How about we call it an amicable split, kinda like a divorce without smashing all of the crockery
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! LIE-berals recycling OLD IDEAS! Global trade hubs indeed!!!! Its just LIE-berals offering up tax deals to corporations in exchange for votes! The first and newest "clients" such as CP Rail ALREADY do business in Canada! But CP workers were threatening to strike recently -so Captain Canada flies in from his secret LIE-beral lair to dump cash on the corporations! is a FUN QUESTION: "whatever happened to the LIE-beral WHINERS who were telling us only days ago that corporate taxes were TOO LOW"?
Funny how SILENT the "raise corporate taxes now" brigade have become now that LIE-berals have ridden to the fiscal rescue of CP Rail and other big name clients!
LIE-beral policy is a nasty pack of turds spinning in a FLUSHED political toilet!
Here is another article illustrating FAILED LIE-beral policies. With some comments of my own in brackets):
EDITORIAL: When it's broken, Wynne's Liberals don't fix it
Postmedia News. Published: December 9, 2017. Updated: December 9, 2017 8:00 PM EST
Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials
EDITORIAL: Ontarians suffering because of Wynne's hydro legacy
MARIN: Liberals embrace politics of fear and exaggeration
FORD: King Street pilot project a disaster
While Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s annual report on Ontario government blunders in the electricity sector uncovered millions of dollars of waste this year instead of billions, it also revealed something especially disturbing.
That is that electricity regulators haven’t fixed easily correctable problems they’ve known about for up to 15 years, that could have saved Ontarians at least $100 million on their hydro bills and probably more.
True, these numbers pale in comparison to Lysyk’s previous findings that, for example, the government is spending $9.2 billion more than necessary over 20 years on inflated prices for wind and solar power because it ignored the advice of its own energy experts.
(LIE-berals ignored the experts because they NEED the extra gravy from hydro price gouging so they can buy civil service union Hog votes and thus cling to power at ANY price!)
But Lysyk’s findings this year on the operations of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), provide insight on why these financial disasters keep happening.
It’s that Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government, and before her Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal government, have failed to fix problems costing Ontarians money on their electricity bills, even in cases where they’ve been aware of them since they came to power in 2003.
As Lysyk put it: “The IESO has not implemented some important recommendations made by the Ontario Energy Board’s Market Surveillance Panel over the last 15 years that could have saved Ontarians millions of dollars on their hydro bills.”
(LIE-berals have ignored all manner of public ripp offs because it gains THEM more gravy! Its why they have ignored door to door sales rip offs for years as they LIKE the extra sales tax those deceptive sales thieves bring in with their deceptive sales practices and higher prices! A customer CAN contact one of the news media watch dogs and can sometimes get a full refund from the company- but LIE-berals KEEP the sales tax and do not refund it- it is incentive for LIE-berals NOT to regulate sleazy sales people! Fortunately- the screams of public outrage over deceptive sales practices have grown loud enough that LIE-berrals are bringing in new legislation that MAY restrict the price gouging- or not- we shall see!) )
Lysyk focused on two programs that compensate power generators for their incidental costs, the Standby Cost Recovery Program and the Lost Profit Recovery Program.
The Standby Cost Recovery Program, Lysyk found, continues to pay natural gas generators about $30 million per year more than necessary, despite the OEB recommending it be scaled back because it’s almost never needed.
Lysyk also found that between 2006 and 2015, this program paid out up to $260 million in ineligible expenses to natural gas and coal power generators — Ontario stopped using coal in 2014 — of which only $168 million has been recovered.
That means the public paid almost $100 million on their hydro bills for claims from power generators that had nothing to do with the cost of running power equipment on standby, such as staff car washes, carpet cleaning, road repairs, landscaping, scuba gear, raccoon traps, coveralls and parkas.
Lysyk also found the Lost Profit Recovery Program has cost the public millions of dollars more — no one’s really sure of how much more — because power generators and large industrial electricity consumers take unfair advantage of it.
This even though the OEB warned when the program started in 2002 — the Liberals came to power in 2003 — that participants would be able to misuse it to receive payments for lost profits that never actually occurred.
It’s one thing for a government to make mistakes and fix them.
The problem with Ontario’s Liberal government is that it ignores mistakes even when it knows about them.
(As I have said before- it’s a “mistake” if it’s a one time thing but its STANDARD POLICY if you get good use of it and refuse to change it as LIE-berals are refusing- because they NEED that gravy to BUY Hog votes!)