Well, hopefully electric cars won't be too popular as they will present another problem we really don't need. Besides, fossil fueled vehicles have and continue to be extremely clean burning as technology improves year after year. Can't see using an electric vehicle when it's -30 below, that's for sure. But whatever....
As for BC: if the federal government was really serious about the pipeline, they would make it illegal for foreign organizations to fund Canadian organizations for going against what is best for Canada i.e. the Tides and Rockefeller foundations, all of which are funded to some extent by George Soros (who is an extremely vile person who pretends to be a philanthropist) but enjoys destroying various economies in the world with his wealth. That's exactly what he's trying to do with Canada - destroy our economy and he's already succeeded to some extent - i.e. reduced manufacturing in Ontario. Having said that bad Liberal governments in Ontario have assisted that along so Soros must be pleased about that. The Feds would also cut off any funding to BC for infrastructure etc., to remind them of where such funds come from...
In order to keep individuals and outside organizations from interfering with our sovereignty, any contributions or funding they make in Canada must be made illegal. AND they should not be allowed to "set up" shop in Canada with funds coming from outside Canada. Those receiving these funds should be held accountable.
That's where the NDP and the Greenies get their funds from and it's a detriment to all of Canada - someone from outside telling us what is "best" for us. Screw them!! But the Liberals I'm afraid, likely get funds from them as well which means that making any contributions illegal likely won't happen and it looks like Trudeau, having met with Soros, is taking a page out of his book - destroy the Country he is supposed to be in charge of because once he's out of office, he has a billion options that the rest of us don't and we'll have to sit in the sh*t he leaves behind.
These foundations, incidentally, make no bones about funding the extremist environmentalists in Canada which should be a major red flag!! They don't plan on allowing ANY pipelines to be built if they (and their money) can help it. As someone said earlier on this thread, their philosophy is "do as I say and not as I do".