocal inflictions, it would save you a lot exclamation points on your fingers and key board.
Maybe a Southern Preacher style.
Hallelujah, brotha !


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Show us proof, asshat.

Not Russian stuff, either.


Speaking of Trolls- I think Torch Light is due for some mockery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a delusional and self serving version of Palestinian history presented By Torch light and it is a fine example of crude Muslim propaganda. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Torch light says: The Rothschild did not help Britain: they made a deal: to give money to the British, who in return should give them a declaration to make a home for the Zionists in Palestine.

(Poor Muslims are so utterly obsessed with Jews! And so convinced they are being betrayed- and do not notice it is their own stupidity that is ruining them! And how confused and ill informed must Muslims be to think they can alter national policy by harping about Jew bankers? Next they will be claiming Shylock is an Israeli National Icon and secret agent of Mossad!)

Britain did not own Palestine: it was the occupant of Palestine, and had no right to dispose in Palestine or the other Arab countries.

(Again- utterly crude Muslim propaganda! There has NEVER been a Palestinian state! Palestinians did not IMMIGRATE to the area until long after the Jewish kingdom had been destroyed by Rome! Palestinians were allowed to immigrate by the Turkish Muslim rulers who had defeated Christian Byzantine rulers of the Middle East! The MUSLIM Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the middle east and over Palestinians for centuries.)

(Eventually the First World War broke out between Britain and Germany- with Ottoman Turks choosing to side with Germany against Britain. When Brits captured Jerusalem- they captured TURKISH OTTOMAN land!) When 300,000 British troops with heavy artillery, armour and air support captured Damascus from the Ottoman Turks- Arabs cheered for the British liberation from the hated Turkish overlords! But Arabs can claim no credit for these victories- it is true that the famous Lawrence of Arabia arrived in Damascus 3 days before the British Army- but Lawrence led a total of 50 men- and they went around and avoided fighting with Turkish forces to get to Damascus!)

(Arabs were far more interested in Turkish loot than they were in fighting Turks! The famous Saudi Arab leader Faisal `graciously` accepted a British salary of one hundred twenty thousand pounds in stirling silver PER MONTH to lend his name to the “Arab Revolt”! Most of the many TONS of British arms and equipment shipped to the Arab `revolutionaries` were stockpiled and saved so the three major Arab leaders could fight for possession of the area after the British departed!)

(Too bad for Arabs that Brit planners recognized oil as an essential military weapon and British troops did not leave the area! And it is a good thing for Arabs that Brits stayed! Nazi racial purity laws judged non white people- INCLUDING ARABS- to be a pollution of the human gene pool! Is it not a GOOD thing that Brits held onto control of all that Arab oil- that fueled the military machine that defeated the Nazis! The Nazis would, in time, have led all Arabs to the same gas chambers they were feeding Jews into- if Nazis had not been defeated! The hated West saved all Arabs from a terrible fate!)

(And oh dear me- those who pay the piper DO get to call the tune- and Britain liberated the Middle East- it was their blood and their money that freed the land so they DO JUSTLY get a say in how it is disposed of! And how sad for foolish Palestinians that their friends at United Nations decided that there should be a two state solution as being fairest to all- one state for Jews and another for Palestinians. And pig headed, greedy, and quite lazy Palestinians decided they could have it all simply by beating up on Jews- and now look at them- dominated by Jews after stupid Arabs LOST FOUR WARS! Palestinians have only themselves to blame for their current mess! If you Palestinians don’t like the current mess then YOU should stop adding to it with your terrorist atrocities!)

Moreover, Hitler's Germany did not have revenge on Jews because they helped Britain; But God set Hitler on Jews so as to punish them according to their greed inside Germany and their wealth control in addition to their bad conduct generally, which made people dislike them. In addition, Hitler's ideology was racist.

(And you say God sent Nazis to punish Jews? So what sin did Palestinians commit that God chose to send Jews and Yankees to punish Palestine? Stupid Arabs are quick to claim Allahu Akbar when `God` gives them a victory and they are equally quick to blame Jews when things go wrong! And Muslims spouting crude and laughable Muslim propaganda about Jews, Yankees, Brits and Nazis will not change this!)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The Trump effect on Nova Scotia lobster

HALIFAX - Canada's largest and most lucrative lobster fishery is slated to get started Saturday off Nova Scotia's southwest coast, where about 5,200 fishermen are geared up for what is expected to be another profitable season — thanks in part to Donald Trump.
"The market keeps increasing, especially in China," said Bernie Berry, president of the Coldwater Lobster Association, based in Yarmouth, N.S. "From a fisherman's perspective, we're expecting a good shore price ... It looks like a very positive outlook."
Berry, a fisherman for 39 years, has plenty of reasons to be optimistic.
Demand from Canada's largest export market, the United States, remains strong, thanks to a healthy U.S. economy and a weak Canadian dollar.
As well, the industry is benefiting from the American president's ongoing trade war with China, which prompted the Chinese government in July to impose a 25 per cent import tariff on many U.S. goods — including lobster.
"It makes it very hard for the Americans ... to get their product into China," said Berry, whose group represents fishermen aboard 970 boats in Lobster Fishing Area 34, which extends off the western edge of Nova Scotia.
His group decided Thursday to start setting their traps Saturday after rough weather delayed the start of the season, which was supposed to open on Monday. Another 700 boats from LFA 33, which extends from the Halifax region to the province's southwestern tip, are also ready to drop their traps on Saturday.
In economic terms, it's difficult to overstate the value of the industry, which tops every other Canadian seafood business in terms of landed value. It employs about 30,000 harvesters in the Atlantic provinces and Quebec, where there are about 40 lobster fishing areas.
However, the two zones off southwestern Nova Scotia are by far the biggest producers.
Together, they accounted for 35 per cent of the $1.4-billion worth of Canadian lobster harvested last year.
They hauled in 31,800 tonnes in 2017-18, generating a landed value of $502 million — the second-largest landed value on record. In 2015, they caught 39,000 tonnes valued at a record $567 million.
In 2016, auto dealerships in southwestern Nova Scotia reported strong sales, with at least one dealer saying it wasn't unusual to see lobster fishermen paying $65,000 in cash for a new pickup.
As well, local boat builders have reported a growing backlog on orders for vessels worth upwards of $500,000.
Even though landings in southwest Nova Scotia have doubled since the late 1990s, demand for the tasty crustaceans has kept pace and the lobster population appears to be in good shape — thanks in part to a lack of predators, like cod.
Last year, Canada exported 21-million kilograms of live lobster to the United States, and about 10-million kilograms to China.
Geoff Irvine, executive director of the Lobster Council of Canada, said the Chinese tariff on U.S. lobster has provided a big boost for the Canadian industry.
"The Chinese, basically, stopped buying U.S. lobster," said Irvine, whose advocacy group represents harvesters, live shippers, processors and First Nations. "They needed lobster, and they started buying (more) from Canada. That has caused quite a dramatic jump."
Published reports have suggested some American lobster buyers are shipping their lobster into Canada, where they are being labelled as a Canadian product to avoid the Chinese tariff.
Meanwhile, Canada's year-old free trade deal with the European Union, which reduced an eight per cent tariff on live lobster to zero, has led to a 55 per cent increase in exports to Europe, according to federal figures.
"In Europe, we have a very strong advantage over the Americans," said Berry, noting that the tariff remains in place for U.S. lobster.
Amid all of this good news, fishermen in southwest Nova Scotia are expecting a good price at the dock for their catches.
When two other lobster fishing areas opened in the Bay of Fundy earlier this fall, fishermen were getting at least $7 per pound, Berry said.
"That bodes well for us," he said, adding that prices at this time last year were hovering around $5.50 — a price that allows fishing boat captains to turn a profit.
Earlier this month, Nova Scotians were reminded of the growing importance of live lobster exports to China when a Boeing 747 cargo jet operated by SkyLease Cargo overshot a runway at Halifax Stanfield International Airport. No one was seriously injured, but a 120-tonne shipment of live lobster had to find another flight to Asia.
In August, airport officials announced SkyLease would be operating two flights a week for First Catch, a Chinese-owned seafood freight forwarding company.

Lobster fishermen love Trump :) did I get that right Eaglesmack Lol


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I see Prickhead continues to be his debonair, congenial self! :)


LIE-berals BE JEALOUS of anybody they cannot beat in a debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-berals are going to be EVER MORE JEALOUS as the 2019 election approaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have ALREADY TOLD US their best lies.......................and have none left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a typical sample of the stuff LIE-berals cannot answer:

Here is an article commenting on the deliberate mess LIE-berals are making of our border security and immigration issues! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau still doesn't get border problems

By Candice Malcolm. Published: July 6, 2018. Updated: July 6, 2018 4:09 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau smugly told reporters this week Ontario Premier Doug Ford was, essentially, ignorant when it comes to issues of illegal border crossers and asylum seekers.

“It didn’t seem to me that the premier was quite as aware of our international obligations to the UN convention on refugees as he might have been,” said Trudeau. “So, I spent a little time explaining how the asylum seeker system works,” said a Prime Minister who was very proud of himself.

(The sneering words of our always arrogant idiot Boy Justin constitute “LIE-beral Speak” - meaning that Our idiot Boy has DELIBERATELY MIS-INTERPRETED the words of the UN convention on refugees- for his own benefit and is now trying to put the cost and the problems onto Ford!)

Did Trudeau “explain” to Ford how migrants take advantage of Canada’s generosity by illegally hopping the border, rather than waiting in UN refugee camps like the millions of less fortunate refugees who are truly in need of protection?

(No- Our idiot Boy would not say such a thing- buying the votes of illegals so LIE-berals can cling to power at any price is a GREATER PRIORITY!)

Did he explain how human smuggling rings send migrants to cross illegally to circumvent the Safe Third Country agreement — an international treaty that prevents asylum seekers from shopping around to choose a more lenient country to make their claim?

(LIE-berals are ignoring all sorts of criminal events- such as massive amounts of money being laundered at Cdn casinos- so why not ignore human smugglers as well?)

Did Trudeau explain how his own minister of transportation once admitted that 90% of asylum applicants are bogus and will eventually be deported, at the expense of Canadian taxpayers? The minister later clarified he was referring to Haitian migrants, but historical data shows that the majority of asylum seekers applying in Canada are eventually rejected and deported.

(LIE-berals do not care about the cost! It keeps civil service union Hogs working and in return they support LIE-berals! It is a huge conflict of interest but as long as it works in LIE-beral favour then LIE-berals don’t care!)

Did Trudeau explain to Ford that emails made public through an access to information request showed that Trudeau’s own virtue-signalling on social media caused chaos in government offices and a surge of asylum applications?

(LIE-beral values dictate- the more mess- the merrier! LIE-berals see opportunity in confusion and chaos- its easier to sneak things through one door while all outrage is focussed on another! Bait and switch is a LIE-beral axiom!!!!!!!!!)

And did Trudeau explain to Ontario’s Premier that refugee policy and border enforcement are both 100% the responsibility of the federal government?

(The border mess is IDEAL FOR LIE-berals! They have dumped ALL the problems related to illegals onto other levels of govt! Yet it is LIE-berals who get the support of illegals- after all, it was LIE-berals who threw open the border- and just as soon as the illegals can be set up with voter cards then LIE-berals can start harvesting the votes - in spite of public rage that wants the illegals gone!)

(And the best of it is that Toronto had already named itself as a “Sanctuary City” before the illegals flooded in! And what will Jackass John Tory say now about the illegals? That he was wrong- that there IS NO sanctuary in Toronto after all? Or should he admit that he is a hypocrite about offering sanctuary- that it was on offer just so long as nobody actually took him up on the offer?)

(IT is Doug Ford and his mass of supporters- wrestling with that $16 billion dollar LIE-beral deficit, plus the angry general public sentiment across the country that is the fly in the LIE-beral ointment! Most people are asking why LIE-berals are importing people who have so little ability to survive here without massive govt aid- for decades to come! Do we not have enough home grown people in need of aid? And then there is the guns, gangs and terrorist angle that is making the public ANGRY! Our idiot Boy is mostly OBLIVIOUS to public moods!)

Trudeau has been absolutely clueless when it comes to Canada’s refugee policy, since the day he naively pledged to welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees on a rushed time line with no regard for national security or refugee integration programs.

While it’s true that Canada’s hands are mostly tied when it comes to how we process refugee applications, thanks to UN treaties that past governments have signed, there’s plenty Trudeau could do to quell the surge in illegal border crossings.

(The Syrian Muslim refugees brought to Canada by LIE-berals were selected from camps run by terror group Hamas! That which Muslim terrorists define as good citizen qualities are a LONG WAY OFF from average Cdn values! Our idiot Boy is so clueless he sees no reason why Cdns will not accept the return of Isis fighters- bringing their “powerful voice to Cdn society” -according to Our idiot Boy!)

For instance, we know that many migrants come to Canada specifically for our generous healthcare and welfare programs. While Yazidi women are suffering as medieval sex slaves to ISIS thugs in the Middle East, Trudeau is focused on guaranteeing free apartments and dental care to asylum seekers from relatively safe and prosperous countries like Nigeria.

(With the added bonus that Nigerians are famous for their e-mail letter scams and superb skill at forging Cdn govt documents! What could go wrong with having such new neighbors in a country like Canada- already over run with identity theft?)

Once an asylum claim is made, migrants are free to travel and live wherever they please. Given the flood of claims — 72,000 since Trudeau sent out his infamous Tweet in January 2017 — wait lists for a refugee hearing is now almost two years.

Migrants know that even if their claims are found to be bogus, they still get a few years in Canada — enough time to take advantage of free healthcare, education and welfare payments to make it all worthwhile.

(And there is the strong probability that LIE-berals will not be able to deport most of these illegals even if they wanted to- and they don’t want to! Many third world countries are only too happy to be rid of “surplus population” - especially if the immigrants have a sketchy criminal past- so necessary travel documents are often held up- indefinitely by the country of birth!)

If Trudeau wanted to stop this madness, he could — while still observing our UN treaty obligations. Trudeau could limit the taxpayer benefits to asylum seekers, speed up the processing of applications, mandate a hearing within 15 or 30 days, and, like Australia, hold all asylum seekers in a holding centre until their hearing date.

(Australia holds illegals in an old missile base in the “outback” desert- in the middle of nowhere! Some years back, National Geographic magazine published a photo of an Afghan who had got bored and frustrated at the slow rate of immigration processing and SEWED HIS LIPS SHUT as a protest and went on a hunger strike- while Australian officials at the camp basically ignored the guy as he deserved!)

(Begging for genuinely needed charity is one thing- but DEMANDING CHARITY NOW OR ELSE there will be trouble - is EXTORTION! LIE-berals have convinced a lot of people they are ENTITLED to make DEMANDS of us! The spectacle of migrants rushing the border at Tijuana Mexico is proof that a weak response will invite INVASION!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Word would travel fast that Canada is putting an end to the gravy train, and human smugglers would find another country to take advantage of. Someone needs to explain all this to Justin Trudeau.

(Sadly, Our idiot Boy will not listen to any such a proposal! He knows well how LITTLE REAL SUPPORT he has among ordinary Cdns- which is why he is so busy buying the votes of illegals, and of Black Lives Matter bigots, of Idle No More drunken natives, of civil service union Hogs!)

(Sadly- LIE-berals are in trouble with their core supporters- the civil service Hogs- who see the govt gravy they feel entitled to- being sucked up by the illegals! LIE-berals have robbing Peter to pay Paul for so long now - they have forgotten which is which and have run up such massive debts they have now settled for just robbing EVERYBODY!)

(Even worse for LIE-berals- the young people who they counted on in 2015 have decided that LIE-berals are LIARS about all things economic and have turned their backs on Our idiot Boy! Then throw in the growing disgust of environmentalists who foolishly thought Our idiot Boy was one of them! And both NDP and Greens are willing to harvest those lost LIE-beral voters!)

(All LIE-beral policy is failing- and Our idiot Boy foolishly assumes it is because we are racists!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
All bottom feeders love Trump.



Actually there is an article on the MSN.CA home page explaining why Cdn lobster fishermen REALLY DO love Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Actually there is an article on the MSN.CA home page explaining why Cdn lobster fishermen REALLY DO love Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read it!