ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This is such old news. There have been several let's leave Canada movements in Alberta and also in Western Canada and none of them mustered more than a few votes and that was prior to the huge influx of immigrants that now live in Western Canada. I'm quite sure someone who emigrated to Canada is not interested in any sort of separatist movement.
Yet the Reform party put Harper in the big chair .

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No choice but go along.

BC would be forced to make all kinds of deals with Washington State, Idaho, etc in order to avoid AB as a transportation corridor, and understanding how myopic they are on the issues, I can't see that being an easy task.

The ultimate irony would be that they are forced to come to the table and actually develop a functional agreement on trade and access.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Well they're digging a deep "debt" hole that we'll never recover from if we don't get rid of them. I think that the UPC has learnt their lesson and, hopefully, will come back to govern. Fingers crossed!! The recent budget will triple our debt in one term - Notley is trying to outdo Wynne LOL

The amount of debt would be dramatically different if equalization did not occur... And we haven't even looked at the amount of $$ in taxes to Ottawa


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The "old gun laws ftom the Wild West" were from another country's wild west and a lot of that was a twentieth century Hollywood invention, written by Jewish refugees from Eastern European pogroms.
Canada's West was anything but wild. It was "Peace, Order and Good Government" before the white settlers ever got to our West.

It goes with the silver fecking belt buckles and ten gallon hats. Gene Autry ...

The settlers wore bowlers.

Famed Cdn writer Pierre Berton wrote several books about the Cariboo and Klondike gold rushes and he suggested that western Canada was the closest thing to a police state that ever existed in the British Empire!

The wild country north of Superior almost completely blocked Cdn expansion west till after the building of the Cdn National Railroad - and Cdn govt got some breathing room due to that and were able to make the choice- they would NOT put up with Yankee style settlement!

Yankees let in the settlers first- and the law followed later.

The Cdn version saw the RCMP go in first and the settlers come later!

Its why Metis under Louis Riel got into so much trouble! Metis were considered trespassers by Ottawa so Riel and his gang took hostages- and formed a brand new Manitoba govt to negotiate with Ottawa.

Ottawa eventually admitted the Metis should be considered as having "squatters rights" since they had occupied the land before Canada existed! That SHOULD have ended the matter- problem was some Metis idiots got mad and took one of the hostages out and shot him dead- so murder warrants were issued for Riel and his brother in law Dumont- wisely they fled to United States.

Metis got restless as settlers flooded into Manitoba and hunting options dwindled- and they moved west to Alberta and set up a new squatters town at Batoche- either they did not know or did not care about the Ottawa law that forbade settling land not yet offered by Ottawa!

Writer Peter C. Newman has written 3 books on the history of the Hudson`s Bay Company and he documents the wild and lawless nature of western lands under Metis influence and it is safe to say that Metis were utterly indifferent to ANY Cdn law as they had lived for so long BEYOND its reach! Railways altered the Metis world forever and helped the Alberta Field Force capture Batoche and end the Metis rebellion!

And there is the heart of our native problem- WHAT WORLD can, should, or must Metis and natives live in? They certainly WANT the 21st century conveniences- but they want to pay for them with 19th century work!

And the LIE-beral govt of Our idiot Boy Justin is fully prepared to indulge natives in their delusions just so long as he gets their votes! Too bad reality has a way of tainting delusions and native suicides on reserves are spiking in the face of LIE-beral duplicity!

WE cannot order natives to live in any certain way but we CAN take sensible steps to end the endemic corruption that is blighting so many reserves!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
BC would be forced to make all kinds of deals with Washington State, Idaho, etc in order to avoid AB as a transportation corridor, and understanding how myopic they are on the issues, I can't see that being an easy task.

The ultimate irony would be that they are forced to come to the table and actually develop a functional agreement on trade and access.
Best case would be Alberta takeing over the BC government and send the anti everything crowd to one of those bastions of socialism like Venezuela.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Let Vancouver and Victoria become their own province. We could call it .....Lala land. The rest of us are tired of watching prosparity pass us by.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
They should just exit BC.

They're fine with Quebec not waning a pipeline.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Let Vancouver and Victoria become their own province. We could call it .....Lala land. The rest of us are tired of watching prosparity pass us by.

And make Richmond a free economic zone like Hong Kong. Hmmm... Vancouver would wallow in recession while Richmond would boom. A nice economic experiment in the making.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They didn't want one so Edmonton,Regina and Winnipeg got them.

Too late now.

BTW you are thinking of Shenzhen.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
They didn't want one so Edmonton,Regina and Winnipeg got them.

Too late now.

BTW you are thinking of Shenzhen.

Technically Shenzhen is a 'Special Economic Zone' and Hong Kong a 'Special Administrative Region.' Outside of official contexts though, Shenzhen is a very light version of a free economic zone. Hong Kong goes much farther in that respect.

When we consider Canada's language requirements of Canada's labeling and packaging laws, Canadian-content requirements, foreign telecom restrictions, supply management, etc. etc. etc. I think Canada could benefit from free economic zones modeled on Hong Kong too. May I propose all land within ten kilometres of any Canadian river, sea, or ocean port and maybe even expand it to the entire city in which the port is located.

That would include, among others, all of the ports on this list:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Federal designation as a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) will help the Global Transportation Hub (GTH) “level the playing field” with competitors and attract more tenants to the 1,800-acre logistics, storage and distribution centre west of Regina, says Bryan Richards, president and CEO of the GTH.

“The potential for clients to be eligible for exemptions and duty deferrals and tariff deferrals is a significant addition to our unique value proposition,” Richard said in an interview Monday.

This puts us on a level playing field with other Canadian locations and global locations in this key area.”

On Monday, the province announced the federal government had approved GTH as an FTZ, a “federally authorized location where imported goods may be stored, processed or assembled without being subject to import duties.”

An FTZ gives companies in the import and export business the ability to reduce and eliminate trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas and compliance costs, which lowers operating costs and gets goods to market faster and more efficiently.

Economy Minister Bill Boyd, minister responsible for the GTH, said in a press release that FTZ status “opens the door to additional market opportunities and foreign investors, which we expect will create more economic growth and jobs in Saskatchewan.

“Being declared an FTZ puts the GTH on a more level playing field with other global locations and showcases Saskatchewan as a more attractive trading partner.” The GTH is now one of only six regions in Canada granted FTZ status. In Western Canada, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver all have FTZ status. “It’s just a competitive advantage from our perspective,” Richards said.

Established five years ago, the GTH has attracted $485 million in private investment and created nearly 800 jobs by clients, such as CP Rail, Loblaw Companies, Consolidated Fastfrate, Emterra and Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Corp. A self-governing inland port authority, the GTH is situated near the CP Rail main line and close to two major highways.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017

Federal designation as a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) will help the Global Transportation Hub (GTH) “level the playing field” with competitors and attract more tenants to the 1,800-acre logistics, storage and distribution centre west of Regina, says Bryan Richards, president and CEO of the GTH.

“The potential for clients to be eligible for exemptions and duty deferrals and tariff deferrals is a significant addition to our unique value proposition,” Richard said in an interview Monday.

This puts us on a level playing field with other Canadian locations and global locations in this key area.”

On Monday, the province announced the federal government had approved GTH as an FTZ, a “federally authorized location where imported goods may be stored, processed or assembled without being subject to import duties.”

An FTZ gives companies in the import and export business the ability to reduce and eliminate trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas and compliance costs, which lowers operating costs and gets goods to market faster and more efficiently.

Economy Minister Bill Boyd, minister responsible for the GTH, said in a press release that FTZ status “opens the door to additional market opportunities and foreign investors, which we expect will create more economic growth and jobs in Saskatchewan.

“Being declared an FTZ puts the GTH on a more level playing field with other global locations and showcases Saskatchewan as a more attractive trading partner.” The GTH is now one of only six regions in Canada granted FTZ status. In Western Canada, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver all have FTZ status. “It’s just a competitive advantage from our perspective,” Richards said.

Established five years ago, the GTH has attracted $485 million in private investment and created nearly 800 jobs by clients, such as CP Rail, Loblaw Companies, Consolidated Fastfrate, Emterra and Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Corp. A self-governing inland port authority, the GTH is situated near the CP Rail main line and close to two major highways.

So if I move there, do I still need to label and package retail goods that I sell locally in both official languages, am I exempted from Canadian content rules, can foreign telecoms set up shop and offer me deals, can I import food products freely tariff free and so bypass the supply management system, etc. etc. etc.?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do you know how little it takes? Print your label and glue it on the box it was imported in.

Another thing...

Look for the "Assembled in Canada" label coming soon to a box store near you.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Do you know how little it takes? Print your label and glue it on the box it was imported in.

Another thing...

Look for the "Assembled in Canada" label coming soon to a box store near you.

You still need to hire a translator and someone else to stick the label on each product. By the way, does the minimum wage apply in that zone?

And what about Canadian content on TV? The Canadian version of a free trade zone is insignificant compared to what could be possible.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why? Have you never heard of OEM?

The labels are printed locally, slapped on while crossdocking from sea cans to Canadian Tire trucks.

It cuts BC out. Seacans come straight off the ship, dropped on rail and are cracked open in Regina by CBSA.

Go down to CT and look at boxes that have product details glued on the box.