No I’ll leave that to you.. you’re doing such a great job now PiGS
Never said I hate the USA, I don’t like Trump.
I’m not very happy with Trudeau either, but it’s who we have as PM, not much I can do but live with it for a few more years..
I said your old man (your father) must have been a doozy...because you're a mess.
"BTW, you still diddling your daughters?"
You're a sick, virulent piece of shit.
I was just wondering who the catalyst was for this walking tragedy, that is you.
gerryh is proof that age and wisdom don't always go hand in hand.
I tell my teenage daughters all of the time..."Think for yourself. Just because someone is older than you, doesn't mean they are smarter than you."
And gerryh is a textbook example of why I keep hammering home this advice to them.
Two different courses of the Trans Canada Highway plus the CNR plus the CPR plus the Algoma Central are all built over thousands of kilometers of muskeg north of Lake Superior.
We have the technology.
You just have to do maintenance on them as they slowly sink into the goo.
"BTW, you still diddling your daughters?"
You're a sick, virulent piece of shit.
Peace and Love Y'all!
ABEXIT??? You must be a racist. Oh wait, what am I saying, we already know you are. :lol: Sounds like you want Trump as your president too. :lol: :lol:
ABEXIT??? You must be a racist. Oh wait, what am I saying, we already know you are. :lol: Sounds like you want Trump as your president too. :lol: :lol:
Now you get it... gerryh is about the lowest piece of shit on this forum..
He tends to try and project his way of life on others.. if ya know what I mean.
He’s not civil, he’s got a screw loose.. but that’s gerryh for ya.
Canada needs Alberta, we don’t need Canada