ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Treason is treason and mostly, it has a sordid history of betrayal and failure.

True enough in a sense. The Scholl siblings and other members of the White Rose were tried and executed and Hasegawa Teru died a sad death in exile in China.

How about we call it an amicable split, kinda like a divorce without smashing all of the crockery

Open borders at least?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
True enough in a sense. The Scholl siblings and other members of the White Rose were tried and executed and Hasegawa Teru died a sad death in exile in China.

Treason relates to actions against one's country... I the example we have going on here, we really have to define what is the country from the POV of AB (or any province) and the ROC.

In teh end, we are not in any way a unified nation... It's only a function of time before things change

Open borders at least?

Well, borders for sure


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
How about stringing you traitors up in a row and leaving your carcasses hanging for the Ravens to peck out your eyes?

You seem to take much glee in describing torture like that. I'd hate to know what kind of fetishes you're into in the bedroom.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Treason relates to actions against one's country... I the example we have going on here, we really have to define what is the country from the POV of AB (or any province) and the ROC.

In teh end, we are not in any way a unified nation... It's only a function of time before things change

Well, borders for sure

Speaking of reality, you really think Western provinces could separate from Canada and just shut the new borders down without major economic consequences? Consider how many Canadians marry inter-provincially.

You connect sex with capital punishment in your world?

Yeah, that's a little extreme. My masochism doesn't go nearly that far.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
How about stringing you traitors up in a row and leaving your carcasses hanging for the Ravens to peck out your eyes?

You ought to load-up the mini van and come out West and take care of business.

... Don't forget to bring a good supply of sharp pointy sticks

Speaking of reality, you really think Western provinces could separate from Canada and just shut the new borders down without major economic consequences? Consider how many Canadians marry inter-provincially.

people marry 'internationally' as well... Doesn't seem to be a big issue

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Speaking of reality, you really think Western provinces could separate from Canada and just shut the new borders down without major economic consequences? Consider how many Canadians marry inter-provincially.

Yeah, that's a little extreme. My masochism doesn't go nearly that far.

It must or it wouldn't have come to mind. The execution method mentioned earlier is relatively humane and mild compared to what has happened to traitors historically. The traditional English method includes evisceration, drawing and quartering. North Korea does in traitors with anti-aircraft artillery.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
You ought to load-up the mini van and come out West and take care of business.

... Don't forget to bring a good supply of sharp pointy sticks

people marry 'internationally' as well... Doesn't seem to be a big issue

the scale is much larger. My point was our economies are far more integrated than they are with those of other states.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
... And nations trade freely every day.

Fact is, it's easier to trade with the US than it is inter-provincially.

Like I said, this is the natural progression regardless of what province(s) you are talking about


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Time for you to your state alliegance to your country, or go back to the Steppe. You wouldn't be the first sort-of Canadian immigrant family who didn't believe in your country. It is a problem in certain places. They like that goodies that came with immigration to Canada, then they turn around and bite us, ungrateful wretches.

Love it or leave it.

Did you just experience a flashback?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
When the oil's gone, a have-not region with a history of of "not getting along" will be trying to negotiate re-entry into the Canadian federation. I won't be around to see it but my grandchildren will be.

Well considering we have the world s 3rd largest oil reserve, it's going to be awhile before we run out. By then, technology will have improved, and other sources will be viable. Right now, that's not the case and so the greenies better get used to it. Besides, Alberta oil is the oil that is most demand and we need market prices so that everyone can benefit. Until I see people who are so anti-oil throw away their phones, go bare feet in winter, refuse to fly anywhere, get rid of their computers and either get a horse or donkey to travel, they are simply being hypocrites of the worst kind. Our country has thrived on oil and gas and will continue to do so for many, many years. So lets get reasonable: get rid of foreign money that is supplying the protesters so that they can get real jobs and lets get that pipeline built. That's the bottom line


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well considering we have the world s 3rd largest oil reserve, it's going to be awhile before we run out. By then, technology will have improved, and other sources will be viable. Right now, that's not the case and so the greenies better get used to it. Besides, Alberta oil is the oil that is most demand and we need market prices so that everyone can benefit. Until I see people who are so anti-oil throw away their phones, go bare feet in winter, refuse to fly anywhere, get rid of their computers and either get a horse or donkey to travel, they are simply being hypocrites of the worst kind. Our country has thrived on oil and gas and will continue to do so for many, many years. So lets get reasonable: get rid of foreign money that is supplying the protesters so that they can get real jobs and lets get that pipeline built. That's the bottom line


So you want to separate from Canada so that you can have more money. The richest part of the country demands more, more, more, or else! Greed over love of your country ...


The worst kind of grasping, snivelling traitors, too.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Batoche is in Saskatchewan.

Alberta leaving Canada? HAHAHAHA!!!! NDP nitwits are counting on Ottawa to BAIL THEM OUT after they hit the debt wall!

Here are some fun questions that LIE-berals don’t want us to ask:

Why do LIEberals consider it more environmentally dangerous to use pipelines to ship Alberta oil to Ontari-owe and Quebec than it is to run oil tankers up the Atlantic coast from Venezuela? The question is especially valid since Ottawa has in place much more stringent regulations for Cdn oil producers than Venezuela!

Why are LIE-berals complacent about oil tankers on the east coast and getting berserk over tankers on the west coast? Is it because LIE-berals truly want to shut down ALL oil production in Canada as Our idiot Boy has told us he would? And does it give LIE-berals even one moment of worry when they contemplate the economic upheaval their polices will have on our lives?

There is damning evidence that Our idiot Boy Justin holds the same sort of anti western and anti “Cdn Imperialist” values as his father Pierre did. So why is Our idiot Boy so determined that we should keep buying oil for eastern Canada from socialist pest hole Venezuela instead of simply putting Cdns to work and shipping Alberta oil to eastern Canada? Unless Our idiot Boy is exactly the sort of socialist anti Cdn and anti white airhead that I suspect him of being?

Former prime minister Stephen Harper took a lot of flack for refusing to sign on to the Kyoto Accord because he considered it an ineffectual waste of time- with the added bonus that it would cost Cdns major money in the form of carbon credits that would be purchased in corrupt third world countries so they could “reduce their carbon foot print”! But why have LIE-berals not explained HOW carbon credits will reduce third world use of carbon! In fact- simply handing Cdn cash to third world govt looks if it will push UP carbon use in those countries! After all, we have proof that those with more money WILL have a larger carbon foot print!

LIE-berals do not want us to ask what will happen to any carbon credit money we send to third world countries! Should we suspect that if third world govts that are showered with Cdn carbon cash will splurge on new toys for their people- things like motorcycles and cars and energy gobbling air conditioners in that tropical heat- things LIE-berals want to forcibly restrict OUR use of? And how does that reduce third world carbon footprint? Or ours either?

If Kyoto Accord was such a useful tool- that many govts signed onto- then why is the weather getting even more erratic as the years go by? If Kyoto was worth the paper it was printed on surely we would see SOME improvement in air quality by now?

If the Kyoto Accord was such a useful thing then why has it been replaced by the even less effective Paris Accord?

Our idiot Boy Justin is very hyped about the Paris Climate Accord- except that the Paris Accord is merely a remake of Kyoto- MINUS the foreign aid/carbon credit crap tax scam! Govt leaders have posted pie in the sky goals for reducing carbon output but there are no penalties for not reaching those goals. In addition each govt submits its own carbon output “results” with No mechanism in place to verify ANY of the political hot air being spewed by virtue signalling hypocrite LIE-berals around the world! So who wants to claim Paris Accord is a valid climate step forward under these vague, corrupt and ineffectual terms?

LIE-berals insist that burning coal is EVIL- so why did Ontari-owe LIE-berals buy shares in a Yankee company that uses coal in some of its electrical generators?

LIE-berals insist they are good money managers- but when they bought into that Yankee power generating company that burns coal- they also bought into the massive pollution lawsuit the company is LOSING- and Cdn “shareholders” WILL have to pay their share of clean up and legal costs and how is this good for Cdn tax payers? Unless of course it is the LIE-beral plan to reduce us to such a financial mess that we are reduced to a bankrupt and helpless state- living where, how and when LIE-berals PERMIT- while they suck up ALL the gravy!

In related news- British Columbia premier Horgan is very hostile to the Kinder Morgan oil pipe line coming to his province- so how come he is not more upset that Port of Vancouver exports more coal than any other sea port in all of North America? Isn’t burning coal a BAD thing according to hypocrite LIE-berals?

Most of the coal exported from Vancouver goes to China- with much of it used for steel production and no coal means no steel so that cannot be changed- but an increasing amount of that B.C. coal is used for electrical generation and could we not aid China to reduce air pollution by selling them cleaner burning natural gas? If only two faced LIE-berals would get out of the way and allow gas pipelines to be built for the export market?

LIE-berals insist that natural gas is cleaner burning than coal and they also insist that “fracking” - the injection of massive quantities of chemicals including sulphuric acid into the ground to aid that gas production is a bad thing- so why not expand the Saskatchewan market for natural gas being produced WITHOUT any “fracking”? Or should we assume that LIE-berals are more interested in screwing western voters- that do NOT LIKE LIE-berals- than they are in providing the world with cleaner fuel- and putting Cdns to work as well? How many economic opportunities are LIE-berals prepared to waste out of spite and that insane support for the Trudope crusade against “Cdn Imperialism”?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well considering we have the world s 3rd largest oil reserve, it's going to be awhile before we run out. By then, technology will have improved, and other sources will be viable. Right now, that's not the case and so the greenies better get used to it. Besides, Alberta oil is the oil that is most demand and we need market prices so that everyone can benefit. Until I see people who are so anti-oil throw away their phones, go bare feet in winter, refuse to fly anywhere, get rid of their computers and either get a horse or donkey to travel, they are simply being hypocrites of the worst kind. Our country has thrived on oil and gas and will continue to do so for many, many years. So lets get reasonable: get rid of foreign money that is supplying the protesters so that they can get real jobs and lets get that pipeline built. That's the bottom line


I don't know if you've noticed but I've sure noticed that the "Greenies" are the most ignorant on the subject. There has been at least one poster on here, likely a few who have suggested quit using oil products immediately and start using waves and windmills. Tough to argue with that logic. :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How about we call it an amicable split, kinda like a divorce without smashing all of the crockery

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! LIE-berals recycling OLD IDEAS! Global trade hubs indeed!!!! Its just LIE-berals offering up tax deals to corporations in exchange for votes! The first and newest "clients" such as CP Rail ALREADY do business in Canada! But CP workers were threatening to strike recently -so Captain Canada flies in from his secret LIE-beral lair to dump cash on the corporations!

And....here is a FUN QUESTION: "whatever happened to the LIE-beral WHINERS who were telling us only days ago that corporate taxes were TOO LOW"?

Funny how SILENT the "raise corporate taxes now" brigade have become now that LIE-berals have ridden to the fiscal rescue of CP Rail and other big name clients!

LIE-beral policy is a nasty pack of turds spinning in a FLUSHED political toilet!

Here is another article illustrating FAILED LIE-beral policies. With some comments of my own in brackets):

EDITORIAL: When it's broken, Wynne's Liberals don't fix it

Postmedia News. Published: December 9, 2017. Updated: December 9, 2017 8:00 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials


EDITORIAL: Ontarians suffering because of Wynne's hydro legacy
MARIN: Liberals embrace politics of fear and exaggeration
FORD: King Street pilot project a disaster

While Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s annual report on Ontario government blunders in the electricity sector uncovered millions of dollars of waste this year instead of billions, it also revealed something especially disturbing.

That is that electricity regulators haven’t fixed easily correctable problems they’ve known about for up to 15 years, that could have saved Ontarians at least $100 million on their hydro bills and probably more.

True, these numbers pale in comparison to Lysyk’s previous findings that, for example, the government is spending $9.2 billion more than necessary over 20 years on inflated prices for wind and solar power because it ignored the advice of its own energy experts.

(LIE-berals ignored the experts because they NEED the extra gravy from hydro price gouging so they can buy civil service union Hog votes and thus cling to power at ANY price!)

But Lysyk’s findings this year on the operations of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), provide insight on why these financial disasters keep happening.

It’s that Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government, and before her Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal government, have failed to fix problems costing Ontarians money on their electricity bills, even in cases where they’ve been aware of them since they came to power in 2003.

As Lysyk put it: “The IESO has not implemented some important recommendations made by the Ontario Energy Board’s Market Surveillance Panel over the last 15 years that could have saved Ontarians millions of dollars on their hydro bills.”

(LIE-berals have ignored all manner of public ripp offs because it gains THEM more gravy! Its why they have ignored door to door sales rip offs for years as they LIKE the extra sales tax those deceptive sales thieves bring in with their deceptive sales practices and higher prices! A customer CAN contact one of the news media watch dogs and can sometimes get a full refund from the company- but LIE-berals KEEP the sales tax and do not refund it- it is incentive for LIE-berals NOT to regulate sleazy sales people! Fortunately- the screams of public outrage over deceptive sales practices have grown loud enough that LIE-berrals are bringing in new legislation that MAY restrict the price gouging- or not- we shall see!) )

Lysyk focused on two programs that compensate power generators for their incidental costs, the Standby Cost Recovery Program and the Lost Profit Recovery Program.

The Standby Cost Recovery Program, Lysyk found, continues to pay natural gas generators about $30 million per year more than necessary, despite the OEB recommending it be scaled back because it’s almost never needed.

Lysyk also found that between 2006 and 2015, this program paid out up to $260 million in ineligible expenses to natural gas and coal power generators — Ontario stopped using coal in 2014 — of which only $168 million has been recovered.

That means the public paid almost $100 million on their hydro bills for claims from power generators that had nothing to do with the cost of running power equipment on standby, such as staff car washes, carpet cleaning, road repairs, landscaping, scuba gear, raccoon traps, coveralls and parkas.

Lysyk also found the Lost Profit Recovery Program has cost the public millions of dollars more — no one’s really sure of how much more — because power generators and large industrial electricity consumers take unfair advantage of it.

This even though the OEB warned when the program started in 2002 — the Liberals came to power in 2003 — that participants would be able to misuse it to receive payments for lost profits that never actually occurred.

It’s one thing for a government to make mistakes and fix them.

The problem with Ontario’s Liberal government is that it ignores mistakes even when it knows about them.

(As I have said before- it’s a “mistake” if it’s a one time thing but its STANDARD POLICY if you get good use of it and refuse to change it as LIE-berals are refusing- because they NEED that gravy to BUY Hog votes!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So you want to separate from Canada so that you can have more money. The richest part of the country demands more, more, more, or else! Greed over love of your country ...


The worst kind of grasping, snivelling traitors, too.
Go yell at Quebec , they have a political party who’s whole reason of being is the separation of Quebec from Canada . And up until Harperchanged the law we paid them to operate .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Go yell at Quebec , they have a political party who’s whole reason of being is the separation of Quebec from Canada . And up until Harperchanged the law we paid them to operate .

Go yell at both nests of traitors.